Originally Posted by roachboy
what all this looks like is really problematic: an attempt on the part of the administration to fundamentally alter the system of governance to the advantage of what amounts of a quasi-dictatorial executive branch made possible (a) by the figleaf of this idiotic "war on terror" and (b) by the republican controlled congress which seems to have conducted itself in a manner that is really insupportable.
the other piece that is missing--though i suspect i might be able to fill in ths blank logically--but to avoid that temptation for the moment--is the goal.
what is being presented here via the press accounts is largely pitched as ad hoc creeping of institutional advantage by the executive, enabled by the above. but if i understand this correctly, it seems that it could be also understood as aspects of a concerted project. again, i think i have an idea of what it might be--but how would you characterize it?
Here is my quick take on it.
There has been a 6+ year coodinated effort by the White House and Republcan Congress to attempt to guarantee a long-term Repub majority BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
On the Congressional side, it was through the K Street Project, coordinated by Tom Delay and Rick Santorum. Here is how CREW describes it at its most basic level:
Republicans "basically made it a pay-to-play system," says Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "It wasn't just that they said to fire Democratic lobbyists and only hire Republicans, it was, 'We won't talk to you if you aren't giving us money.'"
Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta says the effort went far beyond a job bank. "In many cases, companies and trade associations were threatened with adverse government consequences if they hired Democrats," he says.
On the White House side, the process was to politicize the Executive Branch to levels never before seen in order to potentially influence Congressional elections in key states, again by any means necessary.
Through a coordinated WH and DoJ effort, US Attorneys were encouraged to investigate "voter fraud" even without evidence of such fraud, in key states (MO, OH, AZ, CO, WA, etc) where Repub Congressional seats may be vulnerable (or Dem seat achieveable). The idea being that such investigations, even without indictments or charges, would potentially inhibit minority voters. When some US Attorneys failed to make it a priority, they were fired.
Other White House actions include the Rove "PowerPoint" presentations to political appointees at numerous agencies during work hours (a violation of the Hatch Act), again with the purpose of using those agencies to benefit vulnerable Repub members of Congress.
There you have it....my short and sweet analysis (with more to come when I have time)