Yes dude, as all the others have said, she's and Attention Whore.
There's steps you can do to raise her interest level, but only if you just want to have sex with her. There is NO hope for a relationship with her my friend. She wants attention and worste of all she wants it from the guy that wont give it.
She can get attention from dozens of guys just like you who are always there, she knows this and is bored. She uses guys like you to fill in the gaps when she cant get it from the guy she wants it from.
Think of it as you snack on PB&J sandwitches while you wait for the T-bone steak dinner. The sandwitches are ok but its just holding you off till the dinner comes.
Walk away my friend, if she calls let her call twice AT LEAST before you call back, suddenly being too buisy with her will increase her interest, but like I said, if you want to just have sex great... if you want a relationship find someone else
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas