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#1 (permalink) | |||
Though our Constitution's Bond and Gagged and They've Chained it to a Chair
The thread title is a variation of another outrage, taken from the lyrics of a CS & N protest song inspired by the trial of the "Chicago 8" in the late '60's.....
<center><img src="http://www.peacebuttons.info/E-News/images/BobbySealeBound_000.jpg"></center> My reaction to the following is akin to my reaction so long ago, to the order of Judge Julius Hoffman to restrain Black Panther leader, Booby Seale, in his courtroom, in a manner similar to the illustration, above. The following comes from James Comey, known mainly, until today, as the acting US Attorney General and American patriot who appointed his friend, US Attorney for So. Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald, to investigate the Plame CIA leak: Quote:
I think that it is pathetic that Comey had to muster Ted Olson that night they killed the US Constitution at the White House, to be his "witness", on behalf of the American people..... If what Comey testified is a true account of what happened, do we continue to do nothing, take to the streets in a huge demonstration of protest and peaceful civil disobedience, followed by an overwhelming wave of popular sentiment that results in impeachment hearings against Bush.....or....yawn...what channel is the game on, honey? Quote:
Last edited by host; 05-15-2007 at 09:47 AM.. |
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#2 (permalink) | |
Location: Washington DC
Host...the House passed an amendment (245-178) in the Intel Appropriations bill last week that prohibits wiretapping without a FISA warrant:
"The perfect is the enemy of the good." ~ Voltaire |
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#3 (permalink) | ||||||
Then, a little later, when Comey refused to meet alone with Card, Comey said that Card lied, disputing what Comey himself had just witnessed Gonzales and Card attempting to do in Ashcroft's room, in front of Comey. Comey is better acquainted with these thuggish enemies of the state than I am, and they initimidated him.....<h3>did he over react?</h3> He kept his mouth shut about this for nearly three years, and discussed what happened only when he was under oath, being questioned in a senate committee hearing, today. Last edited by host; 05-15-2007 at 11:37 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost |
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#4 (permalink) | |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
Each day brings more good news that Congressional oversight is alive and well and challenging the excesses of this administration. For example, the Military Commissions Act is going to be addressed soon. http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/051407R.shtml
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 |
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#6 (permalink) | ||||
This forum seems moribund since late last week. Since I suspect that we are closer to an imminent constitutional crisis between congress and the executive branch than we have been since Nixon ordered his Attorney General, Elliott Richardson, to fire the special prosecutor who was zeroing in on executive branch illegalities, it is all the more disappointing that there is no "in depth" discussion of much of anything....here at TFP Politics.....
Following the recap article on what was reported during the Nixon era, I posted a reader's opinion from another site, that interprets what James Comey testified to yesterday, and the larger implications of what it meant, in a much clearer and briefer way than I could attempt to present it. It explains my reaction to Comey's testimony and how it influenced me to start and title this thread. I think that all of the Bush Cheney agenda....from installing Karl Rove in a white house office in 2001, blending the political and administrative functions of the executive branch, into one partisan mechanism bent on consolidating power and keeping it permanently, is what everything from hiring Abramoff's Susan Ralston as an aid to Rove and Bush, to the fake "voter fraud" prosecutions by DOJ prosectuors, and the firing of the US Attorneys who resisted, to the disregard for the FISA court, <b>is all about.</b> Controlling lobbyists campaign contributions, (K Street Project) discouraging the oppostion vote,(Phoney DOJ Vote Fraud "task force", inspired by the concerns of Bush and Rove, and the flawed Felon Voter Purge Lists from Bush's bro, in FLA....) and illegal surveillance of political adversaries,(NSA telephone bill monitoring, Illegal abuse of FISA court, illegal monitoring of domestic calls and telephone records of news reporters) using a tight knit group of trusted republicans brought by Bush from Texas (Meiers and Gonzales), and via the hiring of 150 Regent University alumni by Kay Cole James, along with whatever trusted political operatives linked to Rove, Norquist, Abramoff, and the Council for National Policy, that could be mustered and unleashed on the formerly less organized, less religiousized and less republicanized federal government. <b>IF you disagree with the reader's "take" on the Comey senate testimony, what do you think what he said, implies, and if you do agree, what do you think Sen. Patrick Leahy and his committee should do, in response? Since it is usually left to the Attorney General to determine if further investigation is indicated, it looks like we're fucked, there. All that seems open as an option to get to the bottom of what Comey was describing, are impeachment hearings in the houes, IMO.</b> Quote:
**Watch the video of James Comey's Senate tesitmony describing the hospital "showdown":</b> Quote:
Last edited by host; 05-16-2007 at 11:45 AM.. |
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#7 (permalink) |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
If Congress chooses to investigate Gonzales, would he not have to recuse himself and request a independent prosecutor? Ashcroft did much the same at the time of the Plame affair which led to the assignment of Patrick Fitzgerald.
I agree that Bush intends to keep Gonzales in place to prevent congressional investigations into the Administration, but Gonzales *must* recuse himself if he is the focus of an investigation. The resignation of the DOJ's #2 adds a new dimension to the US Attorney firings, in addition to the testimony of Gooding. Comey represents just one of the dog's cornering this rat.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 |
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#8 (permalink) | ||||
Last edited by host; 05-17-2007 at 05:28 AM.. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
this is alarming....it turns out that 3-dland is suddenly a flutter of activity so i am still sorting this out, trying to fashion linkages between the multiple areas of problematic information...the general issues at stake in this seem to be mired in a swamp of detail at the moment, and the reporting of it seems for some reason to mirror this, as if there is something reassuring about burying the logic in this manner. so i am still sorting. i'll probably work out something to say soon, but it is not so easy yet.....
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#10 (permalink) |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
A month or so ago I made an attempt to identify the numerous investigations that Congress had underway and the best I was able to find were the Senate and House hearings schedules by committee.
There is a tremendous amount of work going on to reverse this administration's attack on our constitution, and what is published in various news sources represents a small fraction of that work. My outrage was expressed with each new discovery of the actions of this imperial presidency. Today, I experience hope and renewed confidence in the balance of powers spelled out by our constitution. Of course, Gonzales is a liar. Has anyone thought otherwise since it was learned that he paved the way for torture?
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 |
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#11 (permalink) | |||||||||
(I know this is "too long"....too complicated. I didn't make up the details. <b>Your president is a criminal...an enemy of consitutional government and of our bill of rights. If you read nothing else in this post, please read the excerpt from the Feb. 6, 2006 Newsweek article, and the highlighted areas in the April 6, 2006 senate hearing, as well as everything written by Marty Lederman, in the 3 linked pieces inside the senate hearing transcript.....PLEASE...it's more important than who got voted off American Idol and Simon's reaction to that vote....)
....roachboy, none of Comey's (in his sworn testimony....)"revelations" on May 15, were "new", they were revealed in Febraury, 2006: Quote:
Just over a month after the February, 2006, democrats in the house tried to press Gonzales on the news report about the "revolt", and Gonzales claimed that it was not related to <b>That program.</b> The problem since then was, that republicans who controlled all congressional committees, instead of providing oversight and demanding accountability and disclosure, instead provided political cover for the criminal acts of the executive branch. It was not until the election last November, in spite of this: Quote:
will regain accountability and checks and balances of their government, if, in addition to Comey's May 15 testimany, this is another encouraging sign: Quote:
Last edited by host; 05-17-2007 at 09:01 AM.. |
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#12 (permalink) | ||
Location: Washington DC
This latest example of unethical or illegal practices at DoJ goes beyond Gonzales lies or failed memory and directly back to Bush's desk at the WH.
Not only did Bush evidently authorize Gonzales to subvert the process to get Ashcroft to approve the warrantless wiretapping from his hospital bed, but Bush later blocked at internal DoJ investigation by denying the necessary security clearance to the Office of Professional Responsibility (which was revealed at a hearing last year): Quote:
And unless or until even more compelling evidence of potential criminal behavior is uncovered, impeachment is just not gonna happen. We can argue whether that is right or wrong, but the fact is that it is a polical reality. **** In the meatime, for those who have forgotten the lies, ethical lapses, and other activities that have become what is without doubt the most scandalous six years in my lifetime, Slate has an "illustrated guide: Having a hard time keeping track of all 10,000 GOP scandals? Between fired U.S. attorneys, deleted RNC e-mails, sexually harassed pages, outed CIA agents, and tortured Iraqi prisoners—not to mention the warrantless wiretapping, plum defense contracts, and golf junkets to Scotland—you could be forgiven for losing track of which congressman or Bush administration flunky did which shady thing. Renzi—now, was that the guy with the skeezy land deal? Or the woman Paul Wolfowitz promoted?
