Originally Posted by dc_dux
What is wrong with this picture?
Besides the fact that it is a threadjack?
Accused of a threadjack, what is my plea? Not guilty. I merely point out that while many are focused on Gonzales and a pointless pursuit of some truth that has no relevance to the peoples business (I know, its my opinion), billion dollar issues are getting little or no attention. This is a thread about Gonzales' testimony to congress, so is my point.
It is an inaccurate assessment of the problem.
I merely described the problem as presented on 60 Minutes. I admit not knowing much about the issue, because I am not directly affected by the legislation, and I have not felt the impact on my taxes yet. 60 Minutes made a point about the vote being taken at 3:00 am, to keep the shenanigans off of prime time CSPAN coverage. For some reason they don't want this issue to see the light of day.
I would suggest the picture below presents a more accurate pictture of the problem you raised regarding the need to reform the Medicare prescription drug program that was forced through the Repub Congress in 2005.
Reform of the Medicare prescription drug program to include negotiating prices for drugs is just one of many reforms blocked by the obstructionist Republicans in the Senate through the abuse of parliamentary procedures (or at the very least, the unprececented use of such procedures in the recent history of the Senate)
Isn't my post saying the same thing? Didn't I state that this is a real area of concern? Didn't I state that the Democrats have a legitimate beef with Republicans on this issue? Didn't I state...oh, never mind.
Why the hostile tone? Where is that Democratic party spirit of diplomacy, finding common ground, the willingness to be civil with those who disagree with your point of view on most issues. Poof!?! Did it just disappear? Did it ever exist? Will we ever see it again? Please tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel...
The Senate (and House) can conduct necessary oversight investigations, includling potential (and proven) wrong-doing at the DOJ, the agency expected to uphold and enforce the law without political influence....AND, af the same time, enact important priority legislation that has MAJORITY support ....if there was not the unprecendented level of obstruction.
Certainly, I agree that Congress can do more than one thing at a time. I just expect them to work on those things that will have the biggest impact, first. By impact, I don't mean what will get them re-elected, but more in-line with the people's business. No wonder the Congressional approval ratings are so low. I heard a theory on talk radio, that Bush is actually happy with Congress running around in circle chasing their figurative tail.
I am legitimately concerned over the cost of this program, the government not negotiating price, Congresspersons and their aids selling out to drug companies, have drug lobbyist write the legislation, billions in windfall profits to drug companies with no check and balances, etc, etc., there is no evidence that anyone has been harmed by "the secret program(s)" involving Gonzales' testimony.
It ain't over, until its over.