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mirevolver 10-14-2003 01:05 PM

Sheesh, start a game of naked, oiled, twister and a tag game breaks out.

Angel 10-14-2003 01:18 PM

Shouldn't take lurkette long...best get moving on this oily, nekkid twister!

*Places left hand on green*

Whoa! It's slippery! I'm not sure how long I can hold this position. Uh oh, I'm starting to giggle...oh no! If somebody could just put their foot on that blue dot under my tummy I can rest on their leg....is that cheating????

mirevolver 10-14-2003 01:34 PM

*puts right foot on blue*

Angel 10-14-2003 01:38 PM

Whew! Thought I was gonna lose it there for a minute! Thanks mirevolver! :icare:

We need to Minx in here. I'm sure she could add to the fun! ;)

*rests tummy on mirevolver's leg and continues to giggle furiously*

Minx 10-14-2003 08:49 PM

Right here Angel! Just taking care of the guys at the bar as we lost NiceGuy but I'm in! A step behind you guys (no pun intended) but I'll catch up!

right hand on red

Midlandmadman 10-15-2003 03:58 AM

.......... hey you people at the twister game.... I think its too close to the slip and slide..... here I come......... ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


ooooops sorry whoes toe is that sticking me in the side???

Angel 10-15-2003 04:24 AM

That would be my toe in your side!
Is that mirevolvers knee in my ribs?
And Minx....sorry about planting my face there, it was midlandmadman's fault!

lurkette 10-15-2003 04:58 AM

Man, sorry I took so long. Hope nobody hurt themselves playing twister.

Know who'd enjoy a good game of twister? G_Whiz.

Now where is he.....


There he is!!!!

G5_Todd 10-15-2003 05:08 AM

1,2,3 no tag backs.....

been so long

Midlandmadman 10-15-2003 05:29 AM

I gotta get outta this pile............... must get more beer!

shalafi 10-15-2003 05:42 AM

hey midland.....sensuous up would ya mind grabbin me a jim n coke? i seem to be pinned under minxy and angel.....not that im complaining.

Conclamo Ludus 10-15-2003 06:38 AM

*tips back shalafi's head dumps coke on his face and some of his partially finished fifth of beam.*

"I got this order midland, I might as well make myself useful while standing here."

Minx 10-15-2003 08:48 AM


Originally posted by Angel
And Minx....sorry about planting my face there, it was midlandmadman's fault!
Heck, don't worry about it! :)

I think G_Whiz is golfing today.....he may be a little while before checking in with us but then I'm sure he'll take care of tagging duties and come join us in our twister game!

Hey Conclamo Ludus...would you mind pouring me a nice glass of white wine while you are doing bartending duties? Pretty pretty pretty please?! :D

Midlandmadman 10-15-2003 10:04 AM

If you do some research.... you will note that the oily slip and slide was in place before the twister game broke out. Yes, It was I that crashed into the tangled limbs of the game and caused Angels face to get planted there..... But, I feel that whom ever placed the twister board so close to the slip and slid was the person who was really at fault.

Conclamo Ludus 10-15-2003 10:13 AM


Originally posted by Minx

Hey Conclamo Ludus...would you mind pouring me a nice glass of white wine while you are doing bartending duties? Pretty pretty pretty please?! :D

*casually dumps bottle of white wine all over Minx.*

"Get it from the source, that's what I always say."

Minx 10-15-2003 11:52 AM


Originally posted by Midlandmadman
If you do some research.... you will note that the oily slip and slide was in place before the twister game broke out. Yes, It was I that crashed into the tangled limbs of the game and caused Angels face to get planted there..... But, I feel that whom ever placed the twister board so close to the slip and slid was the person who was really at fault.
Maybe that was done on purpose so we'd get some oily slip & sliders joining in our game! And hey! I never once complained about where Angels face ended up!!!! :lol: :D

Hmmmmm me thinks me needs to go jump into the pool and wash some of this wine off me.....

