Some of the stuff that goes on in the chatroom, #TFP - Its not like we talk aboot wrestling all the time in there. Its just we have nothing better to do with ourselves when it gets slow in there.

Nothing earth-shattering in here. Just for a quick read.
[23:18:53] (.04Spleen.) all i watch regulary - wrestling, coupling, and cheap music videos. aside from the usual dose of the disney channel and cartoons

[23:19:09] (HeyAgain|TFP) wrestling is so fake, how the hell can you stand it
[23:19:20] (.04Spleen.) because I know its fake, and i accept it
[23:19:34] (HeyAgain|TFP) but the actors in wwe, are so old now
[23:19:44] (.04Spleen.) only because vinniemac is in retromode
[23:19:52] (.04Spleen.) gotta use them now before they retire
[23:20:47] (HeyAgain|TFP) but there are no new characters to cheer for, only over 40 geezers
[23:21:01] (.04Spleen.) all the mid-cardders aren't getting any major air time
[23:21:17] (.04Spleen.) Look for the hurricane, lance storm, Y2J, Matt Hardy
[23:21:33] (.04Spleen.) well, lance and y2j are kinda old... but they are younger than the saggy boobs
[23:21:40] (HeyAgain|TFP) all old characters who won't be pushed by vince
[23:21:49] (.04Spleen.) not really
[23:22:03] (.04Spleen.) all the old characters ARE being pushed by vince
[23:22:47] (HeyAgain|TFP) they should just rejoin smackdown and raw roster and rid of the old guys
[23:22:59] (.04Spleen.) if they did that, they would need to cut a lot of talent
[23:23:08] (.04Spleen.) the old guys don't even make up half of the total roster
[23:23:17] (HeyAgain|TFP) that's the point, time to move on, and not hang on to the old guys
[23:23:28] (.04Spleen.) what about the mid-carders?
[23:23:37] (.04Spleen.) you can't have a show based on 40 wrestlers
[23:23:53] (.04Spleen.) and vinniemac sure as heck isn't going to cut the headliners
[23:23:56] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes you can, there is barely any wrestling, all talk
[23:24:16] (.04Spleen.) theres more wrestling than you would think. dark matches, house shows, non-televised events
[23:24:34] (.04Spleen.) but if you have 40 people on air regulary, you turn into WCW
[23:24:36] (HeyAgain|TFP) house shows aren't drawing
[23:24:48] (.04Spleen.) a bunch of wrestlers that no one recognizes, and 4 main characters
[23:25:04] (.04Spleen.) House shows always have low numbers. its because no one wants to see jobbers.
[23:25:40] (HeyAgain|TFP) wwe has to retool, with new characters
[23:25:53] (.04Spleen.) they need better script writers
[23:25:59] (.04Spleen.) the characters are fine
[23:26:36] (HeyAgain|TFP) val venis was reintroduce, and the dudley boys are freakin lame
[23:26:49] (.04Spleen.) the dudley boys haven't had a good angle in months
[23:26:56] (.04Spleen.) and there are no good tag teams to go against them
[23:27:01] (HeyAgain|TFP) hawk and road warrior, oh god
[23:27:19] (.04Spleen.) what aboot them?
[23:27:23] * Hal watches Spleen and HeyAgain play duelling banjos in irc
[23:27:26] (HeyAgain|TFP) who's next, sting, and lex?
[23:27:31] (.04Spleen.) sting isn't coming to WWE
[23:27:38] (.04Spleen.) and lex can die a miserable death
[23:27:50] (HeyAgain|TFP) who has can you bring back
[23:27:54] (HeyAgain|TFP) ultimate warrior
[23:28:05] (HeyAgain|TFP) big boss man
[23:28:09] (.04Spleen.) ultimate warrior severed ties with vinnie a long time ago
[23:28:10] (HeyAgain|TFP) jake the snake
[23:28:17] (.04Spleen.) Big boss man is a trainer in OVW
[23:28:23] (.04Spleen.) jake roberts doesn't wrestle anymore
[23:28:33] (Hal) I had ultimate warrior wrist sweat bands
[23:28:41] (.04Spleen.) I had the bicep wraps