"The perfect is the enemy of the good." ~ Voltaire Last edited by dc_dux; 05-17-2007 at 09:25 AM.. |
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#13 (permalink) | |
If you think that you can get through this with a bullshit answer like this one, you've got another "think" coming.....I guarantee it, you disgrace to the office of Potus: Quote:
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#14 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
thanks for no. 11 and 12....they were most helpful, folks.
at some levels, this is not surprising, given the legal philosophy that the administration appears to endorse. but, like everyone else, what i am stuck on is: what exactly the fuck was/is happening in the context of this surveillance program? apart from that, the situation as we now know it is clear enough so long as i stay within the general parameters of the surveillance narrative. gonzales really has no choice at this point but to resign it seems to me. he appears to have committed perjury. sorting still, so please indulge a couple confusions/questions: no. 1: host: given that you have been tracking this more closely than i have been able to---the linkages between the abramoff scandal and this one? could you lay out how you see them as interlocking or reference older materials that you have put up that might clarify this please? this may be more an aide-de-mémoire than anything else...but i'd appreciate it (now that i have more time than i have over the past couple months, i'd like to get back up to speed on this) confusion/question no. 2: is there anything beyond symmetry that would lead one to think that the same kind of blurring of boundaries between partisan political actions and abuse of power that is obvious in the firings of the various prosecutors carries over into the black hole at the center of this matter? there are obvious overlaps of players. there are obvious consistencies of actions. but these have the status of symmetries so far as i can tell. what all this looks like is really problematic: an attempt on the part of the administration to fundamentally alter the system of governance to the advantage of what amounts of a quasi-dictatorial executive branch made possible (a) by the figleaf of this idiotic "war on terror" and (b) by the republican controlled congress which seems to have conducted itself in a manner that is really insupportable. the other piece that is missing--though i suspect i might be able to fill in ths blank logically--but to avoid that temptation for the moment--is the goal. what is being presented here via the press accounts is largely pitched as ad hoc creeping of institutional advantage by the executive, enabled by the above. but if i understand this correctly, it seems that it could be also understood as aspects of a concerted project. again, i think i have an idea of what it might be--but how would you characterize it?
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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#15 (permalink) | |
Location: Washington DC
There has been a 6+ year coodinated effort by the White House and Republcan Congress to attempt to guarantee a long-term Repub majority BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. On the Congressional side, it was through the K Street Project, coordinated by Tom Delay and Rick Santorum. Here is how CREW describes it at its most basic level: Republicans "basically made it a pay-to-play system," says Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "It wasn't just that they said to fire Democratic lobbyists and only hire Republicans, it was, 'We won't talk to you if you aren't giving us money.'"On the White House side, the process was to politicize the Executive Branch to levels never before seen in order to potentially influence Congressional elections in key states, again by any means necessary. Through a coordinated WH and DoJ effort, US Attorneys were encouraged to investigate "voter fraud" even without evidence of such fraud, in key states (MO, OH, AZ, CO, WA, etc) where Repub Congressional seats may be vulnerable (or Dem seat achieveable). The idea being that such investigations, even without indictments or charges, would potentially inhibit minority voters. When some US Attorneys failed to make it a priority, they were fired. Other White House actions include the Rove "PowerPoint" presentations to political appointees at numerous agencies during work hours (a violation of the Hatch Act), again with the purpose of using those agencies to benefit vulnerable Repub members of Congress. There you have it....my short and sweet analysis (with more to come when I have time)
"The perfect is the enemy of the good." ~ Voltaire Last edited by dc_dux; 05-17-2007 at 11:06 AM.. |
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#16 (permalink) |
rb, it seems to be a coordinated effort, by any means necessary, to continue the "baby steps" that were evident in the Iran/Contra scandal.... it's an extra legal, slow motion coup d'etat....obtaining and keeping power by a combination of enlisting convicts from the Reagan era, like Elliott Abrams, and a "bus load" of neocons/JINSA/PNAC A-holes, "income producers" like Abramoff to finance and navigate the legislative "agenda",
(the "pro-business" portion that was not related to Cheney's energy corporations buddies), combined with an alliance with christian fundy CNP billionaires, (the Kay Coles James - Regent University executive branch hiring campaign) and Rove's "merged" college republican legacy (Abramoff, Reed, Norquist....), with the transformation of the DOJ into a vote suppression mechanism that has it's roots in Rove's strategizing, Jeb Bush's Florida felons voter purge list, and harkens back to Lee Atwater's recitation of Phillip's refinement of the "Southern Strategy" that put Nixon in office..... ....along the way....since the early '60's when the republicans discovered that they could neutralize the black vote and lure in the southern white voters forced by the Johnson legislation to end segregation....lure in voters who had no common interests with the wealthy white, "Rockefeller republicans" (of which Nixon was one....) they obviously ran up politic debts