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japhyryder 04-06-2005 04:23 AM

so many cliff hangers I am excited for the next season. Any idea when the new season is going to start?

thesupermikey 04-06-2005 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by japhyryder
so many cliff hangers I am excited for the next season. Any idea when the new season is going to start?

July....mostly likey with the start of the new season of Stargate

guthmund 04-06-2005 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kadath
I have been avoiding this thread since Friday because I wasn't going to get to watch the finale until tonight and I knew I'd hit a spoiler. Now that guthmund has put it in the open, I guess we can discuss it.

I didn't ruin it for you, did I?

To be fair, I waited a couple of days, which is more than you normally get in some threads round here. Maybe all threads of this type should just be considered Caveat 'spoiler.'

I believe with Adama out indefinately, now would be a fantastic time to introduce some fresh blood. Not that the show needs it, but that seems to be the standard course.

Kadath 04-07-2005 09:49 AM

No worries, you didn't ruin anything. I avoided the thread until after I'd seen the finale, because, as you said, spoilers are expected in such a thread.

Ethan 04-19-2005 09:37 PM

I am a fan of the older series Battlestar Galactica. I have heard all the arguments about the story writing being lame from the original series, but the truth behind the story of how the show was produced would help anyone to understand why the older show had its weakpoints. Suffice it to say, had there been any real quality preparation, the older series would have been tons better. Still, I liked that the heros in the show were someone that I could look up to.

That being said, I still like the new series, even though it is not something that I can share with my 7 year old son. I have shared the old series with him but the new series is to adult for him. I have gotten tired of the 'Six' character, but the cliffhanger with the 'Boomer' character was outstanding. I wondered about the female Starbuck in the beginning, but I grew to like her more as the series went on.

I like Olmos character a lot, but then I've liked all the Olmos TV/Movie parts I've seen so far. (Stand and Deliver, and Miami Vice) I hope his character develops as the series goes on. Olmos is quoted as saying though that if they brought any wierd looking aliens on set that he would not want to stay with the production. In my opinion, this is Sci-Fi, and there is always potential for Aliens. I am curious what the baby lookes like that Baltar and Six were looking at in the end of the Season Finale. Besides, having her close to any babies weirded me out considering what happened the last time she was close to a baby. . . .

Hey, in the normal guy type of tradition, the scene with 10 naked Grace Parks was way, way, too short. :lol: :crazy: :D

Can't wait for season two even though I am the only one in my family to be watching it. (Wife is not into Sci-Fi)


Janey 04-20-2005 09:05 AM

i would love a pm from somebody who knows the details of the premise of this show. I gather the cylons and humans are at war, did the humans create the cylons? (I think so). Is this like a huge Forbin Project or Colussus type of concept to the nth degree?

Also, I am really curious about the timeline. Did Earth get colonized by the humans of Kobol? how long ago if so? or is it the other way around. At what point in our 'history' or 'future' is the cylon war supposed to take place?

Lebell 04-20-2005 09:46 AM

Being one of the few here that remembers eagerly sitting around the TV watching the FIRST Battlestar Galactica debut, I must say that I am very impressed with this reincarnation.

Of course we all expect the FX to be better, but the acting is very decent and Olmos is very good.

Lebell 04-20-2005 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Janey
i would love a pm from somebody who knows the details of the premise of this show. I gather the cylons and humans are at war, did the humans create the cylons? (I think so). Is this like a huge Forbin Project or Colussus type of concept to the nth degree?

Also, I am really curious about the timeline. Did Earth get colonized by the humans of Kobol? how long ago if so? or is it the other way around. At what point in our 'history' or 'future' is the cylon war supposed to take place?

Probably enough people don't know the show that a general post isn't uncalled for.

The premise behind BSG has changed several times since it's conception in the late 70's.

At first, the Cylons were supposed to be a lizard type race that wore armor and the humans were battling them. Then the network wigs got cold feet showing so much killing (even killing lizards) on TV, so the Cylons were turned into a sentient machine race.

With the new BSG, this was given a further twist. Ala "Terminator", now it is a machine race that human beings originally created, but then one that got smart and started rebelling against their former masters. After a peace treaty and years of separation (the Cylons went on to found their own civilization elsewhere), they are back after developing a Cylon model that is almost indistinguishable from a human being.

The original series had a great opener where Adama (played by Lorne Greene) gave a brief narration that answers the questions about Earth and the time line.

In brief, the question of when and where are somewhat unanswered. When briefly revived BSG as Galactica 80 (in 1980, go figure), we found out that Earth had indeed been a separate colony founded far away from the other human worlds and that the events of BSG were contemporary in time.

But part of the fun of BSG was that we didn't know if the ancients that founded the civilizations of Atlantis, Egypt, and Peru were a separate colony or were founded by those fleeing from the Cylons. In otherwords, we didn't know the timeline or who came from whom.

I suspect that we will see that continue with this show. At the end of the miniseries when Adama announces that the highest ranking military officers know the location of earth and then when the new President of the colonies confronts him, he confesses that it is just a smokescreen to give the people hope.

This leaves the same sorts of possibilities and it would be great to investigate them. Do the fleeing humans find Earth? Or do they find an uninhabited planet that becomes Earth?

Eitherway, it will be fun :)

Ethan 04-20-2005 10:37 PM

BSG Cylon History

From what I have heard and read in books and Online, the original Cylons from the 1978 series were in fact lizard-like aliens who were on the brink of extinction due to internal issues like civil wars in the Cylon homeworlds, etc. In order to try to save themselves, they took up mechanical suites and created mechanical (robotic) service . . . Dare I use the term . . . droids. There were 'lower-class' Robotic Cylons and the extreme 'upper-class' Cylons that were more biologicaly independent of their machines.

In the new series, Aliens didn't come into play for the colonies. The Cylons were renegade A.I. that rebelled against humankind. When the machines realized that the Humans would win their war, they declared an armistice, and secluded themselves away from the humans for over forty years. The new series storyline happens as a direct effect of the Cylons coming back to finish the war that they fought in the past.

I hope this helps your understanding about the bad guys in the show. I would enjoy PM-ing you if there is anything else that I could explain as far as BSG is concerned. I have yahoo messenger and will try to contact you if you want.


Mondak 04-22-2005 03:00 PM

Ok so I have something unbelievable. I have watched every episode of BSG and have pretty much made everything come to a complete stop when it is on each week. Since I am a skier, many times I am away and well - long story short, one of the guys I ski with gave me a copy of the script for the First Episode of the second season for my Birthday. I was going crazy after the final episode of the season and it was one of the neatest presents I ever got. I don't want to post things from it on like the SCI-FI forum - not that I have ever posted anything there. But at the TFP, it is a closed enough of a community that I think it would be okay to share the important details with you all.

I am absolutely sure of its authenticity because I know what he does for a living and for what it looks like (it is a photocopy and it is easy to tell it is not just some test thing or anything).

It is only the first episode and gives no clues to what happens the rest of the season.

Before I post a summary, I wanted to ask if I should put it in a seperate thread or use the spoiler white out tags or whatever?

I feel super privledged and have never had anything like this before - I'm just not that guy and have few Hollywood connections. I thought it would be neat to share this with my friends at the TFP who are bigs fans so you can share in my bounty.

To give you an idea of what happens without giving anything away, the Episode ties up some loose ends from last season and does a lot of flashbacks that explain Tigh and Adama's relationship / past.

Fremen 04-22-2005 10:09 PM

Damn, I want to view those details so bad, Mondak, but I think I'll wait till it comes back on this Summer. :D

Probably best to put it in spoiler tags.

I wonder if I can restrain myself...:crazy:

Ethan 04-22-2005 10:10 PM

I would be very interested in hearing about what will happen in the new episode. It would not bother me in the slightest. I am a member of another forum especially focused on Battlestar Galactica and what you might say might help me to understand what they are all talking about.


Seeker 04-22-2005 10:51 PM

Hi all, I live in Australia and from what I've read here I'm not sure where we are situated in relation to the new series. Would it be safe to assume that the series I am currently watching is what was presented to you as a mini series? Happy to receive PM's to discuss. I'm loving it and I find myself going WTF often! :thumbsup:

Mondak 04-23-2005 09:09 AM

Allright well here it is.

Episode #1 Season 2: "Scattered"

The Episode starts out as a flashback and has a scene where Adama and Tigh meet. Tigh gets in a barfight and Adama kicks some ass and has his back. There is some background given about them and what they were doing in their early days of their career.

Flash to Glactica and basiclly they go to great lenghts to describe to utter pandamonium that is going on in the CIC. Lee is freaking out since he is still restrained but his father his shot, they are trying to get paramedics in there and Sharon in sobbing, confused and sad. The doctor is not aboard the ship and all they have are the paramedics. There is some beatdown of Sharon which adds more noise when at that moment the alarms start going off that a Cylon Raider has dropped out of FTL or whatever.

After a moment of decision, Tigh gives the order for an FTL jump to their emergency coordinates.

Lee and the president are in the brig and there are some conversations there. Lee is mad he is in there with his father dieing. Meanwhile the Marines give Sharon a good beatdown and lock her in a small bin.

Turns out that after completing the jump, they are the only ones there, no other ships from the fleet are there. In the confusion, Gaeta didn't transmit the newest coordinates to the fleet.

On Kobol, now Baltar's dreams have Adama in them with Six. Baltar has a baby that he is carrying around and Adama tries to kill it. Six does her usual crypitic talk about the future and god and the beautiful baby. There is a bunch of stuff that happens on Kobol. The long and short of it is that the preverbial guy in the red shirt ala star trek gets it and the LT shows he is a dumbass who really has no idea what he is doing.

Back on the ship - Tigh tells the President to pound salt when she wants him to go to the brig and talk to her. Turns out that the coordinates of the jump have a constant plus are constantly varied by a random factor unique to whatever their position is called Inertial Drift. So they can't just jump to the previously transmitted coordinates. They have no idea where the fleet would have gone.

The only way to figure out where the fleet went is to jump back to where they were, recalculate the coordinates and then jump to their location. To do the calculation becuase they have to recreate the conditions or whatever, it would take the computer 12 hours to do it.

Back on Caprica, Starbuck wants to kill Sharon but Helo won't let her. When Helo and Sharon are going to leave in the Raider, Helo can't leave Sharon there. Helo goes back to find her. When they look back after a while, a squad of Cylons are at the Raider.

There is some stuff with Leoben (the Cylon that Adama hates and gets in everyone's head) where he keeps telling the President that this has all happened before and will happen again.

Another flashback shows Adama and Tigh in yet another barfight. Adama the force of reason. 10 years of barfights at that point.

The search for the fleet is fruitless and Tigh does not want to jump back and recalculate since there are likely Cylons there.

Gaeta comes up with a plan to jump back, network all the computers, do the calculation in 10 minutes and then jump out. Of course, networked computers are the thing the Cylons use to take over ships and systems. Gaeta thinks tha he can design a software firewall that will hold for the 10 minutes needed. Tigh doesn't like the plan. Adama will die if they don't get the surgeon on board soon to do the surgery.

He has a flashback to when Adama become a captain and had his own ship. Adama promoted Tigh to be his XO. Decides to chance it.

They give Lee parole so he can fly his Viper since the targeting computers will be down and they will be calcualting the jump coordinates and they need all the Vipers in the air.

After they jump in, there is one big fat Raider who is trying to hack the system while a bunch of other Raiders are attacking. No one knows that is the one, but the firewall is going down and the calcualtions are grinding to a hlt. Vipers are fighting them off, the guns on the galactics are missing everything.

The medics have to operate on Adama to repair his spleen and other leaking bits. None of them have ever operated, just patched field holes.

Lee notices the Fat Raider and fights his way through to blow it up. The guns are back online, the calcualtion is complete and the Vipers get back aboard the Galactica. They Jump out, rejoin the fleet and save Adama.

The ending flashback is kinda neat where Tigh gets promoted to join Adama (I had it a little out of order above).


Overall not THAT much happens I suppose. Adama is not completly out of the woods when it ends, Baltar et all are still on Kobol and Starbuck and Helo are still on Caprica. Either way - I can't wait for season two to begin. I have a lot of converts that have started watching the show after I told them about it and I know it will be good.

Do me a favor and don't share this outside the TFP. I don't think anyone can get in trouble and he didn't seem to care too much that it got out, but keep it somewhat under wraps. As you can see it is pretty detailed and could ruin things for SCIFI

Ethan 04-24-2005 09:45 PM


thanks for the info. Its cool with me to keep it under wraps.


bparker805 04-26-2005 01:41 PM

And season 2 starts when?

Mondak 04-26-2005 05:28 PM

From what I understand July. The Script was dated February 9th.

guthmund 04-27-2005 12:08 AM

I couldn't help it. I read it.

The season finale was just too much. I had to know what happened. I am a weak, weak man. :)

thanks, Mondak for putting that up. You have good friends that give you such things.

stevie667 04-27-2005 02:52 AM

Holy moly thats going to be a good season.

Sealed lips from me too :)

Edit: Cheers Mondak!

japhyryder 04-27-2005 04:45 AM

It is totally killing me I don't know how long I can hold out until it starts.

Ethan 04-27-2005 09:22 PM

Hey there!

I had a weird premonition the other day about the storyline of the new series.

What if the Cylons saw themselves as the Fail-safe initiated by the original Lords of Kobal to fix humanity when morals and beliefs have gone astray? Think of it. The Cylons see themselves as superior to the normal humans, and the Cylons still back on Caprica act like they're trying to rebuild the planet for their own needs instead of totally destroy any signature of humanity.

Also, it has been noted in the deeper storyline statements that the humans are in what seems to be a repetitive cycle of events. It is as if they think that some great catastrophe (Cylons?) happens every ten millenia or so and humanity . . . just starts over. It left a weird impression on me to say the least.



Mondak 04-28-2005 08:47 AM

Interesting and prolly not that far off Ethan. I mean if you think about it SOMETHING made them abandon Kobol in the first place when they moved to Caprica. That something could be the thread that ties them back to the whole "this has all happened before and will happen again" idea.

portwineboy 07-14-2005 07:46 AM

I can't believe no Emmy noms for BG. I know certain episodes were submitted (33, the 2-part season finale, the premier, and one other that slips my mind). I have to wonder if they were even watched by the nominating committee.

I'm bummed, but not too bummed, because the season starts again tomorrow!

Best show on TV.

/edit to note that they picked up 2 technical nominations for visual effects.

MiSo 07-14-2005 12:47 PM

First episode airs TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm a huge sci fi geek.

i've seen every episode of bsg, and star gate.

mmMmmmm... star gate & bsg

i'm already droolin

guthmund 07-14-2005 01:09 PM

^ Thanks for reminding me!

I'm so caught up with the release of the new Harry Potter book that I completely forgot the second season starts tomorrow night.

Mondak 07-14-2005 08:38 PM

Well - one more day to go and I for one and VERY Excited! I mean - it is pretty clear from the ads that my spoiler / script is totally right, but even then, it is going to be cool as heck.

Fremen - did you make it or did you crack? I'll be back here after I watch the episode to see what everyone thought of the episode. See you then.


Fremen 07-14-2005 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Fremen - did you make it or did you crack? I'll be back here after I watch the episode to see what everyone thought of the episode. See you then.

I haven't read it yet, so I think I can hold out one more day. :D

/s-o-o-o tempted

Mondak 07-16-2005 06:34 AM

Well - that was really neat for me to watch. I have to tell you that while the script was in general right about the show, the details of the conversations were quite different. The biggest difference was in the flashbacks. Tigh was way more of a drunk / deadbeat than he was in the ones they showed. The LT on the planet was more of an idiot and the beat the piss out of Boomer in the script which they only kinda did in the episode.

I think this season overall is going to be really great. It will be interesting to see how they resolve all the open ends with Lee, the President and Kobal. Great time to get into the show even if you have never seen it before.

guthmund 07-18-2005 10:54 AM

That was a pretty good start, no?

Not enough Gaius, in my opinion, and with the absence of the 'Old Man' the hole to be filled was pretty big. Still, a fine season opener.

Next week, looks particularly exciting too. I wonder, if Galactica is pulling recruits out of the colonial fleet regularly. It seems like every week a crap load of people die, but it never seems to thin their numbers.

Maybe I'm over thinking it.

Mondak 07-18-2005 11:57 AM

Nah - you are not overthinking it. I mean they kind of addressed it a few episodes back when Starbuck was training volunteers from the fleet. That is where "Hotdog" came from. What I think would be harder to replace are the Vipers themselves. I mean the Glactica was being converted to a Museum and didn't have a lot of fighters aboard and even then they had very few of the Newer ones (Mark VII I Think). The entire Starboard landing bay was already switched over to Museaum duty - so how many fighters could there be there? They would have to be manufactering them on other ships or something. I dunno. I keep waiting for the Pegasus to appear with some more Vipers. That is how they did it in the Original - the Pegasus gave all their fighters to the Galactica and went on a Suicide mission with a Base Star. Heck, I miss Sheba (I had a MAJOR crush on her - so pretty).

I am frustrated by the fact that no one knows that Baltar is a bad guy and find his scenes to be bothersome for that reason. Not enough Baltar, not until he is in the Stockade (or dead). I suppose that kind of reaction means he is a good charachter though - I am supposed to hate him.

guthmund 07-19-2005 06:34 AM

That's what I'm saying. I mean, when Galactica jumped back and the base star was throwing out thousands of baddies, they cut to a shot of the exiting vipers. There were maybe...2 dozen...maybe.

Someone's got to show up soon.

Why would they suspect Baltar was a bad guy? He had that little brush with the authorities when Six accused him of treason. Everybody seemed so sure of the good doctor's guilt. I imagine the subsequent clearing of the charges only cemented the fact that Baltar is a good guy deeper into the minds of Galactica's crew.

I don't know, I like the Gaius character, but what I really like is watching the actor himself. He's all over the map, but very believable. The scene in the theater with Six and the baby...good stuff.