[23:29:00] (HeyAgain|TFP) what about the million dollar man?
[23:29:11] (.04Spleen.) he's way too old, and doesn't wrestle anymore
[23:29:14] (GakFace|TFP) Just got done with lazertag
[23:29:23] (GakFace|TFP) I heard someone give me a nickname...
[23:29:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) trying to recall wwe wrestlers from the arcade game
[23:30:12] (HeyAgain|TFP) what happen to that fat wrestler who jumped up and down, from the arcade game
[23:30:18] (.04Spleen.) earthquake
[23:30:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes
[23:30:28] (.04Spleen.) he has his own wrestling school
[23:30:52] (HeyAgain|TFP) the tag team with kiss makeup?
[23:31:02] (.04Spleen.) who?
[23:31:08] (.04Spleen.) oh
[23:31:13] (.04Spleen.) demolition
[23:31:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) from the arcade machine
[23:31:31] (.04Spleen.) yeah, demolition
[23:32:03] (HeyAgain|TFP) where are they now?
[23:32:03] (.04Spleen.) ax was fired, smash is in the indies, crush is doing something and most likely will not wrestle for vinnie anytime soon
[23:33:02] (HeyAgain|TFP) any more characters from the acrade?
[23:33:13] (.04Spleen.) mr perfect
[23:33:25] (HeyAgain|TFP) RIP
[23:33:28] (.04Spleen.) yup
[23:34:04] (HeyAgain|TFP) the only gimmick that I really liked in wwe, usa versus canada
[23:34:23] (.04Spleen.) lance storm
[23:34:37] (HeyAgain|TFP) the french guy, jacque something
[23:34:44] (.04Spleen.) the quebecers
[23:34:49] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes
[23:35:33] (HeyAgain|TFP) don't really like the characters, hbk, disease, and goldberg in wwe
[23:35:59] (.04Spleen.) goldberg sucks ass, hbk is a manwhore, and i have no idea who disesase is
[23:36:10] (HeyAgain|TFP) the tall dude
[23:36:24] (.04Spleen.) kevin nash
[23:36:39] (HeyAgain|TFP) yes, that guy who walks to the ring to help someone out
[23:37:12] (HeyAgain|TFP) and hhh sucks ass
[23:37:50] (.04Spleen.) especially with his HHHtribute title
[23:38:20] (HeyAgain|TFP) he didn't even win the belt, he got it by default didn't he?
[23:38:47] (.04Spleen.) bitchoff gave it to him when he reinstated the heavyweight title
[23:38:56] (.04Spleen.) aka "WCW CHAMPION"
[23:39:12] (.04Spleen.) he's had it for around 7 months so far
[23:39:16] (HeyAgain|TFP) and rick flair and hogan should be banned from ever wrestling again
[23:39:24] (.04Spleen.) flair rocks, hogans okay
[23:39:35] (HeyAgain|TFP) old geezers
[23:39:41] (.04Spleen.) saggyman boobies
[23:39:42] (HeyAgain|TFP) way too old to wrestle
[23:39:52] (.04Spleen.) hogans not a wrestler
[23:39:55] (.04Spleen.) he's a brawler
[23:40:07] (HeyAgain|TFP) nah, it is just not believable anymore
[23:40:24] (.04Spleen.) its not supposed to be believable. its supposed to be entertaining
[23:40:42] (HeyAgain|TFP) no, i mean the matches between the geezers and semi-geezers
[23:41:02] (.04Spleen.) eh, its just like womans wrestling
[23:41:22] (.04Spleen.) they aren't able to sell anything really well, and they're timing is off
[23:41:49] (HeyAgain|TFP) yup, yet they still wrestler to PROVE themselves
[23:41:50] (.04Spleen.) they're = their
[23:42:05] (.04Spleen.) they have nothing to prove. its all for the money, and the adulation
[23:42:31] (.04Spleen.) eveything they do now is to show the world that they still have something
[23:42:38] (.04Spleen.) what it is, i have no idea.
[23:42:41] (HeyAgain|TFP) yup, millions
[23:43:05] (.04Spleen.) millions of scars

[23:43:57] (HeyAgain|TFP) millions of dollars for gymnastic moves
[23:44:14] (.04Spleen.) what gymnastics? they always land on their backs
[23:46:17] (HeyAgain|TFP) that's true, but i wouldn't mind see more matches that make sense, not random wrestler wrestling another random wrestler
[23:46:44] (.04Spleen.) like i said, the writing team needs to get fixed
[23:47:01] (.04Spleen.) they're the ones that are making all these lame angles
[23:47:17] (.04Spleen.) they forgot how to carry a story over a few PPV's
[23:47:26] (HeyAgain|TFP) the one wrestler that I really like is the one-legged wrestler, that is just amazing
[23:47:36] (.04Spleen.) gowan is great
[23:47:46] (.04Spleen.) tenacious Z
[23:48:32] (HeyAgain|TFP) why the hell did they remove that ecw writer from smackdown?
[23:48:41] (.04Spleen.) which one?
[23:48:54] (.04Spleen.) paul heyman?
[23:49:02] (HeyAgain|TFP) yeah him
[23:49:11] (.04Spleen.) him and vince didn't see eye to eye on things
[23:49:22] (HeyAgain|TFP) but he got that big slow over
[23:49:36] (.04Spleen.) big show needs all the help he can get.
[23:50:03] (.04Spleen.) I don't care too much for heyman. I like him behind the scenes, but he's a miserable onair talent
[23:50:21] (.04Spleen.) but heymans still with WWE, he's just low profile right now
[23:50:23] (HeyAgain|TFP) and he focused on matches not the speak-part of wrestling
[23:50:51] (.04Spleen.) because in ECW, there weren't any 15 minute speeches
[23:52:36] (HeyAgain|TFP) which was the good part of ecw, never got the chair throwing whistling guy
[23:53:01] (.04Spleen.) chair throwing whistling guy...
[23:53:11] (.04Spleen.) i know who you are talking about
[23:53:15] (.04Spleen.) but i can't name him
[23:53:27] (HeyAgain|TFP) that idiot with rvd all the time
[23:54:43] (.04Spleen.) i still can't name the guy
[23:54:51] (HeyAgain|TFP) Bill Alphonso
[23:55:29] (.04Spleen.) sure, why not

[23:55:37] (.04Spleen.) i want to see sabu..
[23:55:57] (HeyAgain|TFP) go see him live
[23:56:18] (.04Spleen.) too cheap
[23:56:31] (HeyAgain|TFP) he does a lot of shows in the city of SARS
[23:56:50] (.04Spleen.) beijing?
[23:56:54] (Hal) toronto?
[23:57:21] (HeyAgain|TFP) T.O. oh
[23:58:55] (HeyAgain|TFP) all the wwe rejects are up here a lot