that needed to be paid back to wealthy benefactors and corporations, that seem to create a need for an everlasting, imperialistic "war footing", that also nurtures an excuse for transfer of the power formerly reserved for the people, into a "war pressidency", run "behind the curtain" by his "deciderness", Dick Cheney. They seem to have tried to practice a "no sleazy republican operative left behind", strategy, reaching at least as far back as into the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.... Rove from 1972's "CREEP", Rummy and Cheney from Nixon/Ford, John Roberts and Ted Olson from the Reagan legal braintrust, as well as all of the contra-players, and circa 70's college republican leaders who were willing to sign on in 2000. Notice how few of Bush '41 inner circle, besides Cheney, who are still around. It's a politically obsessed, power corrupted cabal enabled by race baiting vote supression, and exploitation of the christian fundies....(it's hard to see if the CNP is slave to these fucks, or their master....or maybe both.) I see it as all of the motives and players and amassed playbook of dirty tricks, in a "blow off top", not unlike a stock mania or a housing bubble. They've come together via Jeb's 2000 felon's purge list and the partisan SCOTUS ruling facilitated by Reagan and Bush '41 appointments, and the last six years are the results of all of them coming together, working in a common interest to exclude the majority of Americans....the lower 85 percent, from power. ....and now, unless they attempt to execute an actual armed coup, we might be witnessing the execution of a Waxman/Pelosi/Schumer/Leahy plan to take all of it back, for the rest of us.....if you believe in fairy tales, I guess ! The ideology that financed it, until Abramoff and Delay/Norquist/Reed/Rove figured out how to get folks like casino owning (or wanting) Indian tribes and Marianas sweatshop operators to pay the "to play"....selling legislative initiatives and regulatory agency oversight to them....came from the Coors and the John Olin and Richard Mellon Scaife fortunes, Prince auto parts, the Ocean Spray cranberry fortune, etc. mixed with the Tim LaHay rapturists, Bob Jones/Falwell.Robertson, CIA's Irving Kristol and William F. Buckley Jr., snd all of the moths attracted the bright light of these misguided "John Bircher" billionaires....who built heritage foundation, AEI, and all of the other phony "think tanks" that, along with shill's like Buckley's nephew Bozell III, demonized the media to reverse Walter Cronkites perceived status as "most trusted man in America", facilitating Reagan's "noble war" message, enabling the new militarism that replaced the disdain for war and all things military of the late '70's. With the mainstream media painted as a "liberal" "the other" kind of monster, the "think tanks", Bozell, and "townhall.com" and foxnews could be the new propaganda organs of this politcal monstrosity that we are only beginning to swat like a moth or squash like a roach.....because, when you look what they actaully offer to most Americans, are they, their methods, or their message and actual agenda, anything else but an insect like infestation, a plague of locusts? Last edited by host; 05-17-2007 at 11:38 AM.. |
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#17 (permalink) | |
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
Susan Ralston, who will be testifying before congress with immunity, is key to everything that Rove has influenced. This is huge in that all roads appear to lead to Rove and yet he has remained beyond reach. Ralston was the personal assistant to Abramoff who became Rove's assistant early in the administration. It is believed that she facilitated much of Abramoff's interests while working for Rove, and she is currently under investigation for extravagant gifts given by Abramoff. She is motivated by a desire to stay out of prison. As Rove's assistant, Ralston has direct knowledge of Rove's many machinations, including the outing of Plame and the firing of US Attorneys. She may also have information concerning his election dirty tricks, compromises of the Hatch Act, and how Rove's emails went missing. This woman has the potential to take down the entire inner circle of the Bush Administration. Do I believe in fairie tales? No, but I am always a sucker for a happy ending. ![]()
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007 |
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#19 (permalink) | |||
(I grouped, by similarity, the lines of Bush's answers to two seemingly simple questions from a member of the white house press corps. The lines from his answers that were in response to the second question, are italicized. I am impressed by his answers to the point that <b>I believe that the opposite of every point that Bush emphasized repeatedly, is probably much closer to being accurate....and his fear that most of us know it</b>, triggered his impulsive repetition.... fascinating, repulsive, tragic !) Quote:
I think that Bush's answers related to Comey's May 15th senate testimony, are a fitting example/summation and epitaph for his [p]residency....a constantly repeated message of fear and lies intended to facilitate a consolidation of power and "unalienable" rights formerly guaranteed to the people and/or the congress of the US. What is happening as a result of congressional investigations driven questioning of principles in the executive branch, was described well, I think, last september: Quote:
Last edited by host; 05-20-2007 at 03:07 AM.. |
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#20 (permalink) | |
...and here is a revelation, if it's true:
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#21 (permalink) |
Location: Ventura County
On 60 Minutes last night they replayed their segment on the Prescription Drug legislation, how it was passed and how many of the key players may have been paid off (my interpretation) by drug companies to get the bill past. The cost to tax payers and profits to drug companies will be in the billions. The House has passed a measure to allow the government to negotiate prices similar to the way the VA does, but the measure is locked-up in the Senate.