Something that slipped my mind until now... Where do you think Caprica-Boomer went? She stole Starbuck's ride, but where would she go? Six seems to imply that pregnant Boomer is on her way to Gaius ([Gaius' daughter will] be with you soon), but she also implied that the baby in the vision was Gaius' actual daughter. So, I'm a little confused.

Mondak 07-19-2005 01:30 PM

You know - you are really selling me with the whole Baltar thing. That MUST be a tough role to pull off. I mean I am not sure if it happens in real life or not but whenever he gets out of line, she beats the piss out of him - slamming his head against a wall or something. He seems to have a healthy fear of her.

What I have to keep wondering is HOW excatlly she is in his head? I think she was in there since they were on Caprica, but what about when the Raptor was heading back to the Galactica after picking up the 5 kids, Baltar, the old lady and whoever else was in the ship that won the lottery they held. What if everyone in there was bugged. Speaking of which - it will be interesting to see if Tigh's wife is a Cylon although I think she is just a crazy bitch.

You know - now that I think about it, they went to Ragnar (that depot with all the Weapons etc.) and maybe they picked up a mess of old Vipers there or something. That is the only way I can explain them having anything at all.

Oh well...SPOON!!!

guthmund 07-20-2005 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Mondak
You know - you are really selling me with the whole Baltar thing. That MUST be a tough role to pull off. I mean I am not sure if it happens in real life or not but whenever he gets out of line, she beats the piss out of him - slamming his head against a wall or something. He seems to have a healthy fear of her.

What I have to keep wondering is HOW excatlly she is in his head? I think she was in there since they were on Caprica, but what about when the Raptor was heading back to the Galactica after picking up the 5 kids, Baltar, the old lady and whoever else was in the ship that won the lottery they held. What if everyone in there was bugged. Speaking of which - it will be interesting to see if Tigh's wife is a Cylon although I think she is just a crazy bitch.

You know - now that I think about it, they went to Ragnar (that depot with all the Weapons etc.) and maybe they picked up a mess of old Vipers there or something. That is the only way I can explain them having anything at all.

Oh well...SPOON!!!

I'll convince you yet... :D

The thing that astounds me is that nobody had found this guy yet. I mean James Callis, the actor who plays Gaius, was a relative unknown (still outside the sci fi loop :) ) and here he is giving such a stellar performance. I can't wait for him to officially put on the 'Bad Guy' shoes.

I kind of touched on Six earlier in the thread if I remember correctly and really not much as changed. I still don't know what the hell is going on there. Is she real? Is she not? Is she all in his head? Or is it something else?

Tigh's wife. Not a Cylon, methinks, although with Cylon-Boomer exposed they seem to have lost their spy in the colonial military. Even still, I don't think she's a Cylon. Just your average run-of-the-mill status seeking drunk. She's certainly entertaining though, isn't she?

Moore's been pretty good about continuity in the series. I seem to remember hearing him talk about in one of his podcasts about keeping track of the number of vipers blown up each episode, so I'm sure he's not just going to ignore the whole thing.

Mondak 07-20-2005 07:33 AM

You have to like a guy like Moore who thinks of those things. Let's just hope that as this thing gets successful, they don't decide that they are smarter than he is.

I have met a number of women like Tigh's wife. They are frightening is how much trouble they cause. Unreal. They are doing a good job capturing that in her.

I read over a (my god I am a dork) transcript of the 1st episode of the Miniseries yesterday and Six said she implanted a chip into Baltar's brain while he was sleeping that projects her conciousness into his vision or whatever. She said it all funny though when they were on the Raptor on the way back from Caprica to the Galactica the first time. Maybe she was kidding. Speaking of Six, my wife and I are about to have our first (and likely only) kid in a couple weeks. We were working on names and I thought that it would be cool to have a number for a name although Six is too much like "Sex". I suggested "Twenty" and thought it would be a cool girl name. Result: Vetoed

guthmund - it would be cool to have a drink with you sometime and talk useless shit like this. Make sure if you are ever in Southern California you let me know. I don't think I will be in Arkansas any time soon (assuming that is where you are).

portwineboy 07-20-2005 04:10 PM

Last Sunday's NYTimes Magazine had a pretty lengthy article about Hatch and Ron Moore and the creation of the series. A good read and (i think) still available for free on the website.

The Times evidently interviewed comic book guy as they have a bunch of quotes from some idiot who is very proud of the fact that he turned Ron Moore's name into MooreRon.

Worth the read, comic book guy aside.

guthmund 07-21-2005 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Speaking of Six, my wife and I are about to have our first (and likely only) kid in a couple weeks. We were working on names and I thought that it would be cool to have a number for a name although Six is too much like "Sex". I suggested "Twenty" and thought it would be a cool girl name. Result: Vetoed

Maybe she's a Seinfeld fan? Maybe 'Seven' would have been the better choice. :)


guthmund - it would be cool to have a drink with you sometime and talk useless shit like this. Make sure if you are ever in Southern California you let me know. I don't think I will be in Arkansas any time soon (assuming that is where you are).
Well, thanks. I appreciate that. I've never been to Southern California, but rest assured if I do, I'll let you know as I've never been one to thumb my nose at alcohol. :lol:

portwineboy: Yeah, I seen that. They've got a link over at slashdot if I remember right. For those interested, Moore has a blog over at Scifi.com that's updated every so often and podcasts from all the episodes are available for download.

Mondak 07-23-2005 08:35 AM

Pretty interesting episode. Kinda funny because a lot of the things / conversations that they left out the the script from "Scattered" that I have actually ended up taking place in this episode. I guess that they ran out of time and wanted to make sure they didn't miss it. They added in the Cylon boarding party to fill it out the rest of the way, but other than that, the episode was basically the remainder.

What did you all think?

guthmund 07-23-2005 09:57 AM

I thought it was pretty good.

Baltar is just beginning to go round the bend it looks like. Before it was just sort of funny or odd sort of crazy. Now, I think, it's more a dangerous crazy. Good for him. :)

The only real problem I had was with the action away from the ship. The Helo/Starbuck scenes were nice, but not really all that important. While the scenes on Kobol (Not Baltar's scenes...perish the thought) were kind of important, but not all that nice as the acting was a bit...bad.

What I really liked about the episode was the fact that the Centurions seemed so much more deadly. Before, they just sort of walked around and shot things. They were more 'tank-ish' than deadly foot soldier. Here, however, they were fast. Especially during the last fight, where Apollo takes out the jumping Cylon. That thing was moving.

I don't understand why they need explosive rounds though. I mean, didn't Helo kill a couple of Centurions on Caprica with just his sidearm? I wouldn't think he'd have had 'explosive' ammunition packed.

I sure hope Adama Sr. is back up and moving next week. I mean, the shows are pretty good, but the brief blurb of the Old Man in Baltar's dream left me wanting just a bit more.

Fremen 07-23-2005 08:08 PM

I had my freakin' vcr set to record Firefly, all the way to the end of Galactica, but for some (probably my goof-up) reason it stopped recording 1 minute into BC. :rolleyes:

Anybody know if they are still rerunning Galactica on Tuesday(?) nights?

MiSo 07-23-2005 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by guthmund
I don't understand why they need explosive rounds though. I mean, didn't Helo kill a couple of Centurions on Caprica with just his sidearm? I wouldn't think he'd have had 'explosive' ammunition packed.

they mentioned something about their armor being tougher than usual. not sure how they phrased it in the show, but it was brought up.

guthmund 07-24-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fremen
I had my freakin' vcr set to record Firefly, all the way to the end of Galactica, but for some (probably my goof-up) reason it stopped recording 1 minute into BC. :rolleyes:

Anybody know if they are still rerunning Galactica on Tuesday(?) nights?

I don't know, but if you want it before then (assuming they show it) there are a number of torrent sites where it's up and running. isohunt.com should point you in the right direction.


Originally Posted by MiSo
they mentioned something about their armor being tougher than usual. not sure how they phrased it in the show, but it was brought up.

They did? Well, then. That explains that. :D

It just goes to show how Moore and Co. are keeping track of the little things that drive the fans nuts. In the podcast for the latest episode, Moore mentioned that the number of survivors displayed at the end of the opening sequence is going to be updated for each show. It's such a small thing, but something most writers/producers/whatever tend to overlook. I was kind of impressed by that.

By the way, I highly suggest listening to Moore's podcasts of the episodes. You'll find them at the Galactica site over at Sci-Fi. It's good stuff.

Mondak 07-29-2005 10:14 PM

So 7pm, 8pm, 9pm go by and all my cable channels work except one. Can you guess which one? Yep - SciFI. It is sitting there with a black blank soundless screen. yikes. Just in time at 9:58 it comes back on and this week's BSG comes on. Whew. I was going to have to hurt someone.

I am sitting in my chair at the end of the episode saying, "I can hear guthmund now" (even though he had likely watched it two hours earlier.) Let's have it man. I know that was like your favorite episode ever. Baltar the Hero should have been the title.

Col. Tigh is a freaking retard. He is going to have to kill himself or something. He seems to have forgotten rule number 1 (women ruin everything). Add a bunch of booze and we are all in for a ride. Yikes.

