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Old 06-13-2003, 03:45 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Anyone find pics or video of the ring collapsing? I know it was staged, and was supposed to happen... BUT I MISSED IT!!!

I really don't like watching BigShmo wrestle. So I generally leave the room, turn off the tv, sleep, poop, etc. whenever he is in the ring. I know, I know, it was a title match against Brock... But I don't like watching BigShmo!!
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Old 06-13-2003, 03:59 PM   #82 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
I'm sure it'll be floating around on Kazaa in a few days, if I had the means to I'd upload my tape of it.
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Old 06-15-2003, 10:33 AM   #83 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Some of the stuff that goes on in the chatroom, #TFP - Its not like we talk aboot wrestling all the time in there. Its just we have nothing better to do with ourselves when it gets slow in there. Nothing earth-shattering in here. Just for a quick read.


[23:18:53] (.04Spleen.) all i watch regulary - wrestling, coupling, and cheap music videos. aside from the usual dose of the disney channel and cartoons
[23:19:09] (HeyAgain|TFP) wrestling is so fake, how the hell can you stand it
[23:19:20] (.04Spleen.) because I know its fake, and i accept it
[23:19:34] (HeyAgain|TFP) but the actors in wwe, are so old now
[23:19:44] (.04Spleen.) only because vinniemac is in retromode
[23:19:52] (.04Spleen.) gotta use them now before they retire
[23:20:47] (HeyAgain|TFP) but there are no new characters to cheer for, only over 40 geezers
[23:21:01] (.04Spleen.) all the mid-cardders aren't getting any major air time
[23:21:17] (.04Spleen.) Look for the hurricane, lance storm, Y2J, Matt Hardy
[23:21:33] (.04Spleen.) well, lance and y2j are kinda old... but they are younger than the saggy boobs
[23:21:40] (HeyAgain|TFP) all old characters who won't be pushed by vince
[23:21:49] (.04Spleen.) not really
[23:22:03] (.04Spleen.) all the old characters ARE being pushed by vince
[23:22:47] (HeyAgain|TFP) they should just rejoin smackdown and raw roster and rid of the old guys
[23:22:59] (.04Spleen.) if they did that, they would need to cut a lot of talent
[23:23:08] (.04Spleen.) the old guys don't even make up half of the total roster
[23:23:17] (HeyAgain|TFP) that's the point, time to move on, and not hang on to the old guys
[23:23:28] (.04Spleen.) what about the mid-carders?
[23:23:37] (.04Spleen.) you can't have a show based on 40 wrestlers
[23:23:53] (.04Spleen.) and vinniemac sure as heck isn't going to cut the headliners
[23:23:56] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes you can, there is barely any wrestling, all talk
[23:24:16] (.04Spleen.) theres more wrestling than you would think. dark matches, house shows, non-televised events
[23:24:34] (.04Spleen.) but if you have 40 people on air regulary, you turn into WCW
[23:24:36] (HeyAgain|TFP) house shows aren't drawing
[23:24:48] (.04Spleen.) a bunch of wrestlers that no one recognizes, and 4 main characters
[23:25:04] (.04Spleen.) House shows always have low numbers. its because no one wants to see jobbers.
[23:25:40] (HeyAgain|TFP) wwe has to retool, with new characters
[23:25:53] (.04Spleen.) they need better script writers
[23:25:59] (.04Spleen.) the characters are fine
[23:26:36] (HeyAgain|TFP) val venis was reintroduce, and the dudley boys are freakin lame
[23:26:49] (.04Spleen.) the dudley boys haven't had a good angle in months
[23:26:56] (.04Spleen.) and there are no good tag teams to go against them
[23:27:01] (HeyAgain|TFP) hawk and road warrior, oh god
[23:27:19] (.04Spleen.) what aboot them?
[23:27:23] * Hal watches Spleen and HeyAgain play duelling banjos in irc
[23:27:26] (HeyAgain|TFP) who's next, sting, and lex?
[23:27:31] (.04Spleen.) sting isn't coming to WWE
[23:27:38] (.04Spleen.) and lex can die a miserable death
[23:27:50] (HeyAgain|TFP) who has can you bring back
[23:27:54] (HeyAgain|TFP) ultimate warrior
[23:28:05] (HeyAgain|TFP) big boss man
[23:28:09] (.04Spleen.) ultimate warrior severed ties with vinnie a long time ago
[23:28:10] (HeyAgain|TFP) jake the snake
[23:28:17] (.04Spleen.) Big boss man is a trainer in OVW
[23:28:23] (.04Spleen.) jake roberts doesn't wrestle anymore
[23:28:33] (Hal) I had ultimate warrior wrist sweat bands
[23:28:41] (.04Spleen.) I had the bicep wraps
[23:29:00] (HeyAgain|TFP) what about the million dollar man?
[23:29:11] (.04Spleen.) he's way too old, and doesn't wrestle anymore
[23:29:14] (GakFace|TFP) Just got done with lazertag
[23:29:23] (GakFace|TFP) I heard someone give me a nickname...
[23:29:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) trying to recall wwe wrestlers from the arcade game
[23:30:12] (HeyAgain|TFP) what happen to that fat wrestler who jumped up and down, from the arcade game
[23:30:18] (.04Spleen.) earthquake
[23:30:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes
[23:30:28] (.04Spleen.) he has his own wrestling school
[23:30:52] (HeyAgain|TFP) the tag team with kiss makeup?
[23:31:02] (.04Spleen.) who?
[23:31:08] (.04Spleen.) oh
[23:31:13] (.04Spleen.) demolition
[23:31:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) from the arcade machine
