1) The current HBK, or the old one? Theres a difference. The current one screams "I'm trying to relive my past!" The old one was "I'm trying to prove I'm not Bret Hart"
I hate you for liking HHH.
I love you for liking Jericho.
2) Jeff Hardy has some skills. Yes. But he is solely an entertainer who can pull off some good looking moves. However, technically, I have to say that Matt Hardy is, and was, the better wrestler of the two.
6) Mysterio rocks, but I'm tired of the same 4 moves every match. I want WWE to let him tryout some new stuff, and get him into the ring with Ultimo Dragon, Psikosis, and Amazing Red. Now THAT would be an entertaining match. Hell, lets toss Spanky (penis) in there too.
7) Edge rocked. He's still healing, with expected return sometime next year from his neck surgury. I believe he went for a fusing, instead of the repair that Angle opted for. Fusing takes longer to heal.
8) RVD is "The Whole Damn Show!!" I wish he was on smackdown. No reason. I just wish he was on smackdown. And bring Matt Hardy back to RAW!!

But their current characters (okay, RVD's ONLY character) just don't fit the definitions of each show.
RAW=Entertainment (har)
Smackdown=Wrassling (

Jeebus... an ironman match on Smackdown? Isn't that a wee bit long? I mean, the shows only 120 minutes, minus ten 5 minutes commercial breaks, minus 20 minutes of McMahon airtime, minus 8 minutes of bantering between Tazz and Cole, minus a 4 minute bikini show, minus a 6 minute Benoit screwjob. That leaves what, 32 minutes for a ironman match?!??!?