no. 1:
host: given that you have been tracking this more closely than i have been able to---the linkages between the abramoff scandal and this one? could you lay out how you see them as interlocking or reference older materials that you have put up that might clarify this please?
this may be more an aide-de-mémoire than anything else...but i'd appreciate it (now that i have more time than i have over the past couple months, i'd like to get back up to speed on this)
I have been following Host's research on Abramoff for a few years so I believe I can tie some of these relationships together.
Susan Ralston, who will be testifying before congress with immunity, is key to everything that Rove has influenced. This is huge in that all roads appear to lead to Rove and yet he has remained beyond reach. Ralston was the personal assistant to Abramoff who became Rove's assistant early in the administration. It is believed that she facilitated much of Abramoff's interests while working for Rove, and she is currently under investigation for extravagant gifts given by Abramoff. She is motivated by a desire to stay out of prison.
As Rove's assistant, Ralston has direct knowledge of Rove's many machinations, including the outing of Plame and the firing of US Attorneys. She may also have information concerning his election dirty tricks, compromises of the Hatch Act, and how Rove's emails went missing. This woman has the potential to take down the entire inner circle of the Bush Administration.
Do I believe in fairie tales? No, but I am always a sucker for a happy ending.