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#1 (permalink) |
Location: One with the Universe
The really real truth about men and women.
After bitterness from this thread (http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=102353)
I wanted to transmit that energy into a rational 'lesson' to be learned. This isn't politicly correct, but there is no reason why you should expect reality to fit the man-made ever changing confines of what is PC. It may seem cold and scientific, but thats because I tried to keep it objective. Some of it you will not agree with, and some of it might make you mad. There are alot of ways in which society teaches men to think about relationships that are not congruent with what women actually respond to. It was fucking with my mind because I couldn't figure out what was going on. Ya i know, blame society, whatever. There is this big push on equality. I believe that men and women are of equal VALUE, but nothing else about us is equal. Equal doesn't mean identicle. Men and women have different mating strategies hardwired into us in the form of unconcious emotional reactions. These hardwired emotional imperitives were developed because they help us to survive and reproduce, the two factors in being successful in the genepool, and therefore prolific in the population. But men and women naturally fell into 'roles' that were relativly universal among all cultures. This is a survival strategy because men and women are good at different things. Its starting to become appearent to me that the fundamental male energy is to 'do', and the fundamental female energy is to 'feel'. This is expressed esotericly by the ancient elements of fire and water. Its why in a respectable religion there should be priests AND priestesses to express both, not just one or the other as in Christianity or Wicca respectively (and respectfully). As men and women evolved in a codependent relationship, they were a team like the bee and the flower. We developed together, but it's two seperate lines of development in one system, not one line of development 'together'. Think of two strings twisted up, not one string. We were dependent because of our differences, not our similarities. Since men and women have reproductive systems with different operating perameters (a women has 1 egg per month, a man has 50,000 sperm a day), different emotional circuitry was developed by each sex to most effeciently utilize their biology and spread their genes fruitfully. They also developed different emotional survival strategies. I don't think any of this affects us much on the concious level when we are logicly picking who to date, but I think its deeply ingrained in our emotional circuitry. A man has sperm to spare, this is why men tend to be attracted to a young healthy female with a hip to waste ratio that looks least pregnant. (Pregnant women are still beautiful in their own way of course, but not as appealing sexually.) Also, as a women becomes pregnant, she is physicly vulnerable, and if she does not have a strong male to protect her, not only could she lose the baby, but she could die as well. Not good for the survival and reproduction. Therefore women are generally attracted to a strong alpha male, who has a good ability survive to provide for her. In modern times, this emotional reaction is stimulated by status, money and power. These things indicate survival ability. Yes, there are gold digging women who just want to spend a mans money, but in general women are attracted to money (legitimatly) not only to spend it but because it shows that if nothing else, the man can take care of himself. Also because of this, women tend to feel attraction for someone who they percieve to have higher social value than themselves. Why would they want to date 'down'? That would negativly affect their survival ability. The problem is boys grow up and hear women complaining about 'asshole' guys all the time and vow to never be that. In trying to avoid being an asshole they give away all their power in a relationship. They try to please her until it's she's annoyed, then they apologize for being annoying, compliment her, thank her for being nice enough to like him, call her 10 times a day, they never set any boundaries or stand up for themselves, they show that they have no self worth or pride, and the girl loses attraction. It's not her fault, its just not part of her emotional program to feel attraction for the weak dependant beta male. This is why there is the cliche saying the "the asshole gets all the girls". It's true, but not because girls like someone who acts like a dickhead. It's because the badboy behavior communicates independence, strength, non-needyness, confidence, all the things stimulate an emotional reaction of attraction from a female. I keep using the words 'emotional reaction' because I want to iterate that these aren't choices we make, and they aren't always nice, they are just unconcious hardwired responses that, in the majority of time our species has existed, have helped each individual assert his/her genes. Feminism was a perfectly legitimate movement to get equal pay in the workplace, and suffrage for women. Thats fine. But its effect on the cultural conciousness of the people was to create a kind of role reversal or mix up about masculine and feminine energy. (Both men and women have both yin and yang, but men tend to have more masculine energy and women tend to have more femenine energy. The polarity is what creates the attraction. This is true even with gays/lesbians as the more masculine tends to be attracted to the more femine one, and vice versa. And this I dont think this is linked to homosexuality, as there are masculine and feminine straight guys, and masculine and feminine straight women. Incedentally a masculine female can be attracted to a feminine male. As long as there is that polarity in energy.) The feminist ideology lead to a sort of masculinization of women, followed by another movement partially inclusive to the 'hippy' movement, where men were feminized. Because of this, men and women have all this intellectual conditioning from society which acts contrary to their emotionally hardwired survival and reproductive strategies. In other words, people are confused. Men don't know, "Should I open this door for her? Should I lead? Should I help her fix her bike or will she think I'm calling her a technicly incompetant girl?". People don't know their roles. Women go through similar confusion I think. Its still pretty obvious for a girl how to be attractive. Culture still shows them this. Youth, health, large breasts, wide hips, lipstick and blush that simulate sexual flush, clear skin, being pretty, and being sexually available. I know it's superficial, but were talking about attraction which is a primal emotion and doesn't care if you think it's 'right' or not. Guys however tend to be clueless as to what 'does it' for a girl. Society just doesn't tell us. Too many guys pretty themselves up in ways that are overly feminine because they are trying to project what THEY as men find attractive in women, incorrectly assuming women also find it attractive in men. Primitive man's best reproductive strategy was to persue sex directly and promiscuously (50,000 sperm (the majority of which are actually warrior sperm designed to fight other males sperm in the uterus)). Primitive womans best reproductive strategy is to find a strong male to stick around at least long enough to help her through her pregnancy and hopefully take care of offspring. This was a big clue to me when I kept wondering about the games women play. Male reproductive game is usually as deep as a puddle of spilled beer and as obvious as "hey baby lets do it". Female game is a collection of very odd behaviours. What is she trying to accomplish? Men are trying to get sex...women are trying to....fight sex? No thats not right. And it hit me...DUH. Girl game is about getting a male and keeping him around long enough to fall in love with her and feel 'pairbonded' to her. Girls are told by their moms, and learn with experience that if she 'gives it up' and gives sex immediatly, the male mating game is over, and many men will lose interest. In the same sense, if a guy 'gives it up' and falls in love too easily, the girl feels like she didn't have to earn it and maybe he doesn't have as much value as she thought he did. She wants to be true to herself, and how can she beleive that is what she is doing if she didn't have to earn his affection. It is the exact corralary to womens 'dont put out too early' rule. Once a guy falls in love, the girls game is over, and her interest goes right down the drain. This is a huge realization for me. I think some girls don't even really realize this is why they are playing hard to get and whatever, for many it happens on an emotional subconcious level. Also in a womans games are tests to see where her boundaries are. She will push and push and if he isn't man enough to put his foot down and show her some boundaries, she will walk all over him trying to find them. How is she supposed to beleive he could protect her in a bad situation if he cant even stand up to her? Then she will lose attraction and dump him for being a pussy. She will feel like she's on a pedistal and probably feel bad for being a bitch, and not know why she feels the way she does. "He lets me treat him so badly" He is unaware that she just wants him to be a man and stand up for himself. She doesn't know why she doesn't like him, he was so nice. She might even feel stupid for 'ruining it'. [no conclusion]
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Use the search button
"Holy-Post, Batman!"
"Yes, Robin, I am afraid what we have here is a person who takes Darwinism to the extreme. What they fail to realize is that threads like this become extinct, due to their un-readability and lack of discussion." "What can we do?" "Learn a lesson, Robin. Learn a valuable lesson here." Seriously, I don't agree with your biological (that is stretching the word quite a bit) argument. Social darwinism has been used to keep the women's liberation movement down for a century. I simply disagree with your argument. There has been a religious movement surrounding your ideology (what was that called again? Oh yeah, the Promise Keepers. What a stroke of Marketing that was), supporting the return to traditional gender roles in society and at home in particular. I think that is harmful to young men and women, and should be actively fought at every turn.
3.141592654 Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis. Last edited by BigBen; 04-19-2006 at 02:01 PM.. Reason: wording |
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#4 (permalink) |
Extreme moderation
Location: Kansas City, yo.
It might pay to have an opening post that facilitates discussion rather than eye strain.
"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand) "The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck) |
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: Sage's bed
I don't think the OP was trying to advocate a return to traditional gender roles, I think he was just attempting to elaborate on what he perceives as some of the un-/subconscious underpinnings of male and female social interaction and the ways in which society confuses people into not really understanding their own motives and desires.
Personally, I agree with a lot of that, but people like Freud have been trying to tease apart people's complicated unconscious sexual motivations for a long time and haven't gotten much of anywhere.
Anamnesis |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Arizona
Wow, you really are bitter. I'm really sorry you've been dicked around by immature girls who like to play mind games. You sound really young. When I was younger, I could have written a bitter post about how guys were always going after the blond, stupid girly girls who were just teases. Then, when those girls weren't around I suddenly existed for them. When there I was, smart, witty, goofy, etc, willing to put out. But, then I got over it and realized that guys who completely ignored me because I didn't fit their ideal sucked and I was better off without them anyway. My advice is this: your negative experience is a lesson. You don't need to give all of yourself for every relationship. Only once you know that you can trust them should you do that. Also, never under any circumstances allow yourself to be walked all over. You have a will of your own. Use it. Relationships are about reciprocation. From the thread you linked from, it sounds like she wasn't that into you from the beginning and just enjoys manipulating you and all males in general. Now you know the signs. Avoid these types of girls.
Also, maybe I'm the exception rather than the rule, but I am currently living with a male who makes significantly less than I do. I don't have a problem with it. Why? Because I think that I should be able to take care of myself. Fortunately, if I'm in "danger", I can call the cops. However, I'm not weak either. I can and have been in fights to defend myself and others. I take pride in my independence and proving people who think I need a man wrong. Having a man, my man around is a pleasure. Oh, and as for our roles. We take turns cooking and cleaning. When we buy furniture that needs to be put together, I do that. |
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#7 (permalink) |
immoral minority
Location: Back in Ohio
I think guys produce millions of sperm a day.
Other than that small error, I think you are on the right path. Your theory is sound, but it needs just a little tweaks here and there. There has to be a reason why some guys are so much more successful with women than others. It is probably all about making them feel like they are with the right person. It would make a very interesting TV show to take a high-rolling 'player' and a boring normal guy and have them switch places for a week. And see, is it the personality & looks or is it the material goods and flashy stuff. I know you could give me a million dollar home in Vegas, and I might be able to throw a party, but I have no idea about how to make a woman feel good about being with me. There is also a difference between women being with a guy to provide and protect her, and to provide half the genes to a baby. Most of the time, they are the same guy. Other times a woman thinks there is something better out there. The balance of power in a relationship is always an issue. In the past, the guy had most of it, but the woman would use sex as the trump card. Now, women have more power, but they still want confident, powerful guys. |
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#8 (permalink) | |
immoral minority
Location: Back in Ohio
Then there is this quote that I just found:
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#9 (permalink) | |
Location: One with the Universe
And I can tell that when you say gender roles, you are referring to a man in the coal mine and a woman vacuuming the house. When I say gender roles, I am talking about the seperate ways in which men and women have learned to interact with the world in order to be succesful in it. I am talking about the fundamental energies or states of consciousness each has learned that they are best fit to survive if they maintain. Perhaps you would like to point to a specific item you dont agree with...
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com Last edited by xim; 04-20-2006 at 01:58 AM.. |
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#10 (permalink) | |
Location: One with the Universe
They want equality, and think that in order to achieve it they must convince everyone that men and women are the same. Why do 95% of men think romance novels are trite gibberish? Why are so few women interested in becoming engineers? How do you account for the completely different balances of hormones men and women carry with them everyday? Why do men approach sex as a mostly physical act, while women see it generally on a much more emotional level? Why do people take such offense to the implication of men and women being different?
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com |
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#11 (permalink) | ||
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#12 (permalink) | |
Location: One with the Universe
As for your situation with your husband, I'm happy you are happy. Although I do think your situation is the exception to the rule. But as I said, even in a situation where there is a role reversal, there still is attracting polarity.
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com |
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#13 (permalink) | |
Location: One with the Universe
I completely agree that everyone is different. But you cannot deny that there are trends. No one will perfectly fit the idea of what is 'masculine' or 'feminine'. They would probably be pretty goofy and try-hard if they did. I like decorating my apartment, and enjoying sensual experiences, these I consider the more feminine aspects of my existance. When I'm in a boxing match, or working on my car, I consider these the masculine aspects of my existance. There is nothing wrong with generalizations OR stereotypes. As long as they are not taken as absolutes. I was very mindful of this when I said '95%', 'few', and 'most of the'. I do not think all women like romance novels. I do not think all men hate them. I think more women like them than men. Do you not think that having different correlative hormonal balances might make men and feel and react to the world in distinct ways?
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com Last edited by xim; 04-20-2006 at 02:58 AM.. |
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#14 (permalink) | |
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
If men and women were the same then women would lose rights - an example being maternity leave. I suggest you read some feminist philosophers such as Simone De Beauvoir. Cavarero (forget her first name) is also very good. Easy to read, enlightening. Last edited by NotAnAlias; 04-20-2006 at 02:35 AM.. |
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#15 (permalink) | |
Location: One with the Universe
Honestly, that post was really more of a rant, I really wasn't taking potshots at the intent of feminism. My beef is more with the unplanned effects it has had on the cultural conciousness of our society regarding gender identity. Although granted, there are some angry lesbians who use feminism as an outlet for their manhating, in general they are the ones giving feminism a bad rap. At the risk of sounding like a troll, I suppose I could sum up my entire post by saying "Being a beta male is the equivalent of being a fat chick, neither is what the others attraction circuits are programmed to respond to" of course, just as there are guys who are into fat chicks, I'm sure there are women who are into beta males. This is a statement that I intuitively feel would make most feminists foam at the mouth with anger, even though it is proven by experience time and time again. If I am wrong and there is a branch of feminism that actually examines the nature of attraction, please tell me about it, I would be psyched to dive into it.
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com Last edited by xim; 04-20-2006 at 03:20 AM.. |
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#16 (permalink) |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
![]() ![]() There's been controvercy here before regarding how a Man should act. Here's one gentileman who even gave lessons: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...&page=1&pp=100 True, it seems as if Plan9 was trying to plant each and everyone of his seeds in every possible pot, but he is on to something.
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#18 (permalink) | |
Pissing in the cornflakes
Xim you figured them out (mostly).
I think you need to work a bit on the falls in love part. Women are as weak to that as males are, but never let them take it for granted early in a relationship. I'm sure agreeing with you mostly won't earn me any female TFP friends (heh) but I figured this out when I was 20, changed my sex life and relationships almost overnight. In a month or so of this I found a girl who I married, and we are both quite happy. You might want to read 'The Red Queen' it looks at sex from a evolutionary standpoint. Here is a brief summary. I've been meaning to read this book myself. Quote:
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#19 (permalink) | |
Location: One with the Universe
![]() Oh yeah, I should clarify this. I didn't mean to imply that women don't fall in love. Of course they do. I was just pointing out that since a mans interest is mostly sexual early-on, it's a beneficial strategy for a female seeking a relationship to try to capture a mans emotions before he gets sex. For women, 'winning his heart' is the active process. But on the flipside, women want to win a man who has high standards (because most men don't). She wants someone who likes her for who she is and not someone who has such low self esteem they would fall in love with anyone who showed them attention. This is why she feels like she should have to work for his love at least a little. If he is trying too hard to make her happy and put her on a pedistal before he's even learned anything about her and had a reasonable ability to use some descretion, she will probably start doubting that hes such a great catch. It's a beta male filter. I would call this a 'test' of womens. One of the ways in which they make sure they have found a worthy, high status man. But not as if its anything thought out conciously, there's no need. The optimal strategy for finding the best fit mate is already programmed into our emotions.
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com |
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#20 (permalink) |
Hightly recomend The Red Queen. Great book. Your argument reminds me of one made in The Rebel Sell by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter Be cautious of your facts and the conclusions you draw. We are a very flexible species and while certain rules apply consistantly their manifestations and execution can vary based on individuals and cultures. This is because we respond to our metal environment rather then what's really out there. It's nice to see the animal underneath the social veil but never attempt to discard it for we cannot function without it. Also don't expect many to agree with you. Most people omit animal nature from their ego. It's not part of their identity and they won't take kindly to having their Shadow shown to them. I've found the best way to avoid pitfalls is to ask myself "how do I apply this information?" This tends to put everything into perspective. |
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#21 (permalink) |
Location: A warm room
I'm not going to agree or disagree with you, but I have a question:
How does this knowledge change things, if it does at all? What was it you were planning to accomplish with this? And hey, what about us bi folk? Where would we fit in?
who am I to refuse the universe? -Leonard Cohen, Beautiful Losers |
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#22 (permalink) | ||
Pissing in the cornflakes
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps. |
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#23 (permalink) |
Xim, your realization in your OP is basically that you realized how to make women attracted.
Once I understood what you had said in your OP, I got a handle on flirting and how to talk to girls. In a sense, you could summarize how to handle them as: 'do the opposite that they want you to do.' Obviously, some judgment calls, but if you are with girls and they say something or ask you to do something, don't just bend over and do it: you'd be like their little puppet on a string.. |
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#24 (permalink) | |||
Location: One with the Universe
1. Bettering my understanding of the nature of attraction. (for obvious reasons) 2. Protecting myself from being so defensless to being hurt later in life. 3. The actual thinking and writing of this has helped me to recycle my bitterness into something useful. Quote:
But in general I would hypothesize that you have primarily a feminine or masculine energy to you, and that you generally are attracted to the opposite of that in either males or females. If you have found yourself in a relationship where there was no polarity, it probably didn't work out.
If I could be anyone in the world I would be Britney Spears. Shes in so many commercials about pepsi... www.ximcity.com Last edited by xim; 04-23-2006 at 02:55 PM.. |
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#25 (permalink) | |
Location: London
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men, real, truth, women |