And boy aren't those cylons resourceful? A moblile missle battery? Jeepers, what are they made of - freakin' Legos?

Meanwhile back on Caprica.....ummmm hello? What about my girl Starbuck? I am jonesing for a decent space battle one of these days as well. I mean yeah in the first episode of the season they technically had one, but then again, it seemed to be more about something else (as always) in this case a computer calculation / virus etc. How about a couple Vipers on deep space patrol gimme some one on one (three on three?) go ol' fashioned shoot em up?

guthmund 07-30-2005 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mondak
I am sitting in my chair at the end of the episode saying, "I can hear guthmund now" (even though he had likely watched it two hours earlier.) Let's have it man. I know that was like your favorite episode ever. Baltar the Hero should have been the title.

A Ha! See that's what I like about the Baltar character. Just when you think you got him figured out..WHAM! He's coming from a different direction.

The voice of reason the whole show, saved Cally by shooting that putz (although, to be fair, that was probably a bit self serving...) and took the honorable route and told the world that Crashdown died a hero.

I need to start a Gaius Baltar Fan Club :lol:

I was kind of disappointed that Starbuck didn't make an appearance as well. I guess they have to push that story somewhere, but for the life of me, I can't see where it's going. I mean, Sharon and Helo were there the majority of last season, what can Starbuck and Helo do that Sharon and Helo couldn't?

Tigh, Tigh, Tigh...I just don't know what to think about you sometimes. How is it that a man who Adama sees so much in, be such a complete jackass? I was kind of on the fence concerning Tigh's wife being a Cylon, but I think the case is getting stronger; visiting the President? whispering poison in Tigh's ear about his command, the fleet and his position? If she's not a Cylon, she's a very, very nasty woman.

The Cylons parting the Raptor to build a missle battery? It's like anything can be anything else just as long as you re-arrange the parts, right? Had to be one of the greatest leaps of logic I've seen in the series. I mean, wouldn't it have a bit more believeable to have the Cylons just transport their own missle battery? And the big ass dish, Tyrol blew up, I guess they salvaged that from the Raptor too?

Next week looks pretty good. I hope it's the last one like this. Like you said, I'm ready for some space action. And I'm more than ready for Adama to come back and set everyone straight.

guthmund 07-30-2005 10:13 AM

Oops.. I forgot...


I dunno. I keep waiting for the Pegasus to appear with some more Vipers. That is how they did it in the Original - the Pegasus gave all their fighters to the Galactica and went on a Suicide mission with a Base Star. Heck, I miss Sheba (I had a MAJOR crush on her - so pretty).
Seen this on Scifi.com. Seems the Pegasus is going to make an appearance this season...


David Eick, co-creator and executive producer of SCI FI Channel's original series Battlestar Galactica, offered SCI FI Wire a few more details about the introduction of the Battlestar Pegasus, a returning element from the original series, which co-creator Ronald D. Moore revealed in a panel at Comic-Con International in San Diego. "This really came out of a conversation Ron and I had early on about the episodes we had seen of the original show and what felt like they might be well served by a fresh interpretation," Eick said in an interview. He added: "The storyline that we thought was interesting was the Battlestar Pegasus. And so, naturally, we put a pretty unexpected and, I think, pretty subversive spin on it. But it's definitely going to be a fixture for a while." The Pegasus appears beginning in the 10th episode of the second season.

The arrival of the Pegasus will launch a complex story arc inspired by current events, Eick said. "It stands to reason that in a show that's all about how we're all trying to survive this horrific attack by this inhuman enemy, that the thing that we're really exploring is not that threat from without, but how it turns itself inward and how it becomes insidious and internal, and how it begins to break us down from inside ourselves," he said. "And what better way to take that idea to the next level than to introduce another human being who, on the face of it, is going to help us defeat the Cylons, defeat that third outside enemy, once and for all, but in reality serves to only remind us once again that the biggest enemy is really us?"

Eick also hinted that the Pegasus will be involved in a multi-episode arc, though its crew may not be around as long. "It's not going to go away as quickly as people might think," he said. "That's not to say that the folks involved in bringing the Pegasus to us are going to remain indefinitely. But for sure it's going to be a fixture for some time."

Fremen 07-30-2005 09:26 PM

Thanks for the torrent info, guthmund. I didn't see it posted earlier. :)

You know, this thing with the president where she's supposedly a prophet is kinda getting on my nerves, and now Stargate SG1's new enemies are pseudo-religious godlike nuts. :rolleyes:

wondash 08-01-2005 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Well - that was really neat for me to watch. I have to tell you that while the script was in general right about the show, the details of the conversations were quite different. The biggest difference was in the flashbacks. Tigh was way more of a drunk / deadbeat than he was in the ones they showed. The LT on the planet was more of an idiot and the beat the piss out of Boomer in the script which they only kinda did in the episode.

Any chance you could post a scan of the original doc? I'd be interested to read it word for word and see what it looked like.

mrklixx 08-05-2005 07:52 PM

Does it bother anybody else that they are not even trying to attempt to make things (weapons, vehicles, tools, etc) look like they are from another planet? It's really starting to kill the illusion for me. I don't know if it is just simply cost cutting measures or a lack of creativity, but if they wanted to make a show about all things earthlike they should have called it Spacefleet Terra Firma or something like that.

Fremen 08-05-2005 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
Does it bother anybody else that they are not even trying to attempt to make things (weapons, vehicles, tools, etc) look like they are from another planet?

Yeah, seeing a Humvee was a little jarring.
Maybe our neural-pathways evolved the same way, so we basically create the same shit. ;)

This was a pretty great episode. Spoiler: I didn't even see this part (bathroom break), but read about it on another forum, about Galactica Boomer being assassinated by sweet little Cally. (I gotta see that Monday night for myself!)
Then there was Tigh accusing Tyrol of being a Cylon? damn, what a scene!

All the little nitpicks aside, I lurve this show. :p

CandleInTheDark 08-06-2005 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
Does it bother anybody else that they are not even trying to attempt to make things (weapons, vehicles, tools, etc) look like they are from another planet? It's really starting to kill the illusion for me. I don't know if it is just simply cost cutting measures or a lack of creativity, but if they wanted to make a show about all things earthlike they should have called it Spacefleet Terra Firma or something like that.

It does not bother me in the least. This isn't Star Trek afterall; BSG is about the people, not the technobabble.

mrklixx 08-06-2005 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Fremen

All the little nitpicks aside, I lurve this show. :p

Don't get me wrong, I like the show too. But I think it could have been just as good of a show without using the "Battlestar Galactica" name, because there are far more differences than there are similarities.

And CandleInTheDark is right in that it is more of a political/military drama and barely even a sci-fi show at all. Which again makes me wonder about the motives of naming it after an existing sci-fi franchise.

guthmund 08-06-2005 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
Does it bother anybody else that they are not even trying to attempt to make things (weapons, vehicles, tools, etc) look like they are from another planet? It's really starting to kill the illusion for me. I don't know if it is just simply cost cutting measures or a lack of creativity, but if they wanted to make a show about all things earthlike they should have called it Spacefleet Terra Firma or something like that.

I don't know. It doesn't bother me so much.

Everything on the ship is like it is because it's practical. Wires on phones, doors that have to be physically opened and closed...it's all very practical. It really seems like a battle ready ship. Not that I've ever been on one..but you know..I read...a lot. :hmm:

Automatic swooshing doors would be nice, but this ain't Star Trek. Carpet in CIC? Pssft...there ain't even carpet in the soldiers' rooms.

As for Kara's car, well, they were damned either way they went with that. If Kara had pulled out in some big ass floating machine of death with gull wing doors, the fans would still be bitching about it. Let me get this straight, they have old battery powered radios and such, but their car....flys?

Moore & Co. were damned either way, so I presume they erred on the cheap side.

They're slowly bringing us into the season and I kind of like that.

Sure right now it's hung up a little on the politcal/military stuff, but I think Moore is just trying to round out the show a bit more. I mean, fighting the cylons in space is nice, but every week? for months? I imagine it would get old pretty fast. The big space battles are coming, but right now, they've got some other territory they'd like to explore and I'm okay with that because it's entertaining and with 16 shows left (Moore mentioned it was 20 show season with a brief hiatus in the latest podcast), there's no need to rush anything. I'm more than happy to ride along for a while.

I've only seen the latest episode once (I like to watch them twice before sticking my head in here), so I won't comment too much on the episode other than to say...

1- Seems Baltar is drifting a bit to the dark side. Not that I mind, and it's nice to see the good doctor getting aggressive.

2- WOO-HOO!!! Adama is back on his feet!

CandleInTheDark 08-07-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
Which again makes me wonder about the motives of naming it after an existing sci-fi franchise.

To have old fans view the pilot? Let's face it, the show probably would've never left the ground if it wasn't named for a pre-existing franchise.

Mondak 08-12-2005 04:32 PM

Well - sorry to be avoiding the TFP for so long. We had out our first kid the day after my last post and I declared a company wide holiday so I had time to dedicate around the house. I couldn't seem to justify screwing around the TFP if I wasn't even at least PRETENDING to work.