The above situation is real. Democrats have a basis for real criticism of Republicans and the Bush administration. There may be some real ethical violation. And there can be some real savings, in the billions, to the American people. This real issue is being ignored, while Congress is fighting this very public battle over Gonzales, a battle that they will loose and a battle that has no real impact on anything important to other than Gonzales' reputation. What is wrong with this picture?
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch." "It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion." "If you live among wolves you have to act like one." "A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers." |
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#22 (permalink) | |
Location: Washington DC
Besides the fact that it is a threadjack? It is an inaccurate assessment of the problem. I would suggest the picture below presents a more accurate pictture of the problem you raised regarding the need to reform the Medicare prescription drug program that was forced through the Repub Congress in 2005. ![]() Reform of the Medicare prescription drug program to include negotiating prices for drugs is just one of many reforms blocked by the obstructionist Republicans in the Senate through the abuse of parliamentary procedures (or at the very least, the unprececented use of such procedures in the recent history of the Senate) The Senate (and House) can conduct necessary oversight investigations, includling potential (and proven) wrong-doing at the DOJ, the agency expected to uphold and enforce the law without political influence....AND, af the same time, enact important priority legislation that has MAJORITY support ....if there was not the unprecendented level of obstruction. /end threadjack
"The perfect is the enemy of the good." ~ Voltaire Last edited by dc_dux; 07-30-2007 at 10:04 AM.. |
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#23 (permalink) | |||||
Location: Ventura County
Why the hostile tone? Where is that Democratic party spirit of diplomacy, finding common ground, the willingness to be civil with those who disagree with your point of view on most issues. Poof!?! Did it just disappear? Did it ever exist? Will we ever see it again? Please tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel... Quote:
I am legitimately concerned over the cost of this program, the government not negotiating price, Congresspersons and their aids selling out to drug companies, have drug lobbyist write the legislation, billions in windfall profits to drug companies with no check and balances, etc, etc., there is no evidence that anyone has been harmed by "the secret program(s)" involving Gonzales' testimony. Quote:
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch." "It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions on vegetarianism while the wolf is of a different opinion." "If you live among wolves you have to act like one." "A lady screams at the mouse but smiles at the wolf. A gentleman is a wolf who sends flowers." Last edited by aceventura3; 07-30-2007 at 12:03 PM.. |
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#24 (permalink) | ||
Location: Washington DC
From lies about the warrantless wiretap program and FISA violations (we dont know the extent because Bush refuses to allow an internal DOJ investigation or provide any documentation to Congress), to the abuse of national security letters under the Patriot Act, to politicizing both political and career attorneys like no previous administration, to allegedly suppressing minority voters through "caging" programs in the 2004 election, to undermining the work of career attorneys in the Civil Rights Division.... Quote:
None of the above may not be direct "pocket book" issues, but they potentially have a far greater impact over the long term. Thats why I get hostile ![]()
"The perfect is the enemy of the good." ~ Voltaire Last edited by dc_dux; 07-30-2007 at 03:43 PM.. |
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#25 (permalink) | |
Thank You Jesus
Location: Twilight Zone
Could the reason be he is also on the way left side of the see-saw also? Now I'll threadjack, something in politics that actually means something in my daily life, hey fucking democrats of New Jersey where the hell is my god dam property tax relief Corzine and you MF crooks promised with your last crooked election?
Where is Darwin when ya need him? |
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#26 (permalink) | ||
Cheney confirmed that he had the power to order the president's two closest aids to Ashcroft's ICU bed in 2004, and Cheney and Mueller contradict Gonzales's sworn testimony to congress....interesting that the FBI and Cheney undermine the carefully crafted defense of Gonzales...that he did not perjure himself...
Last edited by host; 08-02-2007 at 07:06 AM.. |
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bond, chained, chair, constitution, gagged |