Originally Posted by aceventura3
On 60 Minutes last night they replayed their segment on the Prescription Drug legislation, how it was passed and how many of the key players may have been paid off (my interpretation) by drug companies to get the bill past. The cost to tax payers and profits to drug companies will be in the billions. The House has passed a measure to allow the government to negotiate prices similar to the way the VA does, but the measure is locked-up in the Senate.
The above situation is real. Democrats have a basis for real criticism of Republicans and the Bush administration. There may be some real ethical violation. And there can be some real savings, in the billions, to the American people. This real issue is being ignored, while Congress is fighting this very public battle over Gonzales, a battle that they will loose and a battle that has no real impact on anything important to other than Gonzales' reputation. What is wrong with this picture?
What is wrong with this picture?
Besides the fact that it is a threadjack?
It is an inaccurate assessment of the problem.
I would suggest the picture below presents a more accurate pictture of the problem you raised regarding the need to reform the Medicare prescription drug program that was forced through the Repub Congress in 2005.
Reform of the Medicare prescription drug program to include negotiating prices for drugs is
just one of many reforms blocked by the obstructionist Republicans in the Senate through the abuse of parliamentary procedures (or at the very least, the unprececented use of such procedures in the recent history of the Senate)
The Senate (and House) can conduct necessary oversight investigations, includling potential (and proven) wrong-doing at the DOJ, the agency expected to uphold and enforce the law without political influence....AND, af the same time, enact important priority legislation that has MAJORITY support ....if there was not the unprecendented level of obstruction.
/end threadjack