I think guys produce millions of sperm a day.
Other than that small error, I think you are on the right path. Your theory is sound, but it needs just a little tweaks here and there.
There has to be a reason why some guys are so much more successful with women than others. It is probably all about making them feel like they are with the right person.
It would make a very interesting TV show to take a high-rolling 'player' and a boring normal guy and have them switch places for a week. And see, is it the personality & looks or is it the material goods and flashy stuff. I know you could give me a million dollar home in Vegas, and I might be able to throw a party, but I have no idea about how to make a woman feel good about being with me.
There is also a difference between women being with a guy to provide and protect her, and to provide half the genes to a baby. Most of the time, they are the same guy. Other times a woman thinks there is something better out there.
The balance of power in a relationship is always an issue. In the past, the guy had most of it, but the woman would use sex as the trump card. Now, women have more power, but they still want confident, powerful guys.