[23:31:31] (.04Spleen.) yeah, demolition
[23:32:03] (HeyAgain|TFP) where are they now?
[23:32:03] (.04Spleen.) ax was fired, smash is in the indies, crush is doing something and most likely will not wrestle for vinnie anytime soon
[23:33:02] (HeyAgain|TFP) any more characters from the acrade?
[23:33:13] (.04Spleen.) mr perfect
[23:33:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) RIP
[23:33:28] (.04Spleen.) yup
[23:34:04] (HeyAgain|TFP) the only gimmick that I really liked in wwe, usa versus canada
[23:34:23] (.04Spleen.) lance storm
[23:34:37] (HeyAgain|TFP) the french guy, jacque something
[23:34:44] (.04Spleen.) the quebecers
[23:34:49] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes
[23:35:33] (HeyAgain|TFP) don't really like the characters, hbk, disease, and goldberg in wwe
[23:35:59] (.04Spleen.) goldberg sucks ass, hbk is a manwhore, and i have no idea who disesase is
[23:36:10] (HeyAgain|TFP) the tall dude
[23:36:24] (.04Spleen.) kevin nash
[23:36:39] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes, that guy who walks to the ring to help someone out
[23:37:12] (HeyAgain|TFP) and hhh sucks ass
[23:37:50] (.04Spleen.) especially with his HHHtribute title
[23:38:20] (HeyAgain|TFP) he didn't even win the belt, he got it by default didn't he?
[23:38:47] (.04Spleen.) bitchoff gave it to him when he reinstated the heavyweight title
[23:38:56] (.04Spleen.) aka "WCW CHAMPION"
[23:39:12] (.04Spleen.) he's had it for around 7 months so far
[23:39:16] (HeyAgain|TFP) and rick flair and hogan should be banned from ever wrestling again
[23:39:24] (.04Spleen.) flair rocks, hogans okay
[23:39:35] (HeyAgain|TFP) old geezers
[23:39:41] (.04Spleen.) saggyman boobies
[23:39:42] (HeyAgain|TFP) way too old to wrestle
[23:39:52] (.04Spleen.) hogans not a wrestler
[23:39:55] (.04Spleen.) he's a brawler
[23:40:07] (HeyAgain|TFP) nah, it is just not believable anymore
[23:40:24] (.04Spleen.) its not supposed to be believable. its supposed to be entertaining
[23:40:42] (HeyAgain|TFP) no, i mean the matches between the geezers and semi-geezers
[23:41:02] (.04Spleen.) eh, its just like womans wrestling
[23:41:22] (.04Spleen.) they aren't able to sell anything really well, and they're timing is off
[23:41:49] (HeyAgain|TFP) yup, yet they still wrestler to PROVE themselves
[23:41:50] (.04Spleen.) they're = their
[23:42:05] (.04Spleen.) they have nothing to prove. its all for the money, and the adulation
[23:42:31] (.04Spleen.) eveything they do now is to show the world that they still have something
[23:42:38] (.04Spleen.) what it is, i have no idea.
[23:42:41] (HeyAgain|TFP) yup, millions
[23:43:05] (.04Spleen.) millions of scars
[23:43:57] (HeyAgain|TFP) millions of dollars for gymnastic moves
[23:44:14] (.04Spleen.) what gymnastics? they always land on their backs
[23:46:17] (HeyAgain|TFP) that's true, but i wouldn't mind see more matches that make sense, not random wrestler wrestling another random wrestler
[23:46:44] (.04Spleen.) like i said, the writing team needs to get fixed
[23:47:01] (.04Spleen.) they're the ones that are making all these lame angles
[23:47:17] (.04Spleen.) they forgot how to carry a story over a few PPV's
[23:47:26] (HeyAgain|TFP) the one wrestler that I really like is the one-legged wrestler, that is just amazing
[23:47:36] (.04Spleen.) gowan is great
[23:47:46] (.04Spleen.) tenacious Z
[23:48:32] (HeyAgain|TFP) why the hell did they remove that ecw writer from smackdown?
[23:48:41] (.04Spleen.) which one?
[23:48:54] (.04Spleen.) paul heyman?
[23:49:02] (HeyAgain|TFP) yeah him
[23:49:11] (.04Spleen.) him and vince didn't see eye to eye on things
[23:49:22] (HeyAgain|TFP) but he got that big slow over
[23:49:36] (.04Spleen.) big show needs all the help he can get.
[23:50:03] (.04Spleen.) I don't care too much for heyman. I like him behind the scenes, but he's a miserable onair talent
[23:50:21] (.04Spleen.) but heymans still with WWE, he's just low profile right now
[23:50:23] (HeyAgain|TFP) and he focused on matches not the speak-part of wrestling
[23:50:51] (.04Spleen.) because in ECW, there weren't any 15 minute speeches
[23:52:36] (HeyAgain|TFP) which was the good part of ecw, never got the chair throwing whistling guy
[23:53:01] (.04Spleen.) chair throwing whistling guy...
[23:53:11] (.04Spleen.) i know who you are talking about
[23:53:15] (.04Spleen.) but i can't name him
[23:53:27] (HeyAgain|TFP) that idiot with rvd all the time
[23:54:43] (.04Spleen.) i still can't name the guy
[23:54:51] (HeyAgain|TFP) Bill Alphonso
[23:55:29] (.04Spleen.) sure, why not
[23:55:37] (.04Spleen.) i want to see sabu..
[23:55:57] (HeyAgain|TFP) go see him live
[23:56:18] (.04Spleen.) too cheap
[23:56:31] (HeyAgain|TFP) he does a lot of shows in the city of SARS
[23:56:50] (.04Spleen.) beijing?
[23:56:54] (Hal) toronto?
[23:57:21] (HeyAgain|TFP) T.O. oh
[23:58:55] (HeyAgain|TFP) all the wwe rejects are up here a lot
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Old 06-15-2003, 05:51 PM   #84 (permalink)
Location: Lovely City #1
Okay I read all of the first page and then didn't read the second page (sorry I'm just too damn lazy) but in any case I haevn't really watched wrestling in a while but I have caught it off and on and have a few things to say.

