Originally posted by Prophecy
I noticed I haven't seen Droz in ages, the Dynamite Kid was in a period when I wasn't watching wrestling. So I guess what i'm saying is, what happened to those guys?
I'm afraid I don't know what happened to Dynamite Kid, but I can tell you what happened to Droz.
Droz had his neck broken and was made a quadriplegic in a match with D'Lo Brown when D'Lo botched a running power-bomb and dropped Droz on his head. Last I remember Droz was doing some sort of talk show thing for the WWE but I don't know where he's at now.
Oh yeah, and Goldberg will probably win the title, because I can't imagine Vinnie Mac wanting to waste all the money he must have spent to get Goldberg to sign. It would also make for some interesting stories as Evolution tries to regain the gold.