WWE's stroking Goldberg though. He's been playing pussy the entire time he's been here. Its just a play off his "Indestructable Machine" gimmick or whatever he had in WCW. I actually think it was good for Goldberg, because it is giving him SOME sort of 'credibility'. Heck... with the 1.5+ million he's making for the year, I'd do the white-boy challenge. Yes. I'm Chinese. Quiet.
Thinking about Kane VS Bradshaw in the hair dept (thanks rockzilla), I think Bradshaw has a decent haircut. Sure, its a throwback to the 80's and early 90's, but its nicely groomed and he can walk outside with it.
Another hair thang - KIDMAN. Word from those who have seen him doing the house shows, he looks like Neo from the Matrix. So tight, and pulled back on the sides, and tossed over on the front.
Jim Ross reported that the real reason Heyman was out of action is because of a neck injury. He injured it before Christmas, but he stayed on TV to get the revenge by Lesnar done with. So Heyman saved the day by risking further injury. No set date on when he's coming back, but when he does - you can expect him to continue playing Heel. Its in his blood, and he does it so well. Dang annoying voice.