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hawkeye 11-16-2003 11:24 AM

Hawkeye sees fire and comes running.

oooh. s'mores! cool, I love making s'mores

does anybody want me to make them one?

Minx 11-16-2003 03:12 PM


Originally posted by hawkeye
oooh. s'mores! cool, I love making s'mores

does anybody want me to make them one?

Ohhhhh yes please! NiceGuy had such a great idea with this one!


Originally posted by iktoweya
grabs me a beer and jumps into the hot tub. proceeds to move others out of the way to try and get a seat next to Minx.
I saved a seat for you right beside me....but if I dribble any melted marshmallow on me you have to lick it up!

ForgottenKnight 11-16-2003 03:50 PM


Originally posted by Minx
NiceGuy had such a great idea with this one!
Glad you guys liked it!

NiceGuy sees the supplies running low, goes over to the bar and gets some more. With them, he brings back a round of Mai Tai cocktails.

iktoweya 11-16-2003 08:47 PM


Originally posted by Minx
I saved a seat for you right beside me....but if I dribble any melted marshmallow on me you have to lick it up!

well if i must

ikky places Minx's marshmallow deep into the fire to get it extra hot before handing it to her.

Minx 11-17-2003 03:33 PM


Quick...someone pass me some chocolate syrup too...then I could be a human 'smore!

Oh...but please, be gentle - I'm tender!

ForgottenKnight 11-17-2003 03:43 PM


Originally posted by Minx
Quick...someone pass me some chocolate syrup too...then I could be a human 'smore!
NiceGuy passes Minx the chocolate syrup... have fun iktoweya... :lol:

He then goes back to making his own smores...

iktoweya 11-18-2003 02:12 AM

With that said iktoweya looks for a graham cracker. Ah perfect there is one left.

Looks like we'll have to share until we can get another box over here. Here's the deal your half will be what is between the graham crackers and well whatever falls ;) will be mine

*squeezes the hell out of the graham cracker before it reaches Minx's mouth

oops hehe

kerk9191 11-18-2003 12:31 PM

graham crackers? are they it??

Minx 11-18-2003 12:42 PM


Originally posted by iktoweya
*squeezes the hell out of the graham cracker before it reaches Minx's mouth oops hehe
:D Mmmmmmm.....nummy!

Hey......Z is it right?
He's never going to come. I just may have to take matters into my own hands again or let this party die.
Awwww.....and I hate the end to a party. :(

WhoaitsZ 11-18-2003 02:38 PM

geez sorry

i just DUNNO who to tag

WhoaitsZ 11-18-2003 02:53 PM

dangit no complaints :P

i tag floonine!

yer like it and stuff

iktoweya 11-18-2003 03:35 PM

yeah i dont want this party to die either

ikky proceeds to clean Minx up with his tongue.

mmmmmmmmmmm human smores are good

ForgottenKnight 11-18-2003 11:34 PM


Originally posted by Minx
Hey......Z is it right?
He's never going to come. I just may have to take matters into my own hands again or let this party die.
Awwww.....and I hate the end to a party. :(

Let it die? Why? It's the greatest thread at the TFP! Besides, he finally came... so what's there to worry about?

G_Whiz 11-19-2003 10:12 AM

So, I haven't said anything in a couple of days and what do I come back to find...

People talking about the thread dying. Not likely!!! :D

And, ikky licking his way around Minx. :crazy:

Hey, Angel... Want to be a human smore??? I have a VERY active tongue. :lol:

Angel 11-19-2003 03:16 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
Hey, Angel... Want to be a human smore??? I have a VERY active tongue. :lol:
Let's see, chocolate, marshmallows, graham crackers, an active tongue...all warm and waiting...I can't imagine ANYBODY turning that down! :D

*looks around for liquid chocolate*

iktoweya 11-19-2003 03:18 PM

hey Hey HEY now she said that i could if any of the insides of the smore were to fall onto her. its not my fault that i my hand took over as i was about to feed it to her, instantly squeezing the better portion of it onto her body. Which then forces me to my duty as her hrm i dont know how to put this. i guess i would be the smore remover for Minx's body.

