Originally Posted by NotAnAlias
Wrong. Very easy assumption to make.
If men and women were the same then women would lose rights - an example being maternity leave.
I suggest you read some feminist philosophers such as Simone De Beauvoir. Cavarero (forget her first name) is also very good. Easy to read, enlightening.
Yeah, there are several of branches of feminism.
that post was really more of a rant, I really wasn't taking potshots at the intent of feminism. My beef is more with the unplanned effects it has had on the cultural conciousness of our society regarding gender identity. Although granted, there are some angry lesbians who use feminism as an outlet for their manhating, in general they are the ones giving feminism a bad rap.
At the risk of sounding like a troll, I suppose I could sum up my entire post by saying "Being a beta male is the equivalent of being a fat chick, neither is what the others attraction circuits are programmed to respond to" of course, just as there are guys who are into fat chicks, I'm sure there are women who are into beta males.
This is a statement that I intuitively feel would make most feminists foam at the mouth with anger, even though it is proven by experience time and time again. If I am wrong and there is a branch of feminism that actually examines the nature of attraction, please tell me about it, I would be
psyched to dive into it.