Originally Posted by Impetuous1
Wow, you really are bitter. I'm really sorry you've been dicked around by immature girls who like to play mind games. You sound really young. When I was younger, I could have written a bitter post about how guys were always going after the blond, stupid girly girls who were just teases. Then, when those girls weren't around I suddenly existed for them. When there I was, smart, witty, goofy, etc, willing to put out. But, then I got over it and realized that guys who completely ignored me because I didn't fit their ideal sucked and I was better off without them anyway. My advice is this: your negative experience is a lesson. You don't need to give all of yourself for every relationship. Only once you know that you can trust them should you do that. Also, never under any circumstances allow yourself to be walked all over. You have a will of your own. Use it. Relationships are about reciprocation. From the thread you linked from, it sounds like she wasn't that into you from the beginning and just enjoys manipulating you and all males in general. Now you know the signs. Avoid these types of girls.
Also, maybe I'm the exception rather than the rule, but I am currently living with a male who makes significantly less than I do. I don't have a problem with it. Why? Because I think that I should be able to take care of myself. Fortunately, if I'm in "danger", I can call the cops. However, I'm not weak either. I can and have been in fights to defend myself and others. I take pride in my independence and proving people who think I need a man wrong. Having a man, my man around is a pleasure. Oh, and as for our roles. We take turns cooking and cleaning. When we buy furniture that needs to be put together, I do that.
Thanks for your empathy but I am no longer bitter. I WAS bitter because I felt like she was a bitch for actively hurting me. I know she was initially interested in me as she stalked me for two months before we got together. I was bitter because I felt like she lost attraction for me on purpose, to hurt me. Know I realize that that makes no sense. She lost attraction for me because I had no concept of 'upperhand' or even 'balance of power' and showed her no boundaries. I gave her all of my emotions up front. It was not her fault she found my neediness unattractive. Her pulling away, what I had bitterly seen as manipulative mind games, was only her natural emotional response to being overwhelmed by me. Also, she probably gradually lost respect for me when I wouldn't yell back at her in an argument or hold my ground because I wanted to be *nice*.
As for your situation with your husband, I'm happy you are happy. Although I do think your situation is the exception to the rule. But as I said, even in a situation where there is a role reversal, there still is attracting polarity.