Originally Posted by maleficent
Way to generalize and set some stereotypes there...
People don't take offence to the notion... but I think the more enlightened person will see that PEOPLE are different from each other -- regardless of their gender... To say that the differences exist on a gender level, makes you as bad as the person who says that there are no differences on a gender level... My gender isn't what makes me a romance novel hating engineer who thinks that sex is about emotion and not purely a physical act - though it can be that as well... ME and my life experiences have what makes that so - I was good at math... I learned at an early age to appreciate literature - not the dime store trash passing itself off as a book.
Much of what we take for knowledge in this world, is based on generalization. Large portions of scientific discovery are based on generalizations. Generalizations do not exclude the possibility of exceptions, but they can indicate accurate tendencies. Obviously there is good and bad generalization, but anyone who does not believe that our gender underpins a lot of our behaviour, despite variations, does not know as much as they think. Not only is it blatantly obvious, but it has been proven time and time again by science, across the entire animal kingdom.