1) I think personally Ric Flair should just stop wrestling. I mean he can show up and get hit or something but seriously I think he's worse than Hulk as far as a semi gut forming and him just being old.

2) I agree with women wrestling being a lot better now but honestly it still isn't that much more exciting to me....though I swear to god Stacy's legs look like they could just snap sometimes.
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Old 06-15-2003, 08:17 PM   #85 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Ric Flair is a better performer then Hogan. Ric can still walk the walk, talk the talk, blah blah blah blah blah. Hogan can... uhh... BROTHER!!!! I personally cannot stand Hogan right now. He has lost nearly all sense of timing, and is really pushing it when it comes to selling moves. I understand that he was a revolution, because I grew up during his reign in the 80's. Forget the saggy man boobs, I try to.

Stacy's not a wrestler. She's eye candy. And I'm hungry for some sweets.
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Old 06-16-2003, 06:42 AM   #86 (permalink)
Army of Me
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aish.. i just read the PPV results from last night.. im soo glad i didnt venture to Hooters to see that thing.. Any thoughts on it Spleenie?Anyone?
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Old 06-16-2003, 04:57 PM   #87 (permalink)
feeling tingly
Ric Flair may have saggy man boobs...okay, he DOES have saggy man boobs, but he still provides more entertainment and genuine charisma than 95% of the active wrestlers who happen to be younger and more fit.

You can keep your chiseled monsters. You can even keep your luchadors with their triple Bolivian planchas off the top of a cage.

Although I can appreciate both of them, I'll take someone who cares about the business, knows the history and can provide a full night of entertainment. He still gives better interviews than most, can generate more heat than most and I would still pay to see him.

There are few current wrestlers who qualify for those statements.
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 06-16-2003, 08:53 PM   #88 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Goldberg sucks, he has hurt more people than anybody, seriously.
Christian Rocks
Orton is gonna be huge
Maven impressed me tonight
HHH, I could care less about. Drop the belt please,,,,
Foley is good, as I quietly chant to myself (rock and sock, rock and sock) If only for onee night.
Kane without a MASK? I remember it before when he was Issac Yankem DDS. Brought in by the King to knock all of Bret Harts teeth out. OR as the Fake Diesel. No biggie.

Until next time...

Viva La Resistance!
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it!
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Old 06-16-2003, 10:28 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
My thoughts on RAW (and I'm not saying anything aboot Bad Blood cause I knew it was going to suck)


Al Snow was wearing a Hurricane T-Shirt on camera today!!!

Lance Storm is definitely going to get a major push in the coming weeks. Austin came out and talked aboot how boring the guy is. So what are we going to get? Storms most likely going to get a character change, and hopefully some new wrestling outfits. His red tights look like diapers.

Y2J saved another match. He makes everyone else look good. Plus, he is an incredibly quick thinker and can pull together a match. Case in point - Y2J was supposed to takedown Booker by the head, which would lead into the Lionsault. BUT Booker wasn't ready for the takedown. They landed in a small heap in the corner. But Jericho smartly picked up Booker and body slammed him in the center of the ring, which would lead back into the Lionsault as planned. Go Jericho!!

Holy crap!! Jackie Gayda looks GOOD.

Kane and the Mask. He's definitely going to lose it. There is no way that Triple H is going to lose the HHHeavyweigHHHt CHHHampionsHHHip on RAW, a non-payperview event, to Kane who, even though he was Tag Champion, was still doing mid-card events.

Mario -
Goldberg does suck. I hope he injures himself for real and retires.

Christian Rocks. He doesn't rock. He's my NEW People's Champion. Hell, I'm one of his peeps.

Orton is going to get injured again. I just know it.

Maven actually did a good job tonight. BUT J.R needs to stop bringing up Tough Enough whenever he's on camera. Maven still needs a little fine tuning though. And he needs to learn a few new moves.

Last edited by meanSpleen; 06-16-2003 at 10:31 PM..
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Old 06-17-2003, 05:08 AM   #90 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Location: Limbus Patrum
I remember when Maven had only two decent moves on camara. A whiplash to the ropes and a dropkick
La Disciplina È La Mia Spada,
La Fede È Il Mio Schermo,
Non salti Ciecamente In Incertezza,
E Potete Raccogliere Le Ricompense.

Last edited by Prophecy; 06-17-2003 at 07:37 AM..
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Old 06-17-2003, 06:56 AM   #91 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Originally posted by Prophecy
I remember when Maven had only two decent moves on camara. I whiplash to the ropes and a dropkick
Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday, wait, it was yesterday. Anyone else find it funny that the guy that lost Tough Enough (Chris Nowinski) has had a more successful career so far (if you call teaming with Rodney Mack success)?

