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Angel 12-13-2003 08:05 PM

Ah G_Whiz my dear, I haven't disappeared! I just had to shop and shop and shop some more. And now I have been wrapping like a fool and my neck and back ache like crazy. So I'm going to slip my aching and tired body into the hot tub and hope that you will be there to work your magic fingers! ;)

Minx 12-14-2003 02:13 AM

Ask and you shall receive GW sweetie! Now you have both Angel and I back after a little hiatus! :)

What have you kids been up to while I've been gone? I see the tags have been going like crazy.....and bad bad boy you - you scared Litespeed away! :lol:

ForgottenKnight 12-14-2003 11:24 AM


Originally posted by Minx
and bad bad boy you - you scared Litespeed away!
Perhaps GW should have let the bartender handle that...

Round of drinks on the house if Lightspeed comes back to play with us!

G_Whiz 12-14-2003 11:49 AM

WOW, both Angel and Minx come back on the same day. Fantastic!! :thumbsup:

(Maybe this is something to be paranoid about. They disappear together and return together. Hmmmmmm)

Angel, since you asked first, just cosy up here and I'll massage those shoulders and back. :D Minx, your turn is coming.

And, BTW, I didn't scare off Litespeed on purpose. I hope NiceGuys offer gets her back. :p

Minx 12-14-2003 03:04 PM

She's not "it" at the moment but hopefully she will come back and play with us!

And don't worry GW, I'm a patient girl...I can wait my turn at the massage!

I think I may be able to find a way to amuse myself in the meantime! ;)

G_Whiz 12-14-2003 03:06 PM

As long as I can watch, go ahead and amuse yourself. :D

mirevolver 12-14-2003 03:17 PM

*slides into the hottub after recovering from his hangover*

I'm not sure I can do the job G_Whiz can but I can try, Minx.

ForgottenKnight 12-14-2003 04:16 PM


Originally posted by mirevolver
*slides into the hottub after recovering from his hangover*

YES! I had you drunk again! Woo hoo! :lol:

Angel 12-14-2003 05:03 PM

Oh that feels soooo good G_Whiz! I really needed that! :)

Now don't you wish you knew exactly where my good friend Minx and I have been?

Let's keep it secret Minx! ;)

Mirevolver...here are a couple of excedrin for you hun, it'll be okay!
Funny how we are so greatful to NiceGuy for his diligence in taking care of the bar and yet we have to recover after he gets ahold of us!

G_Whiz 12-14-2003 05:12 PM

Glad to oblige, Angel. Now, if you wouldn't mind sliding your sweet, round bottom over, it's Minx's turn. She's been very patient. :D

OK, Minxie, come on and get your massage. After all, I promised. :lol:

mirevolver, thanks for helping out. You need to take care of that hangover. It's interferring with your massaging ability. I know you can do a better job than that. :thumbsup:

ForgottenKnight 12-14-2003 07:18 PM


Originally posted by Angel
Funny how we are so greatful to NiceGuy for his diligence in taking care of the bar and yet we have to recover after he gets ahold of us!
I do what I can! ;):lol:

Minx 12-15-2003 08:54 AM


Originally posted by mirevolver
I'm not sure I can do the job G_Whiz can but I can try, Minx.
You do a great job! Thanks! :icare:


Originally posted by Angel
Now don't you wish you knew exactly where my good friend Minx and I have been?

Let's keep it secret Minx! ;)

Our little secret Angel! Let them wonder! :lol:


Originally posted by G_Whiz
OK, Minxie, come on and get your massage. After all, I promised. :lol:
I am ready for your talented fingers my friend! ;)

G_Whiz 12-16-2003 03:39 PM

So, how's that feeling, Minx? Do you need more?

BTW, what happened to the game? It was moving right along and then just seems to have stopped. :(

In fact, it's gotten pretty quiet around here. I think that the bartender is taking finals, but where is everyone else???

Angel 12-16-2003 05:16 PM

We need to give a little nudge to whoever is supposed to be it....I'm lost who it is (heaven forbid I read enough to figure it out!) Otherwise I just might have to take charge and tag somebody simply for the hell of it! ;)
*goes back to watching Minx get her rub down*

iktoweya 12-16-2003 06:39 PM

*loud noises kind of like a teleportation device begin to sound. electricity begins to flow everywere along with lots of smoke. when it clears there is ikky kneeling waiting for his functions to return to him.

yay i have taken the time to return only for a moment to peep and see what is going down. me and a few friends jumped in a car a few days ago and just took off. right now we are touring texas and seeing the sites staying with random people we meet and what not. lots of fun it is. hope to be home soon.