G_Whiz 10-15-2003 11:56 AM

OK, OK. I guy tries to sneak off for a quiet game of golf and what happens. The slip-n-slide gets tangled up with the nekkid twister AND I get tagged.

Now, let's see if I can get some order going here. I have the distinct honor of being IT. I need to make an appropriate choice amongst the throngs of deserving souls on TFP.

Hmmmmm, why is everyone running away???

Based upon his distinquished avatar, I TAG ...


Now, let's see what's in the bar before I go join the ladies in that twister game...

Conclamo Ludus 10-15-2003 02:06 PM


Originally posted by Minx

Hmmmmm me thinks me needs to go jump into the pool and wash some of this wine off me.....

"Sorry Minx. This is what happens when I bartend. Glasses just always seem to get in the way between the bottle and your belly. It looks good on you though. Very modern."

*dumps Jim Beam on my face*

Minx 10-15-2003 06:25 PM

Well I never did have a problem with a little wine on the body....it's fun to lick up! :D

hmmm maybe I should put off that swim just a bit... :lol:

mirevolver 10-15-2003 06:32 PM

*realizing I've been tagged, I reach out to somebody getting up from the pile and manage to wrap my arms around a thigh.

As the oiled leg begins to slide from my grasp, I look up to see angel's face as she tries to escape. And just before my hands slide off that beautiful leg, I utter the words, "Tag, you're it."

Angel 10-15-2003 07:49 PM

Yummy! What a fun way to get tagged! :D

*Tries to get her sprawled body to stand but the twister mat is too slippery. Crawls/slides to the edge and stands up on the grass, brushes her hair out of her eyes and looks around at all of the options*

Hmmm…just over there I see some dark hair, and a familiar stance. I’ll just sneak over and see if I can get close enough to be sure. Just as I am reaching out, he turns around and the penetrating beautiful blue eyes catch me in the act…but I still have time to reach out and lightly brush my hand on his arm and say “J.R.V.A…..YOU ARE IT!” :icare:

*Takes off and dives into the pool*

J.R.V.A. 10-15-2003 08:01 PM

Dives in after angel, holds her head under the water for a minute, and as she comes up for air, he says " now ur it hehehe"

Angel 10-16-2003 03:50 AM

Oh man! I forgot to call no tag backs!
Let's see...who now? I can't quite function yet for lack of air to my brain! I think I'll slither on out of the pool here and go in search of our MIA friend...
*sneaks behind the hidden door and enters into a room full of suits and attitude. Seeks her target and quietly saunters over and whispers in his ear..."niceguy, you are it my man!"

G_Whiz 10-16-2003 07:30 AM

Hmmmm. I thought "no tags back" was an overall rule. You mean I could have gotten immediate revenge and blew it??? :(

Oh well, the party is still going full swing. I'll grab a glass of Ravenswood Merlot and relax in the hot tub. Any ladies care to join me?? :suave:

Minx 10-16-2003 07:47 AM

I'll join you GW and while I'm more of a white wine person, you can never go wrong with a good Merlot. If you don't mind pouring me one we can relax in the hot tub and talk football! :D

G_Whiz 10-16-2003 08:08 AM

*G_Whiz pours 2 glasses of merlot and heads for the hot tub*

So, Minx. It looks like your Phins have a better chance for the playoffs than my 9ers. Let's talk about the possibilities. ;)

shalafi 10-16-2003 08:19 AM

hey thanks conclamo you da man. we used to do capt and coke that way at our bonfire parties. gulp of coke, gulp of capt and shake hehe.

hmmm im starving *heads for the grill grabbing a steak and a yeungling on the way* anyone else hungry while im up?

minxy's a fins fan?? see i told yall not just cute but smart too. wouldnt that rule if we could manage the chum buckets in the series and the fins in the superbowl!!!!!!!