I hope they don't screw up Kane's unmasking. How are they going to get around the whole "horribly disfigured in a fire" bit? I'm looking forward to it though, Kane's been in need of an overhaul for the longest time. Although I take it this means they won't be turning Kane heel, which I was hoping for.

I'm with meanspleen about Lance Storm too. I like the way Austin's been going around antagonizing wrestlers that need a fire lit under their asses.

Little disappointed in the quality of wrestling on RAW again this week, but at least there wasn't a 25 minute Vince-Mr. America segment, which is singlehandedly ruining Smackdown.

Jackie Gayda looked great, too bad Rico looked slow and sloppy, and couldn't get the crowd going. He looked like he took make-up lessons from Golddust too.

Best part of RAW for was that there was no sign of Kevin Nash. Although since HHH didn't wrestle, he didn't need to do his customary run-in (hobble-in) Stay the hell off my TV Kevin Nash.

Wow, what was going to be just a cheap crack at Maven's expense turned into a whole RAW review.
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Old 06-17-2003, 12:43 PM   #92 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
But rockzilla, we like RAW reviews!! It keeps life interesting. Heck, I did it myself

Hell yeah Nowinski's gonna be big. Remember that he's number (5?) on my favorite wrestlers list.

Concerning his character development, he may be white on the outside, but he's black on the inside. He was also tag champion with Mr. Jazz (Rodney Mack is Jazz's husband) in OVW. So they have actually been tagging together longer than you might have thought.
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Old 06-17-2003, 02:01 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Location: Houston, Texas
Cool Thread! I'll Start with my opinions on the Raw roster and I'll do Smackdown on the Next post...

