Originally Posted by aceventura3
Why the hostile tone?
I get hostile when I think of how this administration has abused the Dept of Justice for political purposes.
From lies about the warrantless wiretap program and FISA violations (we dont know the extent because Bush refuses to allow an internal DOJ investigation or provide any documentation to Congress), to the abuse of national security letters under the Patriot Act, to politicizing both political and career attorneys like no previous administration, to allegedly suppressing minority voters through "caging" programs in the 2004 election, to undermining the work of career attorneys in the Civil Rights Division....
there is no evidence that anyone has been harmed by "the secret program(s)" involving Gonzales' testimony
The Constitution has been harmed....the checks and balances of the three branches of government have been harmed.....the privacy of citizens has been harmed....the right of some citizens to vote has been harmed.......
None of the above may not be direct "pocket book" issues, but they potentially have a far greater impact over the long term.
Thats why I get hostile