*steps back in to the teleportation field and just disappears*

ForgottenKnight 12-16-2003 08:24 PM

NiceGuy returns to the bar...


Originally posted by G_Whiz
In fact, it's gotten pretty quiet around here. I think that the bartender is taking finals, but where is everyone else???
I'm done with finals now! Woo Hoo! Now I just have to pray I passed!

It is quiet around here... time to fix that!
NiceGuy mixes a round of Blue Hawaiians:

1 oz Light Rum
1 oz Blue Curacao
2 oz Pineapple Juice
1 oz Cream of Coconut
1 cup Crushed Ice
Combine all ingredients in blender at high speed. Pour into a glass and top with a slice of pineapple and a cherry.

NiceGuy serves his friends in the hot tub, and then sets a tray of the drinks nearby for the others...wherever they are... We need some music! Niceguy goes to the DJing booth, puts on some techno, pulls out a box of glowsticks, and with one in each hand, starts raving on the dance floor.

Angel 12-17-2003 01:33 AM

Yummy on the Blue Hawaiian's!
*grabs a couple of glowsticks and joins NiceGuy on the dance floor*

G_Whiz 12-17-2003 08:47 AM


Originally posted by seretogis
*pounces on The Original King, tigger-style*

*runs away*

I think that means that The Original King is IT. Has anyone told him?

Now, Minx... Since Angel is off dancing, let me massage you a bit more thoroughly. :suave: How about a "deep" massage? :D

mirevolver 12-17-2003 09:08 AM

WOOHOO!!! A rave!

*hops out of the hot tub, towels off. Grabs a couple of glowsticks and hits the dancefloor.*

ForgottenKnight 12-17-2003 12:57 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
I think that means that The Original King is IT. Has anyone told him?

Don't Know...Don't Care... It's been long enough! In an effort to get the game moving again, I'm taking things into my hands now! *FEELS ALL POWERFUL!* I now declare The Original King is no longer it!

NiceGuy, while raving with Angel and mirevovler, moves in close to Angel;) and tags her..."You're It!":D

Angel 12-17-2003 04:44 PM

Oh sure, thinking I'm about to get some serious dancing going on as NiceGuy slides closer...and what do I get???? Tagged! That's okay, I was about to take charge anyway! ;)

*breakes open her glow stick, begins swinging it around creating all kinds of cool glowing splashes on everybody dancing an in the hot tub. Runs off into the woods lighting up the trees and path along the way. When who does she smack right into??? springrain!* Imagine that in the middle of winter! Gives a welcoming smile, sprinkles the last of the glowing liquid on her and tells her it is fairy dust that will transport her into the middle of the funnest tag game in town. Then quietly whispers "Tag, you are it!"

~springrain 12-17-2003 06:10 PM

*sparkling smile*

i'm it?? oh boy! ... i love these games...

*runs around in circles ... faerie dust swirling in all directions*

hmmmmm.... who to tag... who tag... *devlish smile*

*bounces across the room to find Minx... throwing my arms around her giving a big SQUEEZE shouting*...
TAG! YOU'RE IT!!! :icare:

Angel 12-17-2003 06:32 PM

Yeah ~springrain! You go girl!!! Get right in and take care of business. :D

Now Minxie has to give up her DEEP rub to go tag someone! Na nee na nee na nee.....G_Whiz...will you give me a deep one????

G_Whiz 12-17-2003 09:37 PM


Originally posted by Angel
Yeah ~springrain! You go girl!!! Get right in and take care of business. :D

Now Minxie has to give up her DEEP rub to go tag someone! Na nee na nee na nee.....G_Whiz...will you give me a deep one????

I'm ready if you are, Angel. How deep do you want it??? :D :crazy:

Hmmmm, maybe ~springrain would like to join in. What do you think, sweet lady ~springrain?? Would like to join us in the hot tub and relax with a nice massage?? :suave:

Minx 12-18-2003 08:17 AM


Originally posted by Angel
Now Minxie has to give up her DEEP rub to go tag someone! Na nee na nee na nee.....G_Whiz...will you give me a deep one????
Drat! I was really enjoying that too! G_Whiz - you keep Angel occupied while I'm off taking care of "it" duties!