Monday Night Raw
  • AL SNOW- I don't like the "trying to hard to be funny" Al Snow. I really like what he's done on Tough Enough. I'm still having a hard time forgiving Al for the "Pepper on a Pole" match against Big Bossman, though!
  • BATISTA- Great Look and I like the Direction he's going with Evolution, too bad he's injured right now. He's also Devon's "Bitch". If you're a smark, you'll know what I'm referring too...
  • BOOKER T- Gotta pull for my hometown hero that robbed a whataburger. I have even had the pleasure of waiting on him and his brother, surprisingly his brother, Stevie Ray (currently wrestling in Japan) is more charismatic and I'd love to see him come to the WWE as an announcer.
  • BRADSHAW- Another favorite Texan but he's physically starting to look sorry. Bitch tits and beer gut just don't look to masculine when you're wearing spandex tights. APA was a great tag team, and I heard they are gonna make a comeback soon..
  • BUBBA RAY DUDLEY- Decent on his own, but much better off with his "half" brother Devon. TLC was unforgettable. Legends were born from those Matches.
  • CHIEF MORLEY- Great look and I liked the old Val Venis Gimmick, but this new stick doesn't work. It appears as if he's going back to it.
  • CHRIS JERICHO- I loved him in WCW with my all-time favorite sidekick, his "Personal Security" RALPHUS. I'd pay to good money to see the WWE bring in Ralphus with Jericho again. I love the way he mocks his opponents. I hate the way they make him look like a sissy and coward sometimes. One of his best feuds was with the Rock when they were both baby faces. I remember this one scene where Jericho had cost them the match and later was bleeding like a stuck pig. While the paramedics were trying to patch him up and Rock gets in his face and Jericho didn't back down to him. He just got up and got in his face! very dramatic and intense, I remember they had to show that scene in B&W because of all the blood Jericho was letting go of.... Also, he has the best Intro of any wrestler out there currently. For those who don't know, he also recently took down Goldberg and put him in a facelock in an altercation backstage not to long ago!
  • CHRIS NOWINSKI- Surprisingly better than Maven, a natural Heel.
  • CHRISTIAN- Loved E&C but I'm not liking Christian on his own so far. Perhaps he needs a decent story-line or feud, I don't know...
  • D-VON DUDLEY- Not very interesting without his brother, although anyone who can make Batista their "bitch" has got my respect.
  • GOLDBERG- He's slowly killing the legend he once was.
  • GOLDUST- Funny, but over the top sometimes.
  • IVORY- Awesome wrestler and if she was about 20 years younger I'd say she would be the perfect diva. I also like her attitude. I hear that she talks "nasty" and has sex on the brain. She supposedly responsible for some of the sexual harassment (like comparing/measuring nipples) that Sable sued the WWE for.
  • JACQUELINE- Another Texan favorite. How she doesn't knock herself out with this watermelon fake tit's I'll never know. By far the toughest and stiffest of the female wrestlers.
  • JAZZ- Too me she's like a younger version of JACQUELINE before the boob job. One of the better female wrestlers and a decent heel.
  • JAMAL- never really cared for.
  • KANE- Needs good Storylines to keep him over. By far the most agile big man on the roster. It was good seeing him eventually start talking but they seem to be reverting him to the old Kane Persona. I am betting that soon they will have him unmask for a storyline, although he has commented in the past that he really likes being behind the mask. If you don't know what he looks like, think of an ugly version of Psycho Sid (Viscous / Justice).
  • KEVIN NASH- He should follow Undertaker's example.
  • LANCE STORM- To me, he's like Brett Hart without the Charisma. Damn fine wrestler, just needs a good story line and a personality.
  • LILIAN GARCIA- I think she's HOT! She should be a Diva. I want to see more of her involved in storylines like the time she took a bump from 3MW (although she did get hurt from that ) or the time she cussed out ?forgot? in Spanish...
  • MAVEN- Has a good look, and plays the part of "Rookie" perfectly. I hope to see him grow into a decent wrestler. I just hope it doesn't take him several more years to do it although it probably will...
  • MOLLY HOLLY- Excellent female wrestler, but I which she would change her look more often. She can look sexier when she wants too, which isn't often.
  • RANDY ORTON- Very good wrestler, too injury prone. Also a bit too cocky, but heels run in his family...
  • RENE DUPREE- newbie
  • RIC FLAIR- stop wrestling, just stop. A legend in wrestling, period. He should keep on passing the torch to the younger guys but he should stop trying to shove it up their asses.
  • RICO- I don't like his look or his persona, but I respect his enthusiasm. I'll keep watching him to see what new direction his character goes...
  • ROB VAN DAM- Awesome wrestler!, everyone said he wouldn't last but a few years wrestling with his hardcore acrobatic style, and he proves them wrong in every match since. I always look forward to seeing what he's going to do next. His persona needs some work though.
  • RODNEY MACK- needs to be in a tagteam.
  • ROSEY- boring
  • SCOTT STEINER- His time has come and gone. Roids have destroyed his career.
  • SHAWN MICHAELS- A younger legend but a legend none-the-less. He should be managing a stable or tag team.
  • SPIKE DUDLEY- The perfect 'meat target', gotta respect the bumps this guy can handel.
  • STACY KEIBLER- The finest fucking Diva on the Roster. No one can even compare to her legs, ass, and face. I love the way she's not afraid to flaunt her "assests" She'd be a perfect "10" if she ever decided to get breast enhancement but that would be risky. Personally I'd rather keep her as a perfect "9".
  • STEVEN RICHARDS- under utilized, great when he was leading Right To Censor, but sucks ass as a male valet.
  • STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN- There will never be another SCSA, 'nuff said.
  • SYLVAN GRENIER- newbie
  • TERRI- getting older, but I'd like to jugg fuck her just once for all the sexual teasing she has done over the years , lol btw, I think she was the one who won the nipple measuring contest.
  • TEST- Great look but boring persona. I first starting supporting Test during the Love her or Leaver Her Valantine's day massacre match with Shane McMahon. That was his best match in my opinion and the storyline was awesome. He's gone downhill since then, and they never even gave him a chance to get revenge on Stephanie and probably never will, what a shame and a waste of an awesome storyline. Lucky bastrad gets to fuck Stacy Keibler on a regular basis!
  • THE HURRICANE- goofy, skinny, and not particularly handsome. However, he's a damn good wrestler and very funny at times. I just can't see him rising above U.S. Champion/ Intercontinental if he got that lucky. I like him better in a tag team. He needs another superhero buddy.
  • THE ROCK- The ultimate sports "entertainer".
  • THEODORE LONG- decent manager, just needs to be put with the right "players".
  • TOMMY DREAMER- sick mother fucker.
  • TRISH STRATUS- Very hott although a bit shorter than I prefer. Decent wrestling skills and she shows that she actually makes an effort.
  • TRIPLE H- asshole with talent
  • VICTORIA- Very nice body. I lover that ass and her boobies and can't figure out how they stay inside those tight outfits with all the crazy acrobatic moves she does. I'm just waiting for her ass or tits to pop out, it's just a matter of time
  • WILLIAM REGAL- Old school and proud. I like his persona. He's starting to get older and slow down a bit and needs to become more of a mentor like he was doing with Chris Nowinski. He's also the one who put Goldberg in a stiff abdominal stretch (goldberg has an old abdominal injury from football) and made him scream like a little girl .

Last edited by Maveric; 06-17-2003 at 02:17 PM..
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Old 06-18-2003, 09:30 PM   #94 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Wow, thats a big list of superstars.

Bradshaw is Smackdown and Jamal has been fired. Other than that I think it looked good.
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Old 06-19-2003, 05:57 PM   #95 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Here's a few Smackdown thoughts

- Loved the way Nunzio made the crucifix sign when Taker had him up for the Last Ride
- I hate Bradshaw's pretty-boy blonde hair, but having the APA back will hopefully make for some good tag team matches.
- Benoit vs. Rhyno was so boring, almost nothing but rest holds. But it did cement Rhyno's heel turn and get Benoit one step closer to the US title, which he'll probably be given because the WWE doesn't seem to want him in the World title hunt, just like in WCW.
- I'm sick of Sable skanking up my TV, especially since she left over a sexual harassment suit. Since she's come back, she's been in a lesbian angle and taken her top off twice. Money talks, I guess.
- Good to see Kanyon on TV again, one of my WCW favorites, he's got some of the most creative offence and decent mic skills. Hopefully he doesn't get buried again.
- Kurt Angle's showing he can be a great face, I just hope that that won't stop them from making Angle/Lesnar the main event for Vengeance.
- Why do people cheer for Mr. Ass? Oh yeah, because he's got Torrie Wilson shaking her booty.
- Sean O'Haire beat Eddie with the help of Rowdy Roddy Piper and Jose Cuervo. It's a shame that they're talking about bringing Mark Jindrak in as the 4th member of HHH's Evolution on Raw, since Jindrak & O'Haire were a decent tag team in WCW
- Stephanie slept with Vince's business partners when she was 17? What the hell? And the boundaries of good taste get lowered even further. As least she wasn't sleeping with dead people.
- Looks like next week's main event will be Angle/Lesnar/Hogan vs. Big Slow/Team Angle. Groan.
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Old 06-19-2003, 07:36 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Bradshaw actually is a natural dusty light brown/blond. I think. I'm pretty sure he is though, as when he came into the WWE he was "Justing 'Hawk' (some last name)". He was the guy who came out in boots, a duster, and tossed the rope up in the air to land in the ring. Probably had a cowbell too. The character didn't go over too well, and Hawk disappeared.