ForgottenKnight 10-16-2003 03:20 PM

"Who's the dame?"
"That's just Angel boss, nothing to worry about. Escuse me, but I've got some business outside to take care off."
"You need Johnny to help you out there? He's got his best friend on him."
"It'll be slow and painful." Johnny pats something inside his pocket.
"No, this I had better take care of alone. I'll bring some martinis back with me."

NiceGuy escorts Angel out of the room. Johnny closes the door behind them.
NiceGuy immediatley shakes up a couple of rounds of martinis and leaves one round at the bar, while placing one between the hot tub and the pool.
He heads back to the bar, tags Conclamo Ludus while saying, "On top of the bartending duties, you now have the responsibility of being the 'IT'. Enjoy."
NiceGuy picks up the second tray of martinis vanishes behind the wall.

Conclamo Ludus 10-16-2003 03:33 PM

*darts out of room walking gorilla-style in gorilla costume*

*Comes back in dragging Bundy by the collar*

"He's it".

*Jumps in pool*

bundy 10-16-2003 04:25 PM

**does a little dance!!

woohoo - i´m back in this party!! (and i´m not late)

wheres that booze got to??

and wheres that dancing superstar Averett got to??

**spots Averett over by the bar - runs up and tags her, gently...

Averett 10-17-2003 03:16 AM

Ohh I see I am it once again....

I think I'll just walk around the party here for a bit, see who's around...

Averett 10-17-2003 10:10 AM

I just noticed that G5_Todd said it's been so long since he's played tag. Lets end that,shall we?



G5_Todd 10-17-2003 11:47 AM

no no no.....no way im it........your so it

Minx 10-17-2003 01:21 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
*G_Whiz pours 2 glasses of merlot and heads for the hot tub*

So, Minx. It looks like your Phins have a better chance for the playoffs than my 9ers. Let's talk about the possibilities. ;)

I'm sorry sweet thing but you do know that as much as I like your niners I do believe my team is going to kick ass this year! ;)
I think it's a good thing we don't have a game during the regular season where we have to go against each other! :lol:

Shalafi....you a Dolphins fan also??? Yeh!

G_Whiz 10-17-2003 01:57 PM


Originally posted by Minx
I'm sorry sweet thing but you do know that as much as I like your niners I do believe my team is going to kick ass this year! ;)
I think it's a good thing we don't have a game during the regular season where we have to go against each other! :lol:

Minx, I think that was the point that I was trying to make. It's not over until it's over, but my guys are struggling this year. And, Seattle and St. Lou look like they are going to battle it out. Of course, we only lost to the Rams by 3 and the 'Hawks by 1.

Maybe we should change the subject. So what is your preference is wine? :D

BTW, who's IT. I'm not sure from G5_Todd's post.

Conclamo Ludus 10-17-2003 02:00 PM

*hangs gorilla-masked head in shame*

"go lions..."

hawkeye 10-17-2003 02:16 PM

cheers, Conclamo it takes a big man to admit to being a Lions fan. even here in MI. In your honor, the next round's on me!

Conclamo Ludus 10-17-2003 02:17 PM


Originally posted by hawkeye
cheers, Conclamo it takes a big man to admit to being a Lions fan. even here in MI. In your honor, the next round's on me!

Thanks man! On that note: Go Tigers! Go Wings! Go Pistons! Wooohooooo!

Averett 10-17-2003 06:06 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
BTW, who's IT. I'm not sure from G5_Todd's post.
I was it, but now you are!

TAG! And no tag's back ;)

G_Whiz 10-17-2003 07:07 PM


Originally posted by Averett
I was it, but now you are!

TAG! And no tag's back ;)

OK, see if I try to keep the game straight again. Tagged for all my trouble... :(

However, since I now am the honored IT, I must pick a suitable replacement. There seem to be many who are well qualified, but who shall it be? :suave:

I know, it must be......

the loverly Angel will be a wonderful IT.

*G_Whiz sneaks up on Angel and kisses her on the left cheek (you can guess which one :D)*

TAG, darling. You're IT. :icare:

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