Originally Posted by wondash
Any chance you could post a scan of the original doc? I'd be interested to read it word for word and see what it looked like.

No way - I am way too lazy! The thing is like 60 pages since there is a lot of whitespace. I don't have any production scanners with robust ADFs on them around the office and so I might as well have to carve the thing out of stone rather than scan it in.

To that end though - I thought I was going to scoop you all with a Spoiler about the Pegasus and here you are already all talking about it! When I mentioned it the other day in my previous post, I was seriously just pulling it out of my ass. I talked to my friend who gave me the script this week and he told me I would see the Pegasus this season. I thought I would have some crazy good information and start some gnarly speculation. Drat. Well I still am hoping Sheba is hot. . .

I didn't have any trouble with the Hummer. They try to give nods all the time with cigarettes and other things that are the same as we do it on purpose. The theory being that these people are not Vulcans, they are US in their situation. Any way to help them make that connection, they seem to try. I mean at some point, get bent that they speak English while you are at it.

guthmundI am wondering if you will make it with all this face time with Baltar? Let's face it, I know you love the charachter and the actor, but I want the fleet to know that he sold out humanity and had a direct role in the death of billions of people on Caprica and the other colonies for some pussy. I want to see him crumble and crash when he is faced with what he has done.

guthmund 08-12-2005 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Well - sorry to be avoiding the TFP for so long. We had out our first kid the day after my last post and I declared a company wide holiday so I had time to dedicate around the house. I couldn't seem to justify screwing around the TFP if I wasn't even at least PRETENDING to work.

Big congratulations to the family Mondak. I've been around for a lot of new babies and seen a lot of new parents and well... to be honest, I'm amazed you got here as fast as you did. Blessings from the house of guthmund are heading your direction, sir.


guthmundI am wondering if you will make it with all this face time with Baltar? Let's face it, I know you love the charachter and the actor, but I want the fleet to know that he sold out humanity and had a direct role in the death of billions of people on Caprica and the other colonies for some pussy. I want to see him crumble and crash when he is faced with what he has done.
I'm loving it. He wasn't in this last episode so much, but the few minutes of screen time he had, you can just tell he's getting ready to crack....just frakkin' explode. :)

Thoughts on the episode, folks?

Personally, something about this one didn't sit right. I didn't enjoy it as much as the others even with Adama back in the CIC. I can't put my finger on it, so I'll watch it again to see if I can pin it down.

I guess we know what...5 of the 8 Hu-lon (or is that Cy-mans?) models now? Leoben (the mercenary) Six, Boomer, the reporter and now...the doctor?


mrklixx 08-12-2005 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by guthmund
Thoughts on the episode, folks?

Personally, something about this one didn't sit right. I didn't enjoy it as much as the others even with Adama back in the CIC. I can't put my finger on it, so I'll watch it again to see if I can pin it down.

I guess we know what...5 of the 8 Hu-lon (or is that Cy-mans?) models now? Leoben (the mercenary) Six, Boomer, the reporter and now...the doctor?


Where did the ship that that lifted them off of Caprica come from?

And I must have missed it in the pilot/mini series, but why is it again that they only have 8 skin jobs*? I mean if you can make yourself look just like the enemy, why make such a small number of "original"? Clearly the toasters are superior in strength and stamina so the only real use for the skin jobs is subterfuge, and once a models cover is "blown", that entire series is useless.

*blatantly stolen from Blade Runner

Mondak 08-13-2005 06:29 AM

Something didn't sit right with me either, but the thing is that it made the episode that much more compelling to me. I mean it is a little TOO convienient that the President took off for Kobol after what . . . a month has gone by that Starbuck has been gone? I have no idea. It is pretty unbelieveable but I suppose that kind of melarky is what will solidify Laura Roselin as a prophet.

Here is the big thing that was pissing me off though when I was trying to get to sleep: Boomer is sitting there telling all kinds of details about the Cylons - how many, efforts at breeding, all sorts of things. She then steals them a ship, kills a bunch of mechanicals, aids in blowing up a cylon baby factory and flies them back to Galactica (oh yeah no problem - we can just park this heavy Raider in your parking lot out in the open after fragging 50 Cylons and their very valuable facility - no need to worry about them comming after us with like 400 Raiders or anything...only like a million base stars parked in orbit right now). So here is the thing, Sharon is a Cylon. Got that??? It is not like she is helping them out of the goodness of her heart since she has now seen the light. If so, then she would come clean about such things a BALTAR IS A FRAKING CYLON AGENT WHO ALSO HAPPENS TO BE THE VP!!!! Tell you what - while I am on the subject, here is another one of the 8 if you are following along at home - Tigh's wife is just some crazy bitch and that is all - BALTAR IS THE 6TH MODEL. Yep - he is a POS and he has no idea that he is a CYLON.

Either way - the next episode is going to be very interesting.


guthmund 08-13-2005 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
Where did the ship that that lifted them off of Caprica come from?

And I must have missed it in the pilot/mini series, but why is it again that they only have 8 skin jobs*? I mean if you can make yourself look just like the enemy, why make such a small number of "original"? Clearly the toasters are superior in strength and stamina so the only real use for the skin jobs is subterfuge, and once a models cover is "blown", that entire series is useless.

The ship that showed up was, presumably, the ship they were after when Kara got herself pinched. Although, I must admit, it was a bit convenient (I believe the literary term is 'deus ex machina') the way Moore wrote it's acquisition into the storyline.

As for the 8... I don't exactly remember when they mentioned the eight models. I want to say it was during the mini-series, but I'm not all that sure. I do know it was during a conversation with Baltar and Six that it was mentioned. I presume that there are so few Cylon skin-jobs because it's difficult to do. As for their worth, well...you're right, once a model is outed, it becomes pretty worthless, but only if the entire fleet knows about it. These ships are all pretty big and aren't in constant contact with each other (again, all presumptions). So, when the fleet wide search went out for Leoben (Flesh & Bone) future models of Leoben couldn't very well show up on any of the ships. And I can't imagine that another Boomer is going to show up without some serious questions being raised as her assassination was a pretty public event. However, other models seem to be fine. I mean, the 'reporter' Cylon for instance was left at the weapons depot (Ragnarok?) early on. The entire thing was handled aboard the Galactica itself, so, it wasn't all that difficult for another 'reporter' skin-job to move about the fleet and subsequently infilitrate and suicide bomb Galactica.


Originally Posted by Mondak
Something didn't sit right with me either, but the thing is that it made the episode that much more compelling to me. I mean it is a little TOO convienient that the President took off for Kobol after what . . . a month has gone by that Starbuck has been gone? I have no idea. It is pretty unbelieveable but I suppose that kind of melarky is what will solidify Laura Roselin as a prophet.

You've hit the nail on the head. Maybe it's just these last few episodes and I assume it's simply to the further the storyline along enough to get to the really good stuff, but Moore has been taking the easy route a lot lately. All these conveniences and coincidences that just keep happening. I mentioned it above when I was talking about the raider Sharon snagged, but that's certainly not the only example. Starbuck is on Caprica, meets this guy and falls in love with him after what seems like just a few days? In one episode she's playfully flirting with him while playing ball and the next (a few days later?) she's sleeping with him and professing love? I get it in the sense that the story must be moved along and right quick considering this is television, but it's such a leap in logic that it's almost...unbelievable to a fault.

Laura spends an inordinate amount of time aboard the Astral Queen, which is Zarak's ship and should've been one of the first searched considering he's a member of the Quorom of Twelve. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to suppose that the Quorom is hiding her and it isn't a big stretch of imagination that Lee would take her to Zarak - the least likely member to hide her and the only member, as far as I know, to have his own personal ship.

Sharon single handedly snags a Cylon Raider (remember she was the only one on board and the resistance on the ground didn't seem all that sure it was a 'friendly') to save the day?


Here is the big thing that was pissing me off though when I was trying to get to sleep: snip
Yeah, it's the whole deus ex thing again. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but American fighter jets have transponders on them to locate them, god forbid, they should be stolen, hi-jacked or whatnot, right? Is it too much to assume that the Cylons have mastered interstellar flight, but not the homing beacon? Assuming Boomer disabled it, you better believe that they're going to be looking for it. Parking it in the middle of 'Resistance HQ' wasn't the smartest thing...

But even all that I can overlook and write it off as some master plan of the Cylons (We'll ignore the ship and let them think they got away to further our grand design). The problem with Sharon...no questions. Nobody asked any questions. She showed up out of the blue from behind a tree and all fears were calmed by Helo simply saying "She's one of us." Where did she come from? Why wasn't she with you when we picked you up? Why didn't either of you mention her before? None of these questions were asked and no satisfactory answers were given. Even when Caprica-Boomer starts spouting off all the Cylon shit at the end in the huddle, using a lot of 'we's' (blantantly implying she's a Cylon), Anders says nothing. Now I assume, he's been on Caprica for a while...long enough to know that there are humans (He might not know about the skin-jobs) working with the Cylons...wouldn't he be a little suspicious?


