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#1 (permalink) |
need help/advice in weird relationship
hey guys, this is gonna be long, so sorry in advance. ok, here's the deal. last year i met this girl while i was still in high school. she's everything and more i could ever want. i fell head over heals in love with her, yet she had a boyfriend. he was a dick, and she wanted attention. well she definitely got attention from me, that wasn't a problem. we started talking over the internet and then on the phone, and eventually she admitted that she liked me too. this went on for a long time.. like for a few months. then she gets engaged.. she had been expecting him to ask her for a while. ok, so now she tells me she's having a hard time deciding whether she wants to be w/ her boyfriend or me, but then outta nowhere her boyfriend breaks up with her and calls everything off. so of course im like "omg my day has come". but my hopes came crashing down on me when after this happened she told me that when her boyfriend broke up with her it became clear to her who she wanted; him. she told me she wanted to stop talking to me so she could resist temptations and try to get him back, but after not long of that, we started talking again. so now for a while again, we've been talking on the phone every night, and she still tells me how she wants to be with her ex so much and all this shit. she tells me how she hears all this stuff about how he's been seeing some other girl, and how she wishes he would just tell her the truth as to whether or not they're going out or not. apparently he has told her different. she tells me that if he was to ever come back to her she would stop talking to me and drop all relations with me and be with him. i've been with her through all of this shit, tried to help through it all, cheered her up when she's depressed. last week i went to visit home for the weekend. i go to college and only get to see her on the weekends i come home. we went on a date to see a movie, and later that weekend we had sex. i'm 18 years old and it was my first time because i've always wanted to wait for the right person. i love her with all my heart and i have no regrets at all that she is who i lost my virginity to. this week we've talked on the phone like always, and whenever i get jealous about how she tells me how she would probably have sex with this random guy that she found out that likes her, but she wouldn't want a relationship with him, she doesn't seem to understand why i get so jealous. this whole time i've been waiting for the day that we would start going out, and she has told me lately that when she finds out for sure that her ex wants nothing to do with her anymore, she will consider. she also told me to buy more condoms for this weekend. i really don't understand this girl, but it's like i'm so in love with her i can't help but just ignore how fucked up everything is and go along with it. btw, when we were talking when she was still with her ex, we told each other that we love each other, but after they broke up and from then on she stopped telling me she loves me and that she isn't sure if she really does love me or not. if anyone has any advice or comments, post. i can't stop thinking about her ever, so don't think that it's possible for me to give up on her. the only way that will happen is if her ex takes her back, i suppose. thanks for reading, any advice/comments will be appreciated.
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#2 (permalink) |
Keep on rolling. It only hurts for a little while.
Location: wherever I am
You are getting played. If you are OK with just being her "fuck buddy" until she either gets her ex back or finds a new boyfriend then continue on.
She is never gonna go out with you. If she was she would not keep talking about her ex. That random guy she mentioned wanted to sleep with. That was you. I don't mean to sound harsh but from what I read you need a good slap upside the head to see the situation clearly. Why do you want to continue communicating with a person that has repeatedly told you she'd drop you like a bad habit if her ex takes her back? Doesn't sound like she places much value on your feelings or you as a person.
So, what's your point? It's not an attitude, it's a way of life. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: In solitude
Ummm.. I know you have strong feelings for her but how can you be sure you are in LOVE with her? Your only 18. I'm 19 and have dated people and never been in love with any of them. I had strong feelings for them but love is more than that. Also how can you love someone that isn't willing to love you back but dump you if her ex decides to get back together with her? That's wrong! The word love is misused constantly as this girl has done with you! She using you, to have around just in case nothing works out with her ex!
