this is kookookazoo, thx for the advice guys.. here's an update.. friday we were supposed to meet, but then suddenly outta nowhere she tells me her mom decided she wants to take her somewhere and "bond". so im like ok ill see u staurday then. so friday night a friend tells me she went out on a date with that random guy and probably had sex with him. i got pissed and called her up and said a buncha shit to her. i punched a wall and broke my fifth metacarpal (pinky knuckle). she came to where i was and we talked about it.. i followed her home cuz she was tired/upset/couldn't think straight etc. the next day she came over and we talked about it some more.. we kinda made up and had sex yet again. later that day she tells me she wants to stop talking to me period and if she thinks about me a lot still then she would realize she was ready to be with me (stupid idea in my opinion but w/e) so we tried that, worked for like almost a day then we started talking again on sunday. she tells me she thought mainly of me and that "random dude" and that she thinks shes kind of getting over her ex. last night i talked to her on the phone and told her if i hear of her meeting with that guy anymore, i'm not gonna talk to her again. she got all depressed and said that she doesnt like how im making her choose cuz it's too early. (we've been talking for close to a year, shes been talkin to the random dude for a few weeks now.. wtf?) she told me she wants to be with me but doesnt wanna stop talking to him, i didn't give in and told her i still feel the same way about it. we're gonna talk tonight again probably, and once again i dunno wtf to do. i can't get over this girl, i think there's a chance
Last edited by MaGlC_MaN; 11-17-2003 at 07:33 AM..