Originally Posted by Mantus
I've found the best way to avoid pitfalls is to ask myself "how do I apply this information?" This tends to put everything into perspective.
Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I'm not going to agree or disagree with you, but I have a question:
How does this knowledge change things, if it does at all? What was it you were planning to accomplish with this?
Well, even if I had no specific direction of application, a better grasp of what's going on can never hurt. But I do have a few.
1. Bettering my understanding of the nature of attraction. (for obvious reasons)
2. Protecting myself from being so defensless to being hurt later in life.
3. The actual thinking and writing of this has helped me to recycle my bitterness into something useful.
Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
And hey, what about us bi folk? Where would we fit in?
Well in general, I would call bisexuality and homosexuality a form of sexual deviation. I don't mean that like the hateful preacher next door means it, with all the negative connotations and such. I only mean that statisticly you are not the norm. Because you are 'not the norm' I would say you have a lower probability of 'fitting the pattern' in other ways as well.
But in general I would hypothesize that you have primarily a feminine or masculine energy to you, and that you generally are attracted to the opposite of that in either males or females. If you have found yourself in a relationship where there was no polarity, it probably didn't work out.