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bundy 10-24-2003 07:28 PM


Originally posted by flyman
well.............allrighty then.....
thanks for the tag sweetie.....i guess i'll tag......oh.....bundy

yeah that's it.........hey bundy get your ass in here.

you're it man.

hey, i´m already here buddy... i´ve just been hanging out in the bathroom queue... always great conversation there!!

like for instance, i was chatting to G_Whiz, what a great guy!!
ladies, did yall know he´s got a phD in spa massages??

oh, and i choose you Munku...

(sorry, i normally call him munky, but munku rhymed)

iktoweya 10-24-2003 10:27 PM


Originally posted by flamingpeach
I'm sooo sorry , i have popup's disabled so i didn't know i had a pm until today. Maybe next time. :(
its cool

iktoweya 10-24-2003 10:29 PM

*ikky jumps with joy as his personal keg of guiness has just arrived*

G_Whiz 10-25-2003 05:19 AM


Originally posted by bundy

like for instance, i was chatting to G_Whiz, what a great guy!!
ladies, did yall know he´s got a phD in spa massages??

Now there you go giving away my secrets. :D I guess that I've got be more careful about what I tell people confidentially. :lol:


Originally posted by iktoweya
*ikky jumps with joy as his personal keg of guiness has just arrived*
What's this "personal keg" stuff. Come on, we share in the game. :thumbsup:

iktoweya 10-25-2003 11:59 AM

hrm ok ill share

Munku 10-25-2003 07:16 PM

I feel honored.. Thanks Bundo. :P

Umm pikachu I choose BONES!

Because umm.. Well I dont know why. Cause bones will coem in and say something really funny or stupid.. and Umm stupidity is cool. I think.


shalafi 10-25-2003 07:43 PM

*shalafi stumbles back to the party bleary eyed and promptly falls head first into the pool and surfaces sputtering with a bottle of casa noble anejo*
sweet!! thats where i left it. well bottoms up.

* awaits the hillarity of bones'ss'ss's (i hate that plural posessive) arival*

Minx 10-26-2003 08:15 AM


Originally posted by bundy
ladies, did yall know he´s got a phD in spa massages??
Ahhhh! That's why the backrubs in the hot tub were so great G_Whiz! :D

I hear Bones is it.....this should be fun!

Fly 10-26-2003 08:33 AM

come on bones...............we're waiting for your.....ummmm.....


iktoweya 10-26-2003 08:35 AM

did someone message bones to let him know that he was tagged???

iktoweya 10-26-2003 08:36 AM

celebrating the fall back ikky hands out bull blasters

Minx 10-26-2003 06:06 PM

Excuse the innocence here but what exactly is a bull blaster?


iktoweya 10-26-2003 10:52 PM

its when you take a shot glass of yager and drop in to a half filled glass of redbull (the power drink) then you just chug it. it'll keep you up for a long time.

sometimes reffered to as yager bombs or yager blasters ive just always heard it as a bull blaster.

Midlandmadman 10-27-2003 06:42 AM

I'll stick to beer..................... and I believe its time for another.

shalafi 10-27-2003 12:24 PM

hmmm bull blaster sounds like it probably tastes vile but what the hell......Im in!!

Minx 10-27-2003 01:21 PM

Aye Matey!

Here's what we should be drinking (in preparation of the looting, pillaging and raping!)



G_Whiz 10-27-2003 01:33 PM


Originally posted by Minx
Aye Matey!

Here's what we should be drinking (in preparation of the looting, pillaging and raping!)



I don't know about the rapin' part, but the rest sounds good to me. I prefer cooperative ladies. :lol:

Belay that!! Let's party. :D

Minx 10-27-2003 03:40 PM

:lol: Opps! Sorry G_Whiz.....I was more referring to the "horde" alter-ego I have happening!

But I second the let's party idea! Hey....who was it anyways? I think we lost them.....

ForgottenKnight 10-27-2003 08:33 PM

NiceGuy stubles out of the back room, takes the Captain Morgan Spiced Rum bottle from Minx, and mixes his own specialty drink:

NiceGuy pours 1 cup of tropical punch in the blender. He then pours a dash of cosmopolitan mix in (for the craynberry flavor), a dash of pina colada mix in (for the coconut flavor), two dashes of Grenadine (GOOD STUFF!), a bit of apple juice for the apple flavor, and two or three or so scoups of Vanalla Ice Cream. He then puts in a few ounces of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum (just enough for a spiced rum accent, probably a couple of shots), some ice cubes, and a few (4 or 5) frozen strawberries. He blends it for a few minutes until creamy.

Serves 2 to 4, depending on glass size. Short glass: 4 people. Tall glass: 2 people with a bit extra.

It's kind of like a smoothie with alcohol. It's my own special recipy. Any ideas for a name?

iktoweya 10-28-2003 02:46 AM

who wants pizza?

Midlandmadman 10-28-2003 04:38 AM

I think bones is still it..................

shalafi 10-28-2003 09:08 AM

mmmmm pizza.....and capt. i hope its private stock.

Minx 10-28-2003 12:58 PM

I'm in for pizza! Can we get some hot peppers on it please?