Its also nice that the APA, who were getting prepped in OVW for the past month, are back helping the Undertaker. There would not be an APA as we know it, were it not with their involvement with Taker.


Kanyon needs help. He's an okay wrestler, and an okay orator, but he has his ups and downs. Actually, he has more downs, and big downs than ups. A lot of the time, he just doesn't seem to be concentrating on the match.


Angle is my Olympic Hero, and is permanently on my "Top 5" list of wrestlers. I don't care if he is a face or heel. GO ANGLE!!

But I think they will hold off on Angle/Lesnar. They'll probably hold out for a major PPV, like SummerSlam. Vengence is just a in-between PPV without the prestige.


I think its great that Jindrak is going to be on RAW (Just as I thought go up a few posts, you'll see it ). It will keep him out of the shadow of OHaire, and in the shadow of two of the biggest names in Pro Wrestling HHHistory. I don't care if TripleHo wrote his name there himself. HHHe's still a HHHuge name as of rigHHHt now.


Oh yeah, out here in Los Angeles, Smackdown is pre-empted by the Dodgers vs. Giants baseball game. Dammit.


One last thing. Do you believe that we have to stare at this during womens wrestling now? WOW!!!

This is Gail Kim, the new girl on the block. She did a dark match with Dawn Marie (of all people), so I don't know what brand she is going to appear on. Probably Smackdown.

Last edited by meanSpleen; 06-19-2003 at 09:24 PM..
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Old 06-20-2003, 12:18 AM   #97 (permalink)
Muy loca en la cabeza!!
Location: San Diego. Ca.
hey does anyone know about that match that they showed a clip of tonight on smackdown? The one that shows Lesner doing a suplex on the Show off the top rope, and when they land the ring breaks? Did that happen on smackdown? And does anyone think that was real? It looked hella cool in the little clip they played...

Sorry if someone has said something about this already...
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Old 06-20-2003, 12:32 AM   #98 (permalink)
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That happened last week BG..
The collapsing was staged, but the match DID happen. Gawd.. i really need to find a WWE friendly place here in Vegas..
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Old 06-20-2003, 12:36 AM   #99 (permalink)
Muy loca en la cabeza!!
Location: San Diego. Ca.
Thanks Ganguro, are you completely sure it was staged? That's the first thing that went through my head, but the little hopeful kid in me wanted it to be real! It was a cool idea either way!
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Old 06-20-2003, 05:01 AM   #100 (permalink)
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Yep, it was staged. Its happened two or three times before. Once Big Show Choke Slammed someone through the ring. The other time I think the Taker powerbombed someone through the ring.
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Old 06-20-2003, 09:07 AM   #101 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
I found this on a wrestling forum. I wish I knew who to give credit to for it, but I had a good laugh.

The WWF and the World Wildlife Foundation should have had a match to see who could keep the name, I'd love to see Stone Cold give a panda the stunner.
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Old 06-20-2003, 12:47 PM   #102 (permalink)
Muy loca en la cabeza!!
Location: San Diego. Ca.
lol too cool!!!
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Old 06-20-2003, 02:21 PM   #103 (permalink)
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Okay, lets see if the images load. If not, goto http://www.canadianbacon.org/~oww/news/superplex.html to see them.

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Old 06-23-2003, 12:51 AM   #104 (permalink)
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Anyone see the guy that wrestled Matt hardy on Saturday night? I thought that was an excelent match and the guy (I didn't catch his name) has some very nice moves and one cool, although missed shooting star press..
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Old 06-23-2003, 04:57 PM   #105 (permalink)
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Heya cybermike,

I think the guy you saw was Paul London. I did some research on the guy, and his Shooting Star is his finisher. So, if he did hit it, he would have beat V1 Hardy. Recently, he has been pretty active in the Ring of Honor federation. So I think he was just a one time deal with WWE, as a scouting manuver, to see if they want to hire him now, or keep him in mind for the future.
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Old 06-23-2003, 09:05 PM   #106 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Spleen, let me tell ya something brother,

Justin Hawk ..... Bradshaw. That was his name. Pretty anti-climactic huh. He has also been on CNN for his investing credentials, and featured in Better Homes and Gardens for his lawn.

2 Cool points to anyone who remembers T.L. Hopper and what his gimmick was. May have to get a little nasty to figure this one out.

Until next time,

Viva La Resistance (they destroyed Hurricane and Slaughter tonight).
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
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Old 06-23-2003, 09:07 PM   #107 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
The chick Gail Kim was in WCW for a few months, she managed a couple tagteams in a cheerleader outfit and carried a trampoline everywhere she went. I shit you not. If it wasn't her, it looked a lot like her. Miss Kimona I think is what they called her.
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Old 06-23-2003, 09:17 PM   #108 (permalink)
Kind of weird to see Kane without his mask. I thought it was the Undertaker pretending to be Kane.

