Cool Thread! I'll Start with my opinions on the Raw roster and I'll do Smackdown on the Next post...
Monday Night Raw- AL SNOW- I don't like the "trying to hard to be funny" Al Snow. I really like what he's done on Tough Enough. I'm still having a hard time forgiving Al for the "Pepper on a Pole" match against Big Bossman, though!
- BATISTA- Great Look and I like the Direction he's going with Evolution, too bad he's injured right now. He's also Devon's "Bitch". If you're a smark, you'll know what I'm referring too...
- BOOKER T- Gotta pull for my hometown hero that robbed a whataburger. I have even had the pleasure of waiting on him and his brother, surprisingly his brother, Stevie Ray (currently wrestling in Japan) is more charismatic and I'd love to see him come to the WWE as an announcer.
- BRADSHAW- Another favorite Texan but he's physically starting to look sorry. Bitch tits and beer gut just don't look to masculine when you're wearing spandex tights. APA was a great tag team, and I heard they are gonna make a comeback soon..
- BUBBA RAY DUDLEY- Decent on his own, but much better off with his "half" brother Devon. TLC was unforgettable. Legends were born from those Matches.
- CHIEF MORLEY- Great look and I liked the old Val Venis Gimmick, but this new stick doesn't work. It appears as if he's going back to it.
- CHRIS JERICHO- I loved him in WCW with my all-time favorite sidekick, his "Personal Security" RALPHUS. I'd pay to good money to see the WWE bring in Ralphus with Jericho again. I love the way he mocks his opponents. I hate the way they make him look like a sissy and coward sometimes. One of his best feuds was with the Rock when they were both baby faces. I remember this one scene where Jericho had cost them the match and later was bleeding like a stuck pig. While the paramedics were trying to patch him up and Rock gets in his face and Jericho didn't back down to him. He just got up and got in his face! very dramatic and intense, I remember they had to show that scene in B&W because of all the blood Jericho was letting go of.... Also, he has the best Intro of any wrestler out there currently. For those who don't know, he also recently took down Goldberg and put him in a facelock in an altercation backstage not to long ago!
- CHRIS NOWINSKI- Surprisingly better than Maven, a natural Heel.
- CHRISTIAN- Loved E&C but I'm not liking Christian on his own so far. Perhaps he needs a decent story-line or feud, I don't know...
- D-VON DUDLEY- Not very interesting without his brother, although anyone who can make Batista their "bitch" has got my respect.
- GOLDBERG- He's slowly killing the legend he once was.
- GOLDUST- Funny, but over the top sometimes.
- IVORY- Awesome wrestler and if she was about 20 years younger I'd say she would be the perfect diva. I also like her attitude. I hear that she talks "nasty" and has sex on the brain. She supposedly responsible for some of the sexual harassment (like comparing/measuring nipples) that Sable sued the WWE for.
- JACQUELINE- Another Texan favorite. How she doesn't knock herself out with this watermelon fake tit's I'll never know. By far the toughest and stiffest of the female wrestlers.
- JAZZ- Too me she's like a younger version of JACQUELINE before the boob job. One of the better female wrestlers and a decent heel.
- JAMAL- never really cared for.
- KANE- Needs good Storylines to keep him over. By far the most agile big man on the roster. It was good seeing him eventually start talking but they seem to be reverting him to the old Kane Persona. I am betting that soon they will have him unmask for a storyline, although he has commented in the past that he really likes being behind the mask. If you don't know what he looks like, think of an ugly version of Psycho Sid (Viscous / Justice).
- KEVIN NASH- He should follow Undertaker's example.
- LANCE STORM- To me, he's like Brett Hart without the Charisma. Damn fine wrestler, just needs a good story line and a personality.
- LILIAN GARCIA- I think she's HOT! She should be a Diva. I want to see more of her involved in storylines like the time she took a bump from 3MW (although she did get hurt from that
) or the time she cussed out ?forgot? in Spanish...
- MAVEN- Has a good look, and plays the part of "Rookie" perfectly. I hope to see him grow into a decent wrestler. I just hope it doesn't take him several more years to do it although it probably will...
- MOLLY HOLLY- Excellent female wrestler, but I which she would change her look more often. She can look sexier when she wants too, which isn't often.
- RANDY ORTON- Very good wrestler, too injury prone. Also a bit too cocky, but heels run in his family...
- RENE DUPREE- newbie
- RIC FLAIR- stop wrestling, just stop. A legend in wrestling, period. He should keep on passing the torch to the younger guys but he should stop trying to shove it up their asses.
- RICO- I don't like his look or his persona, but I respect his enthusiasm. I'll keep watching him to see what new direction his character goes...
- ROB VAN DAM- Awesome wrestler!, everyone said he wouldn't last but a few years wrestling with his hardcore acrobatic style, and he proves them wrong in every match since. I always look forward to seeing what he's going to do next. His persona needs some work though.
- RODNEY MACK- needs to be in a tagteam.
- ROSEY- boring
- SCOTT STEINER- His time has come and gone. Roids have destroyed his career.
- SHAWN MICHAELS- A younger legend but a legend none-the-less. He should be managing a stable or tag team.
- SPIKE DUDLEY- The perfect 'meat target', gotta respect the bumps this guy can handel.
- STACY KEIBLER- The finest fucking Diva on the Roster. No one can even compare to her legs, ass, and face. I love the way she's not afraid to flaunt her "assests" She'd be a perfect "10" if she ever decided to get breast enhancement but that would be risky. Personally I'd rather keep her as a perfect "9".
- STEVEN RICHARDS- under utilized, great when he was leading Right To Censor, but sucks ass as a male valet.
- STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN- There will never be another SCSA, 'nuff said.
- TERRI- getting older, but I'd like to jugg fuck her just once for all the sexual teasing she has done over the years
, lol btw, I think she was the one who won the nipple measuring contest.
- TEST- Great look but boring persona. I first starting supporting Test during the Love her or Leaver Her Valantine's day massacre match with Shane McMahon. That was his best match in my opinion and the storyline was awesome. He's gone downhill since then, and they never even gave him a chance to get revenge on Stephanie and probably never will, what a shame and a waste of an awesome storyline. Lucky bastrad gets to fuck Stacy Keibler on a regular basis!
- THE HURRICANE- goofy, skinny, and not particularly handsome. However, he's a damn good wrestler and very funny at times. I just can't see him rising above U.S. Champion/ Intercontinental if he got that lucky. I like him better in a tag team. He needs another superhero buddy.
- THE ROCK- The ultimate sports "entertainer".
- THEODORE LONG- decent manager, just needs to be put with the right "players".
- TOMMY DREAMER- sick mother fucker.
- TRISH STRATUS- Very hott although a bit shorter than I prefer. Decent wrestling skills and she shows that she actually makes an effort.
- TRIPLE H- asshole with talent
- VICTORIA- Very nice body. I lover that ass and her boobies and can't figure out how they stay inside those tight outfits with all the crazy acrobatic moves she does. I'm just waiting for her ass or tits to pop out, it's just a matter of time

- WILLIAM REGAL- Old school and proud. I like his persona. He's starting to get older and slow down a bit and needs to become more of a mentor like he was doing with Chris Nowinski. He's also the one who put Goldberg in a stiff abdominal stretch (goldberg has an old abdominal injury from football) and made him scream like a little girl
Last edited by Maveric; 06-17-2003 at 02:17 PM..