Minx 11-19-2003 10:27 PM


Originally posted by iktoweya
i guess i would be the smore remover for Minx's body.
Great! I always needed someone to do that for me! :D

vigjakob 11-19-2003 10:56 PM


iktoweya 11-19-2003 11:31 PM


Originally posted by Minx
Great! I always needed someone to do that for me! :D
Well Im happy to do it for you free of charge any hour of the day seven days a week 52 weeks a year 10 years a decade 10 dec............ well im sure you get my point

iktoweya 11-19-2003 11:48 PM

why does time finish off metric???? has anyone ever wondered that??? its like 60 seconds 60 minutes 24 hours 7 days 52 weeks/4 weeks 12 months but then from there it just goes off into multiples of ten you know like decade century millenium

ForgottenKnight 11-20-2003 12:32 AM


Originally posted by iktoweya
why does time finish off metric???? has anyone ever wondered that??? its like 60 seconds 60 minutes 24 hours 7 days 52 weeks/4 weeks 12 months but then from there it just goes off into multiples of ten you know like decade century millenium

I'd have to guess because the people who origionally came up with the english system of measurement were too lazy to come up with a new system for the rest...:lol: Go Metric! SI units are always easier to work with in engineering calculations...

NiceGuy finished his little explanation and serves a round of drinks.

mirevolver 11-20-2003 01:30 AM

Always the sign of a good bartender. Someone who can serve you drinks and information at the same time.

iktoweya 11-20-2003 04:20 PM

hrm yeah it definitely is easier with engineering calcs

MacGnG 11-20-2003 08:47 PM

/me has fun with the chicks in the hot tub :D

looks like this game is gettin back to action!

Midlandmadman 11-21-2003 04:01 AM

ok i gotta go to work..... and with all the nude things that usually go on here.... I lost my left shoe......... anyone know where its at.........????????

iktoweya 11-21-2003 06:16 AM

hrm those shoes in the powerlines dont look like a matching pair maybe one of them is your left shoe

G_Whiz 11-21-2003 09:25 AM

*Having had a good taste of Angel... err smores, G_Whiz looks up to see what's going on* :D

Hmmmm. The bartender is serving and Midlandman is walking around wearing only a right shoe. Who's IT? Is this game really moving or not?

Hey, Angel... wanta come over here and sit on my lap while I rub your shoulders? :suave:

Minx 11-21-2003 02:02 PM

floonine is it I do believe.....

Oh...and nobody tell Midlandmadman I hid his shoe on him so he can't go to work! :D

Now you have to stay and play!

Oh and NiceGuy.....if you are still being so kind as to bartend for us, I could use a shot of Jose Gold....I've had a bad day.

G_Whiz 11-21-2003 03:07 PM

Hi Minx. The offer of a lapdance back rub is open to you too. :D

Let's get this party going again!!!! :crazy:

ForgottenKnight 11-21-2003 04:26 PM


Originally posted by Minx
Oh and NiceGuy.....if you are still being so kind as to bartend for us, I could use a shot of Jose Gold....I've had a bad day.
NiceGuy serves Minx a shot of Jose Gold, then sets down the bottle next to the shot glass. He sits down and offers Minx an open ear if she wishes to talk about anything bothering her.

Angel 11-21-2003 10:14 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
*Having had a good taste of Angel... err smores, G_Whiz looks up to see what's going on* :D

Hmmmm. The bartender is serving and Midlandman is walking around wearing only a right shoe. Who's IT? Is this game really moving or not?