NiceGuy...I'd love to try one of your drinks please - let me mull about a name for a while! :)

mrquackers 10-28-2003 02:18 PM

(Hearing the magic word 'pizza' uttered, MrQuackers comes running in, out of breath, from another forum.

"pant.... pant.... large.... meat..... lovers.... please..... wheeze....."

Seeing spots, he begins to swoon, but forces his legs to carry him to the bar, where he asks if there might, possibly, by any chance, if he asks *real* nice, be a cold Laughing Skull hidden at the bottom of the cooler.

Failing that, he wonders if someone will make him a hurricane?

Angel 10-28-2003 04:01 PM

*Wakes up from a long nap in the bushes*
Hey, did someone say pizza? I LOVE pizza! Does this come with a salad and bread sticks? I'm in!

Oh, and G_Whiz, I'll be waiting for those skilled hands to rub my tense shoulders after we eat.

Do you all think Giant hamburger is going to feel bad that we are eating pizza and not him...er, um, yeah, anyway....

shalafi 10-28-2003 05:29 PM

its all good angel. i had a burger for breakfast

iktoweya 10-28-2003 05:57 PM

hrm wasnt bones supposed to say something funny?? isnt that why we tagged him?? if so he didnt live up to it and i think he should try again. heh

you gotta PM GH to let him know ya tagged other than that you are fine

mmmmmm pineapple

ForgottenKnight 10-28-2003 09:37 PM

Help me name the last drink I mixed here!


NiceGuy mixes another round of whatever it will be called.

Angel 10-29-2003 05:14 AM


Originally posted by shalafi
its all good angel. i had a burger for breakfast
Whew! Good save Shalafi! I think we are covered then! ;)

Niceguy...I'm trying to think of a name for your drink.

shalafi 10-29-2003 08:36 AM

I think ill have a burger for lunch today just to be safe. we wouldnt want to arouse the ire of the Giant One.

niceguy: i think you should name it Bob.

ForgottenKnight 10-29-2003 03:32 PM

mmmm...burgers.....I could go for one with cheese right now...

NiceGuy heads over to the grill and grills one. He then relaxes in the grass, feeling the warmth of the sun on one side, and the soft, cool grass on the other.

G_Whiz 10-29-2003 04:08 PM


Originally posted by Minx
I'm in for pizza! Can we get some hot peppers on it please?

NiceGuy...I'd love to try one of your drinks please - let me mull about a name for a while! :)

If we're having pizza, I want anchovies on it. Yummy. :lol:

NiceGuy, that sounds like a Capt. Slushie to me. :crazy:


Originally posted by Angel

Oh, and G_Whiz, I'll be waiting for those skilled hands to rub my tense shoulders after we eat.

Do you all think Giant hamburger is going to feel bad that we are eating pizza and not him...er, um, yeah, anyway....

Angel, you got it. Let's just get that pizza and then get started. At little pizza grease might be helpful.

BTW, I refuse to touch that line about eating GH. :D

ForgottenKnight 10-29-2003 11:46 PM

NiceGuy packs a hiking backpack full of clothing, food, water, alcohol, and other necessities. He grabs a sleeping bag and puts on his hiking boots. He eats some pizza before heading on a night hike up the mountain to look for a good stargazing spot. When he finds one, he makes camp, starts a campfire, and enjoys some roasted marshmellows. Then he crawls into his sleeping bag next to the fire, and stargazes on that cloudless night. After a few hours when the fire is almost out, he reaches over and pours some water onto it, and then falls asleep.

Doesn't Matter 10-29-2003 11:55 PM


iktoweya 10-30-2003 05:53 AM

ikky grabs a shirt full of beers and walks over to a tree. As he sits he has counted seven beers and realizes he has no means of keeping them cold. instead of placing them back in the cooler about 30 yds away he begins to chug.

Minx 10-30-2003 01:53 PM

Hey NiceGuy.....I think your drink sounds like a "Southern Surf" (although I do like "Bob" too :lol: )
NiceGuy? Hey...he's gone. Hmph. Ah ha! We have the recipe though! ;)

Hmmm....pizza or burgers? That cheeseburger thing sounded really really good. With onions (just no-one will want to kiss me after!). Maybe if GH turns up he'll fry us up a few!

shalafi 10-30-2003 02:16 PM

Id still kiss ya minxy. Oniony and garlicy mouth is way better than stale cigaretty mouth or stogie mouth. I dont even like to breathe at people after ive had a cigar.

While we are waiting for gh i think ill try a glass of ummmm well looking at all the names i can see lets try "Bob's Southern Surf Slushie"........and a burger. but i want mine grilled.

Giant Hamburger 10-30-2003 02:41 PM


shalafi 10-30-2003 03:48 PM

mmmmm look at all that beautiful flaming meat. now im hungry again

G_Whiz 10-30-2003 05:10 PM


Originally posted by Minx
That cheeseburger thing sounded really really good. With onions (just no-one will want to kiss me after!).
Minx, I'll kiss you any time. :icare:

But now that you mention it, a cheeseburger with onions sounds really good right now. That with a Red Tail Ale and I'll be set for a while. :D

BTW, who's IT????

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