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Old 06-23-2003, 10:13 PM   #109 (permalink)
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Why the hell did they think he was so ugly? He's got black paint smeared all over his face. He does look a bit like the undertaker I was kind of surprised he was wearing a wig.. I guess the wierd head shaving was to add to the shock value

BTW, wasn't Kane The fake Deisel? When Nash and hall left they used fakes, I believe he took nash's place.. Am I wrong?

Spleen, your correct, Paul london was his name. I hope he gets signed with WWE because it put on a really good match. He could really breath some life back into the cruiserwieght matches.

Edit for the last time.

I can't believe they let goldberg beat Bernie mac.. I hate how WWE does this to mid card wrestlers. Even though I don't even like rodney mac.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry

Last edited by Reese; 06-23-2003 at 10:54 PM..
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Old 06-23-2003, 10:45 PM   #110 (permalink)
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The hell kind of a last name is Bradshaw? Sheesh... its not like they could have made up a GOOD name.

I know who TL Hopper was when he appeared in the WWF. I'm not going to say, but I will say this... If he was in your home with the same gimmick, you'd see a lot of his crack.

Kane WAS the fake diesel. And a pretty bad look-a-like if I do say so myself. Too FAT.


Spleens RAW report (as opposed to the Ross Report. )

The Jericho/Storm VS Orton/Flair match wasn't bad. They went through the regular routine, and put on a good enough show for the crowd. Gotta love BORING the hell outta Storm. He did do a nice clothesline off the top rope. That wasn't too expected. Did anyone notice that there were something like 6 photographers out for this match? I think Storm might make the cover of WWE Magazine (or whatever they call it). At least a major story on him would be nice.

Hurricanes match (I'm ignoring the un-sergenty Sergent Slaughter and La Ouisistance). What match?

TripleHo VS Kane. OOO... AAA.... EEE? Nothing spectacular here either. And Kane was using the "Sit upright after being layed out" schitck a little too much in this match. Maybe since he is unmasked now, he isn't going to be using it anymore. Anyway, the mask he was wearing didn't look right. Because of the wig being sewn on, it made him look fat and lopsided.

More on his hair. OOO, dang. I'd be scared if I had his fresh new hairdo! Its almost like a fierce mullet of some sort. As for the paint on his face, the main point is to blacken his eyes when he is masked. If you remember when Undertaker was pretending to be Kane, when he was unmasked he had the same smudge factor all over his face. But I do think Kane's was intentional this time.
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Old 06-24-2003, 05:11 AM   #111 (permalink)
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yea, unmasking Kain was a crock. If they couldn't do better than black face paint they shouldn't have unmasked him. The contacts were a nice touch, and shaved head wasn't to bad, but they could have done better. And I didn't even see Goldberg win that match, I saw him come out, I left to grab a drink and when I come back his hand is raised....
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Old 06-24-2003, 11:41 AM   #112 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
A couple of things I noticed from RAW :

Dead silence for Nash when he came out, doesn't he get the message? Retire already. Sloppiest low blow ever by Flair in that match too, looks like it took him about 5 seconds of rummaging around between Nash's legs to find something to hit.

As much as I dislike Rodney Mack, I love the term "White Boy Challenge". If you've got an 'unbeatable' midcarder, why crush him with a main eventer? Someone like the Hurricane would have benefitted a lot more from ending Mack's streak.

I loved the Orton/Foley bit in the back. The way Orton looked all worried when Vince saw Foley punked out, until Vince started calling for a janitor.

Move over Bradshaw, the new Heavyweight bad haircut champion is Kane.

I loved the highlight reel, and using Jericho to help put Storm over, I just hope it turns into a main event push sometime soon for arguably the best wrestler on the RAW roster.

Gotta love good ol' JR for screaming 'he's so hideous!' about Kane, come on, he's just got a bad haircut, some black paint smudged on his face, and a mean scowl. I'm interested in seeing what they do with him now.

Hmmm, 3 months ago, I never would have imagined I'd be more interested in seeing RAW than Smackdown, but the only major storyline on SD is the McMahon-Hogan jackoff saga. Does Paul Heyman have any say in what's going on anymore?
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Old 06-24-2003, 01:18 PM   #113 (permalink)
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WWE's stroking Goldberg though. He's been playing pussy the entire time he's been here. Its just a play off his "Indestructable Machine" gimmick or whatever he had in WCW. I actually think it was good for Goldberg, because it is giving him SOME sort of 'credibility'. Heck... with the 1.5+ million he's making for the year, I'd do the white-boy challenge. Yes. I'm Chinese. Quiet.

Thinking about Kane VS Bradshaw in the hair dept (thanks rockzilla), I think Bradshaw has a decent haircut. Sure, its a throwback to the 80's and early 90's, but its nicely groomed and he can walk outside with it.

Another hair thang - KIDMAN. Word from those who have seen him doing the house shows, he looks like Neo from the Matrix. So tight, and pulled back on the sides, and tossed over on the front.

Jim Ross reported that the real reason Heyman was out of action is because of a neck injury. He injured it before Christmas, but he stayed on TV to get the revenge by Lesnar done with. So Heyman saved the day by risking further injury. No set date on when he's coming back, but when he does - you can expect him to continue playing Heel. Its in his blood, and he does it so well. Dang annoying voice.
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Old 06-24-2003, 05:48 PM   #114 (permalink)
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I ws really hoping they'd throw a swerve in this week's show and give Kane the strap. Unmasking him takes away an aura of mystery that makes the character so interesting. I'm simply terrified at this point that he'll fade into the roster after a couple weeks (when this angle plays out).

