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G_Whiz 08-17-2003 10:38 AM

Damn, she left for a better party.

There's more than naked chicks in the pool, bondagegirl. But no one is tied up yet. I've been practicing my knots. Wanna try it???

bondagegirl 08-17-2003 06:00 PM

I dunno if bondage would go very well with the whole pool thing, kind of asking for it ya know... But of course I'll let you show me what you've learned! I'll be your bondage dummy! Anything in the name of education! ;):p

MacGnG 08-17-2003 08:48 PM

we got a party goin here!

Fifteen Short 08-17-2003 09:04 PM


Yea, Im cool.

MacGnG 08-18-2003 04:11 PM

? tag?

mirevolver 08-19-2003 07:30 PM

Hmmm, I get back to Phoenix and ready to playt tag only to discover the game hasn't moved.

ForgottenKnight 08-19-2003 10:20 PM

We're at a stand still...anyone else want to take over and start the game up again?

MacGnG 08-19-2003 10:34 PM


next person to post is it.... go!
the game is back on!

G_Whiz 08-20-2003 01:15 PM

OK, I'll take it.

*G_Whiz tags bondagegirl with a riding crop*

Tag, girl. You be it.

bondagegirl 08-20-2003 07:59 PM


Hehe a riding crop! This one is my favorite type! I want this so bad! ok so anyways, hmm I'm IT! Woo Hoo! the game is moving again! Let's see who shall I tag?

OK So I'm thinking I'm going to have to tag GSRIDER! I've started to really like a lot of his posts. SO GSRIDER YOU'RE IT!!!!

Minx 08-21-2003 06:02 AM

*Minx slowly stumbles back into the fray, rubbing her eyes.
Sorry kids...I've been a little (lot) under the weather lately so sorta went awol. But look out.....I'mmmmm baaaccccckkkkkk!!! :)
Hot tub still bubbling away I hope...I'll just relax in there until GSRIDER turns up!
Ahhhhh, it's good to be home! :D

G_Whiz 08-21-2003 06:58 AM

Glad to have you back Minxie.

Come on over to the Hot Tub and relax. I'll be glad to rub those shoulders for you. :D

bondagegirl, Nice crop. I had a feeling that you might enjoy that Tag.

GSRIDER 08-21-2003 07:10 AM

Oh the pressures of being "It"... I'll definity have to buy some new clothes.

First I'd like to thank all the "its" who came before me.
I'd like to thank road runner and my place of employment for the high speed connections.
I'd like to thank bondagegirl for the "tagging"... really I mean.... without... I need a tissue.

<i> I wait, patiently, sitting at the bottom of the hottub. G_Whiz has nice knees, but thats besides the point. Whats this? A set of toes have just broke the surface. I watch as the body settles into the warm waters... get comfortable... thats the way. Go ahead and relax.</i>

From the depths I strike.... Tag Minx... you're it!!!!

Minx 08-21-2003 07:54 AM

Rats!! I was just getting all comfy and looking forward to my shoulder rub! :hmm:
Well, I guess it's only fair that I be the infamous "it" for a while....not long though as I really am looking forward to a nice hot tub!
Let's see.......where is an innocent bystander I can pass along the coveted title to? hmmmmmmmmmm
Minx slips out of the tub (save my spot) slinks along behind the bushes and reaches out to gently tag....SiN!!!!
Ah ha girl.....you are it....now back to the tub for me!

GSRIDER 08-21-2003 08:08 AM

Sorry I had to make ya work there Minx. Now sit back and ignore the scuba gear whilst I give your shoulders the once over.

Minx 08-21-2003 08:32 AM

Ahhhhh thanks GS....I needed that! Nice hands, by the way!

G_Whiz 08-21-2003 08:39 AM

Hey GS, I offered to rub Minx' shoulders first. Move over and let me take over.

See Minx, you have us fighting over you. BTW, warn me if you see SiN coming.

GSRIDER 08-21-2003 10:34 AM

Now now... this is a friendly place... maybe a little team work. You do shoulder pinches and deep tissue circ. I'll handle the forearms and hands.... it'll be like her own personal spa.

my goggles are fogging up though.

Minx 08-21-2003 10:58 AM

Ahhhhh now THIS is the life! Damn, if I keep getting this sort of attention I hope SiN takes eons to show! :)
Hey...GS....your very beautiful lady love isn't going to kick my ass I hope!

GSRIDER 08-21-2003 11:44 AM

ye innocent massage, the greeting of the ancients.

G_Whiz 08-21-2003 01:51 PM

GS, sharing is fine with me. Minx may be small in stature, but there's enough heart to share.

Hold still, Minx. No wiggling. Until later!!!