- BALTAR IS THE 6TH MODEL. Yep - he is a POS and he has no idea that he is a CYLON.

Either way - the next episode is going to be very interesting.
*GASP That hurts. That really hurts. :lol:

No seriously. A friend of mine brought this one up recently and I'll write here what I told him. I don't think Baltar is a Cylon. Not because I have some sort of man-crush on him ( :) ), but rather because he seems too important. All this effort, all this time, all the machinations of Six to get Baltar to see the Cylon's side of things is too much, in my opinion. Wouldn't it have been easier just to put in an already willing copy of Baltar, if indeed Baltar is a Cylon? They've already shown that infiltrating the fleet is easy-- Six shows up and then subsequently disappears, they manage to replace the 'reporter' skin-job to suicide bomb the Galactica, so on and so forth. So access to the fleet for the Cylons isn't a problem. No, Baltar is a human, which makes his betrayal of the human race all that much more dispicable.

Mondak 08-13-2005 01:39 PM

Well thought out G, but I have a couple thoughts.

I could see Sharon being able to get into the Cylon facility one way or another and steal the heavy Raider. You could either put it under the and THEY HAVE A PLAN heading where that is part of it or you could have her acting on her own to make it happen but the Cylons who were there let her in and then she attacked them. There were only 3 mechanical varieties there acording to the resistance guys. With the element of surprise, she could conciveably take them.

Under the and THEY HAVE A PLAN heading, Six has been telling Baltar for a month that he would have a kid soon. This has (to me) been obvious that it was going to be Boomer showing up at the Galactica, getting killed / being killed and then the kid lives / is saved. I think Boomer walks in to the refueling depot and flys out with the Raider.

BTW - anyone else here think the Standard Cylon Raider is an updated cross between the old Raider and a Drakonian Hatchet Fighter? http://www.universalhartland.com/med...0_pitate07.jpg

Furthermore, if Baltar was a human, why couldn't Six and Baltar have had the kid and fallen in love? You know why? I'll tell you why!!!! BECAUSE HE IS A CYLON FOR GODS SAKE!!!! Ok - actually I have no idea, I just really really want him to be a cylon.

guthmund 08-13-2005 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Well thought out G, but I have a couple thoughts.

I could see Sharon being able to get into the Cylon facility one way or another and steal the heavy Raider. You could either put it under the and THEY HAVE A PLAN heading where that is part of it or you could have her acting on her own to make it happen but the Cylons who were there let her in and then she attacked them. There were only 3 mechanical varieties there acording to the resistance guys. With the element of surprise, she could conciveably take them.

Actually, and I didn't know this until I listened to the podcast this evening, Moore had a scene planned to explain how Sharon got a hold of the raider. He talked about a real brief scene showing Sharon walking along a slew of 'dead' centurions and the like as she walked aboard the ship. IIRC, the reason for the deletion was because of time constraints. He also mentioned that the 'beat' at the end when the raider comes over the hill wouldn't have worked as well as he thought it did if the audience already knew that Sharon was behind the stick.


Furthermore, if Baltar was a human, why couldn't Six and Baltar have had the kid and fallen in love? You know why? I'll tell you why!!!! BECAUSE HE IS A CYLON FOR GODS SAKE!!!! Ok - actually I have no idea, I just really really want him to be a cylon.
I couldn't tell you. I still don't understand exactly what Six is...? I mean, is she just in Baltar's head or is she something tangible? I'm not even sure Moore knows what can of worms he opened up there.

The good doctor will get his, don't worry a second more about it. There is no doubt in my mind that by the end of this season, everyone is going to find out exactly what he's done. And that promises for some very good stuff...

Edit: Bad news, mate. According to Moore's blog at Sci-Fi, there will be no 'Sheba'. Too bad... I was kind of looking forward to it.

Mondak 08-14-2005 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by guthmund
Edit: Bad news, mate. According to Moore's blog at Sci-Fi, there will be no 'Sheba'. Too bad... I was kind of looking forward to it.

I can always count on you for the good stuff.


Originally Posted by guthmund
Starbuck is on Caprica, meets this guy and falls in love with him after what seems like just a few days? In one episode she's playfully flirting with him while playing ball and the next (a few days later?) she's sleeping with him and professing love? I get it in the sense that the story must be moved along and right quick considering this is television, but it's such a leap in logic that it's almost...unbelievable to a fault.

I think someone is a little jealous?!?! She didn't fall in love, but she did like him and screwed him. It is only natural and I think I need less than a few days to get to know someone in order to determine that I would want to f*ck them. I think they wanted to set up that she is some kind of black widow (in her head) that whoever she goes for gets killed, even if it is for a brief moment of pleasure.

guthmund 08-14-2005 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mondak
I can always count on you for the good stuff.



I think someone is a little jealous?!?! She didn't fall in love, but she did like him and screwed him. It is only natural and I think I need less than a few days to get to know someone in order to determine that I would want to f*ck them. I think they wanted to set up that she is some kind of black widow (in her head) that whoever she goes for gets killed, even if it is for a brief moment of pleasure.
Yeah, that makes sense. I never even thought of it like that... :hmm:

Mondak 08-14-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by guthmund

I just mean that you let me know about Sheba. That helps me set realistic expectations. Besides, there is no way they would cast the role to my satisfaction anyway.

Schwan 08-14-2005 02:04 PM

I love this series :). Now that I got that out of the way... I think that sooner or later we'll be in for a Boomer/Chief/Helo reunion. Oh, the laugh that's going to get. Might get a bit sitcom-ish.

Fremen 08-16-2005 03:42 PM

I was just going over the channel menu and noticed on Sci-fi that they're showing the first 4 episodes of Season 2, starting at 7:00 PM Central tonight.

Mondak 08-16-2005 04:02 PM

I am really in the mood to watch the mini-series again. This season I might get sucked into too. Thanks for the tip

japhyryder 08-17-2005 08:00 AM

Pegasus is coming on the 23 of Sept. (Sci-fi)

ICER 08-17-2005 05:05 PM

it should be interesting to see how they manage to bring in another Battlestar after the way the fleet was destoryed.

Mondak 08-20-2005 12:39 PM

Hey Guthmund. I did a little (crappy) photo-shop for ya today. What do you think?


Ok - maybe Six was just trying to throw us (or Baltar) off with the whole "they" stuff. interesting either way.

guthmund 08-20-2005 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Hey Guthmund. I did a little (crappy) photo-shop for ya today. What do you think?

/shakes fist at Mondak. I'm going to have eat some serious crow if all this 'Baltar is really a Cylon' theory of yours pans out. I have to say, I got a little nervous when Six started in with all that 'us and them' stuff.

Anybody have any thoughts on the show? I thought this last episode was pretty lackluster, to be honest.

Ethan 08-20-2005 11:02 PM

Okay, I came across another premonition the other day.

I am really hoping Callie does not turn out to be a Cylon.

What I have noticed however is that she seems to be the 'monitor' for Boomer and Chief's affair, her presence seems to convenient for Six to suggest that Gaius start 'acting like a man', and to top it off, she shoots Boomer the same way Boomer got Commander Adama . . .

This week's episode? Seems Kara has put Anders out of her mind pretty fast. I was sad to see the death of Elosha the Priestess.


And boy aren't those cylons resourceful? A moblile missle battery? Jeepers, what are they made of - freakin' Legos?
This statement had me in stitches . . . My being a Lego fan had something to do with it . . .



mrklixx 08-21-2005 07:29 AM


Sultana 08-21-2005 07:36 AM

I don't think Callie's a cylon. Just a woman who was pushed to extremity on Kobal (although not pushed to action!) trying to protect the only person she really trusts anymore.

Regarding the doc, what do you think of this: he is a cylon, but doesn't know it as part of further psychological experiments by the cylons? I can't fully buy this "implanted chip in the brain" thing, if it was that easy, why wouldn't cylons do it on a mass scale? I think he may have some sort of free will coding (as much as one can have with a gorgeous sexually aggressive woman in their head, lol!), and the cylons want to see how they can manipulate it...side note: I *love* this character, and the way he's portrayed by the actor. Amazing job.

Kinda lost track of the counting of the *skin jobs*, but was the baby farm (Ugg! Truely horrifying to me personally) doctor included in the count?

*shyly* Thanks for letting me jump in...

Mondak 08-21-2005 07:37 AM

guthmund, actually now I think they are trying to lead us there. I actually liked my theory better before they started in on it.

The reason I don't like the direction things are going is that it seems that they just took a detour rather than keep on the same course. Let's say there was no rebellion and Kara had permission to leave town etc etc. We would have gone to Kobol and looked for the tomb together. Guess what we are up to now? hrmmmm. Don't waste my time Moore. I am a very important man with things to do! (Like photoshop BSG shat....)

EthanWhy do people have so many problems with Kara sleeping with that guy? This is a good example of a double standard against women for sure. I have put it in plenty of women that I never planned on spending my life with. They were pleasant enough to spend some time with before and after making use of their pink spots though. Still, I would feel sad if they were dead / going to spend the rest of their life on some radioactive nuked out planet many light years away.