I'm not as big a HHH fan as I was when I started watching a few years ago, mainly due to overexposure. He makes a great heel, but he's held the belt since it was reinstated on Raw, I believe. I watch every week - but would sure love to see them shake things up just a little title-wise.
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:36 PM   #115 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
HHH has held the belt for all but one month. He lost to best friend Shawn Michaels in the 6 man elimination chamber match (so he didn't even really lose), but won it back at the next PPV I believe. You're right, the title picture is pretty stale, but the WWE hasn't really done much to build up credible contenders. Since HHH has already buried the whole roster, all they've been doing is bringing in outside talent and has beens for HHH to squash (Steiner, Nash, Foley might get a turn, Goldberg'll get buried eventually). HHH will ruin the credibility of the entire RAW roster soon, but he's fucking the boss' daughter, so it's okay.
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Old 06-24-2003, 07:48 PM   #116 (permalink)
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Steiner was never going to make it. Face the facts. Or at least try to figure out anything he has done that is special, except sit on the ropes, in between Stacy's ass and the fans. Homeboy really needs to learn how to make the fans happy. One way is to learn some new moves. The other way is to let the fans see some womany ass.

As for WWE giving Kane the belt last Monday, of which they did not, we kinda knew it wasn't going to happen. Its a RAW event. So its non-PPV. There is no way VinnieMac is going to give up the sole (current) purpose of the PPV's he has been turning out lately. Nearly all PPV's mainevents revolve around the World Title. Giving it up on a televised non-PPV event kinda cheapens the deal. We can just forget about the PPVs if the world title changes hand on regular TV.

*gasp* (inhale, exhale)

Luckily, VinnieMac wised up and realized that there needed to be the Intercontinental and US titles to help improve the quality of the show. Sure, both of the titles do not hold the same prestigue, but it gives the people who are not World title material a chance to get gold. And it gives the guys who are World title material a place to go when their stories are over. They need some time to rest, while still staying in the spotlight.
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Old 06-25-2003, 10:03 AM   #117 (permalink)
Location: Vancouver
Frankly, I preferred HHH when he was a credible heel, not the pussy they make him out to be now. Before he could talk the talk, but also walk the walk; he didn't need no stinkin' outside interference to retain his belt, he would just pull out some dirty trick and win anyways. Now it seems like he always needs Flair and Orton to come and save his sorry behind. That's why I think people disrespect him so much. A badass mofo champ everyone can get behind but someone who needs to be bailed out on a weekly basis just doesn't cut it.
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Old 06-25-2003, 02:18 PM   #118 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Where to start...

Kidman makes an appearance on Smackdown ringside with some girl.

I think people are giving the Kane thing a bad rap. Lets see where they are going with this first. The better way would have been to of had him be lying the whole time about everything. Or have been brainwashed by Paul Bearer to believing he was horribly scarred. But no way WWE was going to give up that OMG moment when he took the mask off.

Dudley's are back and looking for gold. Where will this lead them? I think it will be their last title run as a team.

Y2J and Lance (yawn) Storm. good match, and Storm needs to get with Dawn Marie and find another team mate to remake the impact players and destroy everyone. Except the greatest tag team ever to come out of France. (Though they technically are from Canada). I'm all about young guys getting their shot.

2 Cool points for Spleen. T.L. Let me clean yout toilet Hopper was a plummer. Him and Duke "the dumpster" Drossey could have made a great tag team if they were around at the same time.

AND THATS THE BOT.... no thats not it, IF YA SMELLLLLLL ..nope not it either, STAND BACK THERE'S A HUR... still not it, oh I got it.

Until next time,

Viva La Resistance!!
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:03 PM   #119 (permalink)
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The Unmasking of Kane

Did anybody else think this was a mistake?

At first I did, but in a way I like it and they could always throw it back on him later.

Everyone (on another board) said that he'll lose his mysteriousness. But I never really thought that was Kane's appeal. I like the fact that he goes to the top rope (wish he'd do a different move every now and then), he moves extremely well, and his mic skills are extremely underrated. I've always liked Kane, but, for a big man, he's one of the best.

Besides I like seeing Kane hit the ref, chokeslam everyone, not give a shat who he destroys, and just come out looking like a badass.
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:15 PM   #120 (permalink)
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I still can not figure out your fascination with La Ouisistance. Here are my problems with them:

1) Like you said, they are not TRUE frenchmen. Canadians all the way down from their heads to their toes.

2) They are too green right now. They continue to be Maven-like and pull out the same bag of moves every week.

3) They don't have really good timing, or at least timing that is consistant. That stems from their being too green.

4) THEIR COSTUMES. Hokey Smack, those are some of the worst entrance outfits that I have seen in a while. The only thing that is comparable right now is Hurricanes former entrance attire of the silver cape/robe and headband.


I'm happy that Jamal is gone. It will let Rosie be new "big guy" for everyone to beat on, and not just the attachment to the "other fat guy who looks like Rikishi and is really loud". I also think that Rosie is pretty agile for a guy of his size. Just a thought. Kill 3 minute warning. That was the worst name for a tag-team outside of "The Pink Triangles".
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