MacGnG 08-21-2003 08:26 PM

woo hoo game is back on!

ForgottenKnight 08-21-2003 11:06 PM

Welcome back Minx!

The game is back...that's good....

NiceGuy hides under the bar.

Btw, I probably won't be online for a while. I'm moving to a new place, and won't have the cable tv or internet set up for a while with how busy comcast is in that area right now. Friday is my last day with internet, and I'll probalby be packing my cpu and other items rather than chatting online. Therefore, I send all of you a temporary GOOD BYE!

GSRIDER 08-22-2003 07:48 AM

Be very very quiet....... SiN is in the vicinity

Minx 08-22-2003 07:53 AM

Shhhhh.....*slips down as low into the hot tub as she can go to avoid being seen....
Hey NiceGuy, hope your move goes smoothly. You're back on as bartender as soon as your online again! :D

G_Whiz 08-22-2003 07:57 AM

Hey NiceGuy, we'll keep your spot warm. Come back soon.

Minx, don't slip too low. I'm still trying to massage those shoulders. That was a shoulder I grabbed, wasn't it???

SiN 08-22-2003 08:26 AM


Originally posted by GSRIDER
Be very very quiet....... SiN is in the vicinity

....be vewwy vewwy quiet, we hunting wabbits...

er...and dang it, i thought nobody would recognise me in this bunny costume.. :crazy: :p

/me hops out of the bushes...looks around...good, noone's watching...

i discreetly take off my bunny costume and hide it in the bushes for later use...and what was i wearing under the bunny costume?...swimsuit, of course! ...
it was hot in that damn furry thing... /me needs a drink.

i wander over to the bar...shit, no bartender!...i look around, desperately seeking...refreshment...and a target for my tag, of course. ;)

w00t, i see the perfect man for the job..over there, looking sharp, cool...intimidating. ph33r.
no matter tho, i'm on a mission...so i nonchalantly walk over to World's King, and say 'You are It. *smile* oh, and we need a bartender for a bit, would you mind? pweese?" :icare:

mirevolver 08-22-2003 08:26 AM

oh no, SiN's around.

*dives into a bush. What's this bunny costume doing here?

GSRIDER 08-22-2003 11:31 AM

Takes off scuba gear, assured that my riegn as IT is over.

MacGnG 08-22-2003 12:46 PM

/me puts on the bunny hop song... runs

GSRIDER 08-22-2003 01:09 PM

Right, right
Left, left
Hop, hop, hop

Minx 08-22-2003 01:38 PM

Here comes Peter Cottontail
hopping down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity Easter's on it's waaaaay....

Sorry!!! Couldn't help myself!

G_Whiz 08-22-2003 02:22 PM

Bunnies??? Bunnies?? When did this turn into a Playboy party??

Damn, I keep missing stuff.

Still, if that's the case... Minx, can I play with your cottontail??

World's King 08-22-2003 05:04 PM

I don't wanna be it.

I can't run around while holding a beer and smoking.

Fly 08-22-2003 05:59 PM


Originally posted by World's King
I can't run around while holding a beer and smoking.
if i can do it,you can do it.

there's no such thing as can't....

especially while you're drinking and smoking.:D

MacGnG 08-22-2003 11:28 PM

haha the bunny hop is so nice when the ladies dance to it


Originally posted by flyman
there's no such thing as can't....
especially while you're drinking and smoking.:D

so true!

GSRIDER 08-23-2003 04:47 AM

Oh man... i spilled my drink... thanks WK...

whos gonna clean this up... a suede shirt is not an easy thing to come by ya know.

Watches as the bunny hop line scatters as it is now know that GS has officially been it'd again.......

Plummie 08-24-2003 09:25 PM

Hey what the heck is going on here?

Break it up people! :p

Who's IT these days??

GSRIDER 08-25-2003 06:54 AM

That'd be me plummie. so let us commence with a little game.

Red duck

blue duck

Green Duck

Purple duck

Grey.... duck Giant Hamburger is .......

Giant Hamburger 08-25-2003 12:51 PM

Near the thread's southern edge, I eye the frolicking users from the tall grass for half an hour, weighing my chances to take one down alone. I use my burger-like stealth, bun low, to slink closer, focusing on the one it will be. I ignore the clink of glasses and the staccato rhythm of laughter that drift over the sound of splashing water. Suddenly, I burst into a run as the startled TFPers scatter in panic. I sense the fear in my prey, as he begins an awkward sprint he realizes his terrible mistake, I am too close. The first swipe of my claws tears into his flank dragging him down to the ground. His limbs flail in one final mad attempt to fend of the inevitable killing bite. Troublebot’s last words are, “I fear that I am it.”

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