She has some Adama Fetish okay? Maybe she would let the old man get dirty if she couldn't ultimatly bag Lee. I mean hell, she was clearly abused as a child. Many times gals like that end up with older men trying to satisfy their "love me daddy" side. Ok I got off on a tangent, but I say the show is better if Kara sleeps around a bit. Maybe she bags the President next to win the Xena crowd . . . who knows?

guthmund 08-21-2005 08:56 AM

Mondak, I agree completely with you about the storyline. The good news is according to the latest podcast, the next episode is sort of a cap to all the current threads and story lines. So...new stories, new stuff...coming soon, I guess.

As for Kara...well, here's my problem with it. First of all, I'm not some purist who thinks that Starbuck should only 'give her virtue to the man she is to marry.' :) In fact, I love the tough, punch Apollo in the face, insult the XO, sleep with the doctor Starbuck. She just hasn't been around much lately. Glimpses of her in the 'hospital/farm, ' but not nearly enough.

If Moore had written it as 'two lonely people getting together to fill the void left in them....or two sexy muthas doing the freaky' then that's one thing, but he didn't. Instead Kara's giving the guy a dog tag and promising to come back through a shroud of tears after having known the guy for what..a couple of days? It just felt a bit forced to me.

Sultana, I'm counting the doctor in the number of skin-jobs. So, Aaron Doral (the reporter), Leoben, Six, Sharon and Simon (the doctor) make five. And by the way, I was wrong. It's not 8 different models...it's 12.

Ethan 08-21-2005 04:24 PM

When it comes to sex, I guess I've been called a purist who thinks it should be reserved for marriage, even though I've seen my share of nudie pictures . . .

That was not my point. My point was that Kara had slept around, including the insidious doctor Baltar, and it seemed that she was really attached to this guy on Caprica instead of just playing around. Way I see it, if she's just playing, then don't bring love-mindgames into it. Kara said that she promised to return to Caprica for him. If that truly is the case, then I think the Caprica Storyline is not over yet. . . .

As for me, I am not bothered by people having different opinions than I on the subject of sex. I just found that if Kara was . . . married . . . to Anders, then that may have an effect on what she should do in other company. She did tell the Cylon doctor that she married that guy who she was told saved her life. . . . she even cried over him . . .

Anyway there are holes in the story line that I can not always figure out myself so, I just let it go. I don't like getting judgemental, and I don't like others being judgemental over me. In this case, its just a TV character, but in real life if I heard someone did something like playing around extramaritally, I would not go apes--t over it, . . . even if it was a friend. I would take the story to heart and say what can I learn from this? If my friend was hurt by some experience like this I would try to comfort my friend and I honestly do not know if I would do something else . . . anyway, I don't want to seem preachy, just . . . I guess if Kara felt marriage-strong over Anders, I wouldn't expect her to play around with others . . .

Anyway, who says she is interested in doing Lee Adama anyway? Maybe getting Lee to say "I love you" is something that Lee has a hard time with. In that regard, getting Lee to say I love you, even as friends, would be something that Kara would try to do, just for the novelty of it, in my opinion.

I hope I'm not insulting anyone. It's just my opinion, and probably not an important one anyway, about the Kara character and what I would like to see happen, or not.

Okay? :thumbsup:

mrklixx 08-21-2005 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by guthmund
And by the way, I was wrong. It's not 8 different models...it's 12.

But that includes the toasters, the super toasters, and possibly even the raiders , right?

guthmund 08-21-2005 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
But that includes the toasters, the super toasters, and possibly even the raiders , right?

I don't think so. I'll try to dig something definitive out by the weekend, but, if I recall correctly,it was a conversation between Six and Baltar and they were talking about the skin-jobs specifically.

japhyryder 08-22-2005 04:49 AM

I remember that also that was at the begining of season one I thought, 12 is the magical number, and we have now seen 5 including the new doctor if I am correct. Not a bad episode, wonder what will happen with the you take care of the father I have the son stuff. (might have that reversed)

mrklixx 08-22-2005 07:44 AM

After a little searching, it does look like indeed the number is 12 (rumored to coincide with the 12 tribes of Cobol).

Willravel 08-22-2005 06:25 PM

So do you think Starbuck and Apollo will scoot around on strange motorcycles having misadventures on Earth eventually? I hope not.

guthmund 08-23-2005 02:10 PM

Only if they have a really catchy theme song. ;)

Well, it's still a bit confusing. I couldn't find the exact quote, so, I had to crack open the mini-series and find it myself.

Caprica is being bombed. Gaius is blinded by a nearby blast and Six is telling Baltar that she can't die. If she dies, she says, I'll just wake up in an identical body somewhere else.

From the mini-series

Baltar: You mean there's more out there like you?

Six:There are twelve models, I'm number six.
Baltar using the phrase "like you" seems to imply he's asking about skin-jobs only. So, I assume that Six understood that and responded accordingly.

Mondak 08-29-2005 09:57 AM

Guthmund - I miss your old Avatar.

I fear change. . .

what is it?

guthmund 08-29-2005 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mondak
Guthmund - I miss your old Avatar.

I fear change. . .

what is it?

Oh don't worry the Mind-taker is just waiting in the wings. ;)

I thought I'd bring out 'Serenity' for a while since the movie is coming out the end of September and all. It's too dark though.... It shows up fine on my screen at home, but I can't see it all that well anywhere else... I guess, I'll have to lighten it up.

On to the episode...

This week more than made up for last week. Adama is still an old softy, but, boy, oh boy, did you see him drop that cylon?! I could almost hear Ol' JR screamin' "Chokeslam! Chokeslam! It's over folks!" Can't say I enjoyed the Zarek storyline....I mean, just the urination scene alone was....odd?

Everybody back together, all a little disgusted over Helo's rose-colored glasses, and the good doctor still going crazy. By the way, you want to see some fine acting, you just watch that scene in the 'cage' with Gaius and Six. As a modest actor in high school and the veteran of a couple of local theater shows, I have to say I am amazed at how fast and loose this guy plays it.

Good stuff. It's a cryin' shame I have to wait two weeks for another fix, but what can you do, right?

What did you guys think?

mrklixx 08-29-2005 08:48 PM

I think the Boomyrlon wants to be the filling in a Helo/Chief sandwich. :D

I may be in the minority, but to me the Gaius/Six thing is getting a little old.

Mondak 08-31-2005 06:19 AM

Heh yeah mrklixx I am in on that too. I have been wanting to see what will happen when they throw Baltar out the airlock and then his conciousness is tranferred to a new Baltar sitting in high command on a Base Star somewhere. That will be what the last scene of the season will look like as a cliff hanger!

As far as this week, Adama was a little too soft, but what can you do. I mean he didn't even get Laura to promise to stop trying to mutany his troops in the future when they don't agree. It's like "okay you are in charge chicky - tell you what - why don't you Pilot the Galactica while you are at it?"

Helo must not have had a single friend of family member on Caprica is all I can deduce about that. I mean not to get all political here since I think the whole "War on Terror" is completly off base, BUT I still get very upset about the Twin Towers and the things that happened that day. That was 3000 people. Caprica and the other colonies were billions dead. I think I would hold a bit of a grudge is all. Helo and all the other simpathizers are just a bit unbelieveable to me.

Date the Banana 08-31-2005 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mondak

Helo must not have had a single friend of family member on Caprica is all I can deduce about that. I mean not to get all political here since I think the whole "War on Terror" is completly off base, BUT I still get very upset about the Twin Towers and the things that happened that day. That was 3000 people. Caprica and the other colonies were billions dead. I think I would hold a bit of a grudge is all. Helo and all the other simpathizers are just a bit unbelieveable to me.

Well, that's one way of looking at it. On the other hand, Helo fell for her well before he learned she was an organo-toaster. Knowing she's carrying his child, he may just be unable to reconcile the fact she's not human. Cylon or not, he loved her then, and you can't just turn off feelings like that. World is not black and white, even in war.

Schwan 09-04-2005 03:38 AM

Has anyone been listenijng to the podcasts? The creators seem to hint that Helo might be a Cylon. Then again I'm not sure how that would fit into the hole human/cylon baby thing. Argh. My head hurts.

guthmund 09-10-2005 01:29 PM

I've been listening to the podcasts...I was under the impression it was a joke though... :hmm:

As for the latest episode...

Holy crap, Xena is a cylon! Well, maybe that wasn't much of a surprise. I figured Lucy Lawless would be a semi-regular character and 'roving reporter' as entertaining as it was, wasn't going to get her on many episodes. Six's little comment to Baltar in the hallway only clinched it.

I thought this one was pretty good. These stand alone shows are a nice break from the overarching storyline and although they don't move the plot too far along, they give you much needed insight into some of the characters. Some of the dialogue was a little cheesy. I imagine it was because Moore didn't write the whole episode himself.

There's still not quite something right about Commander Adama. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's there. Kind of like when you find your keys in an odd place and don't remember moving them there, but you had to because they're your keys.