Minx looks around for a suitable victim. I think we need to pick on someone new for a change......who hasn't come by to visit us for a while (if ever???!!!).

Ah ha! I've got it! Minx quietly creeps over to another thread where her target it innocently posting away. Sneaking up behind him she gives him a little slap on the ass and runs back to the hot tub with a giggle, calling over her shoulder "Oh Sticky...you are IT honey!"

G_Whiz 12-18-2003 09:30 AM


Originally posted by Minx
Drat! I was really enjoying that too! G_Whiz - you keep Angel occupied while I'm off taking care of "it" duties!

Minx looks around for a suitable victim. I think we need to pick on someone new for a change......who hasn't come by to visit us for a while (if ever???!!!).

Ah ha! I've got it! Minx quietly creeps over to another thread where her target it innocently posting away. Sneaking up behind him she gives him a little slap on the ass and runs back to the hot tub with a giggle, calling over her shoulder "Oh Sticky...you are IT honey!"

Sticky...honey... Oh, humor. :lol:

Don't you worry, Minx. Angel and I are doing just fine. :D Now, if I can just lure ~springrain into joining us. :crazy: :thumbsup:

Sticky 12-18-2003 11:02 AM

<b>G_Whiz</b>how about <b>sillygirl</b>?

I have to actually do some work today.
Maybe I will play later.

For now, <b>sillygirl</b> is it.

G_Whiz 12-18-2003 11:29 AM

sillygirl is more than welcome to join in the fun. I'll be glad to provide the massage skills once she has fulfilled her duties as IT. :thumbsup:

OK, sillygirl, go forth and TAG.

Then all you have to do is ask. I give very thorough massages and back scratches. Just ask Angel or Minx. :D

sillygirl 12-18-2003 12:41 PM

I've been wondering what this game's about... I'm DEFINITELY up for a massage... God knows I NEED one... :)

Telekinetic, YOU'RE IT!!! ( let's see if he'll join!)

Minx 12-18-2003 01:38 PM

Hi sillygirl! Welcome to our game! We've got the hot tub bubbling away, a well stocked bar and a great bartender :icare: to niceguy for taking care of those duties, a slip and slide and a dance floor! What am I missing? :lol:
Good to have you join us!

And yes......G_Whiz has very talented hands! ;)

torgone 12-18-2003 02:46 PM

We had a dancing bear for a while, but he's wandered off. I went looking for my bottle of primo tequila in the bushes, but I'm back now. It's been a while . . .must have passed out over there.

Minx 12-18-2003 02:47 PM

torgone sweetie...I was wondering where you had disappeared off to!
Good to have you back :)

torgone 12-18-2003 02:58 PM

I am indeed back and ready to perform massage, scratch, tickle, nibble, or any such acts of pleasure. . . And to drink.
Hit me!

sillygirl 12-18-2003 05:08 PM

I dunno if Telekinetic's gonna play.... but I want my massage anyways!!!

telekinetic2 12-18-2003 07:32 PM

um. Boo! I will play only if someone rubs my feet...

someone like Litespeed

sillygirl 12-18-2003 07:46 PM

Okay, I got him to play! Soooo, who's giving sillygirl a rubdown?

G_Whiz 12-18-2003 08:16 PM

Easy sillygirl. I offered and I always accomodate an interested lady.

Now, get out of those clothes and come on into the hot tub. I do my best work underwater. :D

Now, what's your preference? Back scratching, a regular massage, or a deep massage.

sillygirl 12-18-2003 10:24 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
Now, what's your preference? Back scratching, a regular massage, or a deep massage.
I always like a deep massage! But, I've found that my boyfriend gives the best of that type... ;)

I'm up for a nice therapeutic Swedish massage though.. is that on the menu?

*slides into hot tub*

sillygirl 12-18-2003 10:40 PM

How do I get a nice strong rum and coke around here? *smiles sweetly*

ForgottenKnight 12-18-2003 11:01 PM


Originally posted by sillygirl
How do I get a nice strong rum and coke around here? *smiles sweetly*
NiceGuy takes a break from raving to serve the newest guests their requested drinks and then goes back to dancing to techo with glowsticks.

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