Originally Posted by Ustwo
Xim you figured them out (mostly).
I think you need to work a bit on the falls in love part. Women are as weak to that as males are, but never let them take it for granted early in a relationship.
I'm sure agreeing with you mostly won't earn me any female TFP friends (heh) but I figured this out when I was 20, changed my sex life and relationships almost overnight. In a month or so of this I found a girl who I married, and we are both quite happy.
You might want to read 'The Red Queen' it looks at sex from a evolutionary standpoint. Here is a brief summary. I've been meaning to read this book myself.
(note this summary is VERY basic, more like someones class notes)
Interesting, this book is on my amazon.com wish list but I had never actually gotten it. Those seem to be pretty good notes, seem like they hit every point in the book densly. The Spark Notes to The Red Queen.
Oh yeah, I should clarify this. I didn't mean to imply that women don't fall in love. Of course they do. I was just pointing out that since a mans interest is mostly sexual early-on, it's a beneficial strategy for a female seeking a relationship to try to capture a mans emotions before he gets sex. For women, 'winning his heart' is the active process. But on the flipside, women want to win a man who has high standards (because most men don't). She wants someone who likes her for who she is and not someone who has such low self esteem they would fall in love with anyone who showed them attention. This is why she feels like she should have to work for his love at least a little. If he is trying too hard to make her happy and put her on a pedistal before he's even learned anything about her and had a reasonable ability to use some descretion, she will probably start doubting that hes such a great catch. It's a beta male filter. I would call this a 'test' of womens. One of the ways in which they make sure they have found a worthy, high status man. But not as if its anything thought out conciously, there's no need. The optimal strategy for finding the best fit mate is already programmed into our emotions.