Mondak 09-12-2005 06:44 AM

Yeah - I am in guthmund. Something is rotten in Caprica when it comes to Adama. Not sure what it is either. I want him to be more of the shepard that I knew from the OG series, but still be a badass. No sympathy for Cylons Adama. Remember: they have a plan.

I also was pretty sure that Xena was a Cylon (and now I can't remember her name on the show but will join you in calling her that since it is better). Six sealed it for me too. Yellow journalism serves many purposes that is for sure. More social commentary for us on the fleet.

This brings up an interesting point though as far as the fleet is concerned. We pretty much have to assume that all these "skin jobs" were already on the fleet when it was formed. Now the Cylons really could not know that the Galactica would survive along with the other random ships that make up the fleet. So we have quite a few who have been represented on board the ship.

Leoben (they found another one after killing the first one right)
Reporter Guy (Doral?)

So think about this: I don't know that you could have more than one Sharon in the fleet - they might notice. Maybe you could hide a couple more copies in the general populace of the colonies that are pretty far apart. A case could be made for her surviving and joining up with any straglers no matter what in her Raptor. But for the other ones you would have to have lots of copies all over the place. They don't seem to be in communication with each other unless they are talking. So to get at least 5 copies on board various ships among 48,000 or so and if there are 12 different models you would have to have them all over the place before the shooting started.

That being the case, you would think you would have to have too many to make it work. Almost to the point that you would be in constant danger of having duplicates in the same general vicinity or circle. Moreover, with only 48k people, you would know who each of them were. The cylons would have to make sure that all duplicates were eliminated early on.

Lots of thoughts here but:

- The Cylons plan would need to be very complicated to do this with specific ships including the Gallactica surviving.
- They know the scriptures very well but clearly can't find Earth themselves
- They won't let the fleet rest and think they can hide or settle down anywhere (which is odd - not sure why the fleet is so sold on Earth rather than a more obscure planet somewhere)

To me this means that Adama (and or the President) is either a Cylon Pawn with an important role to play or a Cylon himself. Hope you followed that.

PS - I would have been horrible from that line of thought during the Red Scare or the Salem Witch hunts.

mrklixx 09-12-2005 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mondak
To me this means that Adama (and or the President) is either a Cylon Pawn with an important role to play or a Cylon himself. Hope you followed that.

Two arguments against Adama being a Cylon are Apollo and Zak. Unless they are both Cylons too, I think it would be impossible for someones family member to be a Cylon since the Cylons don't just make copies of existing people.

P.S. Loved hearing the old theme song in the "documentary". :thumbsup:

Mondak 09-12-2005 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by mrklixx
Two arguments against Adama being a Cylon are Apollo and Zak. Unless they are both Cylons too, I think it would be impossible for someones family member to be a Cylon since the Cylons don't just make copies of existing people.

Good point except why can't they start with existing people? I mean they are harvesting eggs from mothers for some reason right? Why not take someone and remake them as an enhanced clone of some type. They are sleeper agents or overt agents depending on their role and may not know themselves what they are.

I don't really think it is the case, but it makes a good argument that Adama is the key to their plan to find Earth so that they can eliminate the human race. If they knew Adama was the only one they could depend on to carry through and find earth, they had to KNOW Adama. That means that at the very least - someone very close to Adama would have to be a Cylon agent. Otherwise they would not have known who to choose to survive long enough to find Earth.

MPower 09-12-2005 01:53 PM

I never watched her old show, but... Xena was pretty hot as a blonde. Heres to more hot Cylons.

Fremen 09-12-2005 06:43 PM

Wouldn't they be able to tell that there was something different with Adama when they were performing surgery on him, if he was a Cylon?

guthmund 09-12-2005 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Fremen
Wouldn't they be able to tell that there was something different with Adama when they were performing surgery on him, if he was a Cylon?

You know, you'd think so, wouldn't you? But I have to argue, would they even know what they were looking for? The skin-jobs seem to be...I don't know... a lot more fragile than their toaster cousins. I mean a precise shot the head seems to be about the only way to kill the toasters short of blowing them to pieces. On Caprica, Six was killed twice: once when she was shot in the back and once during her skirmish with Starbuck when she was pierced with some rebar (I'm not sure how to spell it, but it's the stuff you stick in concrete to make it both stronger and more flexible.) Not to mention that Galactica-Boomer was killed with a single shot during her "Oswald" walk by Cally. I don't know if that makes a difference, but it seems to imply, to me at least, that the skin-jobs are more human than toaster, so, maybe the differences aren't that noticeable, even to the trained eye. Which brings up another interesting point, in my opinion. Why haven't they disected one the skin-jobs? They had Leoben, they had Doral, they had the body of Boomer. If they're 'just machines' why not shoot one and cut it open? If the threat of skin-jobs infilitrating the fleet is so important, wouldn't it be in the fleet's best interest to know all they possibly could about their enemy, all things considered?

Mondak: That's certainly part of it. During the first season, it was Adama who pulled the fleet together, it was Adama who beat the crap out the first Leoben, authorized leaving Doral behind at the weapons depot, pulled the second Leoben out for interrogation and, ultimately, it was Adama who almost died when Galactica-Boomer pumped him full of lead. I just find it hard to believe that that Adama would allow the second Boomer on his ship after they found the tomb and she outlived her usefulness. It reeks and there's certainly more to it, but I just can't quite put my finger on it.

The President seems to be the only one with the right idea; Push 'em out the airlock and all that. After all, like Adama said, "They have a plan."

Speaking of the grand plan. That's an awful lot of planning, not to mention an awful lot of luck to pull of something like you describe. Here's the thing that kept popping up when I read your post, remember during the first season...specifically the episode where Six was going to 'out' Baltar? Remember she just popped up on Galactica and then disappeared? She can't just be in Baltar's head (aside from the fact that everyone else saw her there) we have confirmation that she's not a chip in Baltar's brain nor is she some psychotic manifestation of the good doctor's. So....if Six can 'pop-in' and 'pop-out' at will, why can't the others as well? 50,000 people on 50 some odd ships and their going to sneak in multiple copies of 12 skin-jobs?Less than that, really. Remember, some of the skin-jobs' covers have been totally blown. Another Leoben, another Doral another Sharon, or another Xena are bound to raise some flags, somewhere, right?

I don't think Adama is a cylon. The skin-jobs seem to be unique, meaning it must be a difficult to create them as they've got only 12 models. Not to mention, the baby farms from what I could glean from that single episode, don't seem to be all that successful.

Story wise, it seems like it would be a lot easier to make the President a Cylon. I mean, of all the high ranking government officials, she just happened to be in the clear when the bombs went off. But even that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, knowing what we know about Laura. She shows enormous compassion for the humans, none for the Cylons and she has cancer. So...all that's an act, plus they gave her cancer? Not to mention, the religious undertones... I mean, is a prophecy fulfilled if it's fulfilled on purpose by outside agents? If the Cylons do indeed have no idea where Earth is (assuming they want us to get to Earth at all) and their only way to obtain that information is by fulfilling some ancient prophecy, would they screw it up by substituting their own "Moses?"

A lot of thoughts there, I hope they made some sense. :)

I swear, this show is going to drive me crazy.

Fremen 09-16-2005 10:08 PM

Ok, I just finished watching this week's episode and I have two questions for now.
Why, if the Fleet is so low on supplies and materials, did they allow the Cylon ships to be destroyed, if they were disabled by Sharon's virus?
Couldn't they round them up and part them out?
Seems wasteful to me.

Frakking great episode, though.
Love the new stealth viper. And the name. :thumbsup:

Mondak 09-17-2005 06:48 AM

I will try and keep this short. I want to know so many things about NEXT week's episode. I mean how can they explain things with the Pegasus when it shows up? How will it find them? How did it's netowrked computers and modern Vipers survive? Can't the President put Adama in charge? Do you think Sheba will have sex with me? What kinds of kickass weapons does it have that the old Galactica does not have?

As far as this week - they did not give the Stealth part of the Viper enough face time. Helo made an offhanded comment and all of a sudden it was flying.

guthmund 09-17-2005 09:59 AM

I imagine the Pegasus is going to find Galactica the same way the Cylons did, that pulsing transponder signal (or whatever the hell they called it).

The stealth ship was nice, but....really, if Tyrol and crew can build an entirely new ship with scrap and reject parts, than why is it such a struggle to keep all the vipers in the air?

And next week's the season finale??? 11 shows. 11 shows, by my count....that's a full fledged season? It just got going!
Man, that sucks. :mad:

Vincentt 09-18-2005 09:14 PM

I love this show.

I download it as soon as I can each week.

Right now I am at 62%

Though last weeks 'reporter' ep was filler if you ask me.

When I was in America me and my friends had food, poker and watched the Sci Fi line up every friday night.

japhyryder 09-19-2005 04:29 AM

It was pretty good but I would have used the cylons for scrap parts also. doesn't make sense.

Latch 09-25-2005 01:26 AM


The season finale was a great cliffhanger. While the whole Pegasus arrival seemed a bit rushed, it was a great way to leave the series hanging until next season... which seems so far, far away.

I was impressed.. one of the better "cliffhangers" I've seen in the last few months.

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