That's a shoddy way to treat someone especially you, since you have been so supportive of her. I'm girl and I have never ever done anything like this to a guy, it's too mean! You deserve a better person to lose your virginity to and to fall in love with. This girl doesn't deserve you! Not the other way around. There are so many other ladies aren't there who won't treat you like this. You need to be the one to stop talking to her and just ignore her, she's selfish and sounds like a bitch to me. She definately wouldn't be a friend of mine! She has no right to walk all over you! Also as someone who has been through relationships, you will eventually stop thinking about her, takes about a year but you will stop having any feelings for her, I don't know how you could even justify liking her at all, with all the ex bf crap! |
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#4 (permalink) |
Post-modernism meets Individualism AKA the Clash
Location: oregon
sounds like she's an attention whore.
as for saying you love eachother while still w/ her ex... girls can have love feelings for someone but not be IN love with them. i think there's a difference. and like crazy/beautiful said, 'love' is misused constantly. this girl definately has some problems of her own and it'd be best if you didn't get involved in all of it as she's just pulling you in for the attention, IMO. ps: paragraphs are your friend ![]()
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin |
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#5 (permalink) |
no, let me explain about the random guy thing. this dude that goes to college also (not mine) talked to her at a ball game a while back (she's a cheerleader). at the ballgame, he told her that he likes her, and then they started talking on the phone some. this of course made me jealous and i let her know, but she didn't seem to really understand/care that it did. she tells me that all she could see herself doing with him is sleeping with him, but no chance for a relationship. but with me, she can see both. sorry i was unclear about that
Last edited by kookookazoo; 11-14-2003 at 12:40 PM.. |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: an indelible crawl through the gutters
I have been in your shoes for so long now, I can't even remember when it began. And the truth is, it sucks. However, you really have to search your heart and find out what is true. Don't listen to the people who tell you that the situation is hopeless, maybe it is, maybe it isn't - love is something that takes a lot of work, sometimes even suffering and is often hopeless. My suggestion would be this. Really think about how much you have to give this girl, and then find out if you think that she's really worth the time and effort. You could be waiting for years, but your reward could last for eternity. read part of Fear and Trembling, Kirkegaard: Start here: "A young lad falls in love with a princess," and finish here "I nevertheless believe that I shall get her, namely on the strength of the absurd, on the strength of the fact that for God all things are possible."
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: South East US
Do you know what Masochism is? Why are you doing this to yourself? You are setting yourself up as a roadbump, not an admirable way to go through life.
Let her grow up and decide things for herself, and stop being a crutch for her. Your emotional health wont stand for it. She had an opportunity to devote herself to you and declined, consider yourself dumped and move on.
'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) |
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#8 (permalink) | |
Re: need help/advice in weird relationship
FORGET HER. Really. Continue on with your life and find someone new. And find someone without a boyfriend this time. lol Best of luck |
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#9 (permalink) |
lost and found
Location: Berkeley
You're getting played like a banjo. You'll be waiting for the rest of your life with this girl. Have some self-respect. I don't want to sound so harsh but, like the first guy said, you need some cold water. Find a girl that will treat you with common courtesy. Meet someone else ASAP. Doesn't matter if you don't feel the same way about the next girl. What matters is that you stop feeling this way about this manipulative bitch.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine |
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#10 (permalink) |
You have lost control of yourself. You have not yet reached the worst part. You will encounter emotional pain you didn't even know was possible. You will do several really, really stupid things. You will hate your life. You will then get over it. For the rest of your life you will include the word "Fucking" when you say or think her name, as in Mary Fucking Poppins. You might want to start practicing doing that now.
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#11 (permalink) |
Location: northern california
from the girls view it is the same... Your being played... Nothing good is going to come of this... Even if she got over him and the idea that she had to have him... she would find someone else and prolly not you... Your the friend she can have fun with and will always be there for her when she needs a date or wants to go out... That is the extent of it... She sounds very young and you are 18... besides wait till your older and you could find somebody like me.... heheheheheheh
sweetie just understand where the relationship is and you can have fun but it will never be what you want it to be right now..
...We find ourselves in a struggle for our very right to exsist... We will not go quietly into the night... We will not give up without a fight... |
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#12 (permalink) |
Things to do:
1. Pull down your pants. 2. Yell at Mr. Happy 3. Tell him that he is a “Bad, BAD! Penis” and to stop “running your life” 4. Pull your pants back up 5. Never call her again. EVER, if she calls you say you are busy. 6. If she wants to fuck, don’t. 7. If you end up fucking, then repeat steps 1 though 6 After this one of two things can happen: a) She will get the hint that you are not just her little skank-on-the-side and will stop talking to you. (good outcome) Or b) She will fall madly in love with you. (terrible outcome…but try explaining that to your penis…) |
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#13 (permalink) |
Friend. Tell her to fuck off.
