The hell kind of a last name is Bradshaw? Sheesh... its not like they could have made up a GOOD name.
I know who TL Hopper was when he appeared in the WWF. I'm not going to say, but I will say this... If he was in your home with the same gimmick, you'd see a lot of his crack.
Kane WAS the fake diesel. And a pretty bad look-a-like if I do say so myself. Too FAT.
Spleens RAW report (as opposed to the Ross Report.

The Jericho/Storm VS Orton/Flair match wasn't bad. They went through the regular routine, and put on a good enough show for the crowd. Gotta love BORING the hell outta Storm. He did do a nice clothesline off the top rope. That wasn't too expected. Did anyone notice that there were something like 6 photographers out for this match? I think Storm might make the cover of WWE Magazine (or whatever they call it). At least a major story on him would be nice.
Hurricanes match (I'm ignoring the un-sergenty Sergent Slaughter and La Ouisistance). What match?
TripleHo VS Kane. OOO... AAA.... EEE? Nothing spectacular here either. And Kane was using the "Sit upright after being layed out" schitck a little too much in this match. Maybe since he is unmasked now, he isn't going to be using it anymore. Anyway, the mask he was wearing didn't look right. Because of the wig being sewn on, it made him look fat and lopsided.
More on his hair. OOO, dang. I'd be scared if I had his fresh new hairdo! Its almost like a fierce mullet of some sort. As for the paint on his face, the main point is to blacken his eyes when he is masked. If you remember when Undertaker was pretending to be Kane, when he was unmasked he had the same smudge factor all over his face. But I do think Kane's was intentional this time.