Bradshaw actually is a natural dusty light brown/blond. I think. I'm pretty sure he is though, as when he came into the WWE he was "Justing 'Hawk' (some last name)". He was the guy who came out in boots, a duster, and tossed the rope up in the air to land in the ring. Probably had a cowbell too. The character didn't go over too well, and Hawk disappeared.
Its also nice that the APA, who were getting prepped in OVW for the past month, are back helping the Undertaker. There would not be an APA as we know it, were it not with their involvement with Taker.
Kanyon needs help. He's an okay wrestler, and an okay orator, but he has his ups and downs. Actually, he has more downs, and big downs than ups. A lot of the time, he just doesn't seem to be concentrating on the match.
Angle is my Olympic Hero, and is permanently on my "Top 5" list of wrestlers. I don't care if he is a face or heel. GO ANGLE!!
But I think they will hold off on Angle/Lesnar. They'll probably hold out for a major PPV, like SummerSlam. Vengence is just a in-between PPV without the prestige.
I think its great that Jindrak is going to be on RAW (Just as I thought

go up a few posts, you'll see it

). It will keep him out of the shadow of OHaire, and in the shadow of two of the biggest names in Pro Wrestling HHHistory. I don't care if TripleHo wrote his name there himself. HHHe's still a HHHuge name as of rigHHHt now.
Oh yeah, out here in Los Angeles, Smackdown is pre-empted by the Dodgers vs. Giants baseball game. Dammit.
One last thing. Do you believe that we have to stare at this during womens wrestling now? WOW!!!
This is Gail Kim, the new girl on the block. She did a dark match with Dawn Marie (of all people), so I don't know what brand she is going to appear on. Probably Smackdown.