I've been in very similar situations and they ALL END VERY BADLY. And it will for you, too. Gather your strength and walk away. Cut off all contact with her. You probably won't be able to do this (Lord knows that I wasn't). But good luck. |
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#14 (permalink) |
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Yes dude, as all the others have said, she's and Attention Whore.
There's steps you can do to raise her interest level, but only if you just want to have sex with her. There is NO hope for a relationship with her my friend. She wants attention and worste of all she wants it from the guy that wont give it. She can get attention from dozens of guys just like you who are always there, she knows this and is bored. She uses guys like you to fill in the gaps when she cant get it from the guy she wants it from. Think of it as you snack on PB&J sandwitches while you wait for the T-bone steak dinner. The sandwitches are ok but its just holding you off till the dinner comes. Walk away my friend, if she calls let her call twice AT LEAST before you call back, suddenly being too buisy with her will increase her interest, but like I said, if you want to just have sex great... if you want a relationship find someone else
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas |
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#15 (permalink) |
She is using you to make sure she feels wanted, so all the time she's in a bad relationship she will need you..... she has got you where she wants you....unfortunately it's not the way you want her!!!
Move on .... find somebody who wants you the same way you want them.. Good Luck |
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#16 (permalink) |
Surviving Hurricanes
Location: Miami, Florida
i think this happens to just about everyone.... If you are prepared to have your heart broken, then continue doing what you are doing and enjoy the love-making (sex), but be prepared for her to drop you like its hot at any moment cause thats the type of girl she seems like.
its difficult I know cause you fell for her, but If you really want her, then dont talk to her anymore, for some odd reason a lot of girls come chasing you when you dont show any interest, and when you do, they blow you off.... i dont know why, but they do... goodluck PS you should play some games with her too then and tell her you have someone else in your life... see how she reacts...play some hardball with her! ![]() |
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#17 (permalink) |
Location: NZ
Yeah... that's a good plan SAM. He should tell her about someone he's 'met' and say that he can't see her anymore, and then see how she reacts to that shit.
If she's not happy about it, he can say to her 'well you're taking too long sorting yourself out', give her an ultimatum. Put her on the spot, and don't give her more than an hour to decide. That way you'll extract more truth from her. |
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#18 (permalink) |
Location: Tennessee
this is kookookazoo, thx for the advice guys.. here's an update.. friday we were supposed to meet, but then suddenly outta nowhere she tells me her mom decided she wants to take her somewhere and "bond". so im like ok ill see u staurday then. so friday night a friend tells me she went out on a date with that random guy and probably had sex with him. i got pissed and called her up and said a buncha shit to her. i punched a wall and broke my fifth metacarpal (pinky knuckle). she came to where i was and we talked about it.. i followed her home cuz she was tired/upset/couldn't think straight etc. the next day she came over and we talked about it some more.. we kinda made up and had sex yet again. later that day she tells me she wants to stop talking to me period and if she thinks about me a lot still then she would realize she was ready to be with me (stupid idea in my opinion but w/e) so we tried that, worked for like almost a day then we started talking again on sunday. she tells me she thought mainly of me and that "random dude" and that she thinks shes kind of getting over her ex. last night i talked to her on the phone and told her if i hear of her meeting with that guy anymore, i'm not gonna talk to her again. she got all depressed and said that she doesnt like how im making her choose cuz it's too early. (we've been talking for close to a year, shes been talkin to the random dude for a few weeks now.. wtf?) she told me she wants to be with me but doesnt wanna stop talking to him, i didn't give in and told her i still feel the same way about it. we're gonna talk tonight again probably, and once again i dunno wtf to do. i can't get over this girl, i think there's a chance
Bye. Last edited by MaGlC_MaN; 11-17-2003 at 07:33 AM.. |
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#19 (permalink) |
Location: Cow Country, CT
i am going to agree with the rest of the board here... not a good situation, the reality is that nothing will ever come of this... She is just killing time and trying to fill a void left by her boy friend leaving. The fact is you are a rebound and are just being used to prop her up... you know like the ben folds song... but i know how hard it is to get out of these situations... so just start getting it through your head that this is bad news, and it will all work out correctly
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities. |
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Tags |
help or advice, relationship, weird |