Hey, Angel... wanta come over here and sit on my lap while I rub your shoulders? :suave:

While helping to search for Midlandman's shoe (which is secretly hidden by minx...shhhh, don't tell!) I realize I'm a little tender from all those positions I found myself in while G_Whiz did his best tongue action. :crazy:

So, what do I hear? An offer of lap and rub? Oh my how I can use that! Can we slip in the hot tub for this? ;)

Perhaps niceguy could mix me up a hot buttered rum drink to warm my innerds? After all, he IS such a nice guy! :icare:

Astrocloud 11-22-2003 01:38 AM

*Astrocloud drinks a shot (or two) of Cognac to everyone involved and wonders if he can stay afloat*

iktoweya 11-22-2003 01:52 AM

ill take a jose gold with Minx i dont really have a reason to i just dont think anyone should shoot or drink anything alone. cheers Minx

Minx 11-22-2003 02:49 PM

Cheers iktoweya! *clink* And, thanks.

Thanks for the drinks and the open ear NiceGuy, you are too sweet! :icare:

*Minx prepares her salt, grabs a lime and throws back the shot followed by the lime.
Mmmm...I did need that. (pours another .... oh oh ... this could be a long night!)

ForgottenKnight 11-22-2003 03:26 PM


Originally posted by Angel
Perhaps niceguy could mix me up a hot buttered rum drink to warm my innerds? After all, he IS such a nice guy! :icare:

Hot buttered rum! Comming right up!
NiceGuy mixes up a drink and serves it to Angel.


Originally posted by Minx
Cheers iktoweya! *clink* And, thanks.

Thanks for the drinks and the open ear NiceGuy, you are too sweet! :icare:

*Minx prepares her salt, grabs a lime and throws back the shot followed by the lime.
Mmmm...I did need that. (pours another .... oh oh ... this could be a long night!)

No problem! That's what I'm here for!
He returns from serving Angel's drink, and mixes a round of Bourbon Collins cocktails.

iktoweya 11-22-2003 06:04 PM

Anything for a little lady like yourself Minx. Anytime you need a drinking buddy I'm always ready to throw a few back.

Care for another Smore???? :D

Minx 11-23-2003 02:47 PM


Originally posted by iktoweya
Anything for a little lady like yourself Minx. Anytime you need a drinking buddy I'm always ready to throw a few back.

Care for another Smore???? :D

Great! And mmmmmm yes please, another smore!

*Minx settles in and waits for her treat!

iktoweya 11-23-2003 04:10 PM

another smore coming right up. i'm sure the usual (only done once before but could easily become the usual) will do :D

G_Whiz 11-23-2003 07:57 PM


Originally posted by Angel
While helping to search for Midlandman's shoe (which is secretly hidden by minx...shhhh, don't tell!) I realize I'm a little tender from all those positions I found myself in while G_Whiz did his best tongue action. :crazy:

So, what do I hear? An offer of lap and rub? Oh my how I can use that! Can we slip in the hot tub for this? ;)

Perhaps niceguy could mix me up a hot buttered rum drink to warm my innerds? After all, he IS such a nice guy! :icare:

OK, Angel. We can adjourn to the hot tub to see if we can get you a little more relaxed. :D

Looks like we'll have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves until Minx takes over and declares a new IT. The current IT is taking their time.

Minx 11-24-2003 01:11 PM

GW you are correct.....our current it is taking an awfully long time to show up.

So.....I shall just enjoy this moment while my good friend iktoweya licks the melted marshmallow off of me (sigh) and then I shall go hunting for fresh prey...... I mean players! :lol:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm iktoweya you do have a talented tongue!

Okay, enough pleasure (although I'll be back to that soon enough!) and on to business. I think we need some fresh blood in here.....ah ha! I spot someone lurking in the bushes over there....hmmmmmm....I think we should definitely invite this fun guy in to the crew!

*Minx innocently skips over to the bushes pretending to search for Angel (we know she likes to hang out there with GW!) and oppppps......instead finds herself groping torgone! *shy smile*

Torgone....will you come out and play?

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