rb, it seems to be a coordinated effort, by any means necessary, to continue the "baby steps" that were evident in the Iran/Contra scandal.... it's an extra legal, slow motion coup d'etat....obtaining and keeping power by a combination of enlisting convicts from the Reagan era, like Elliott Abrams, and a "bus load" of neocons/JINSA/PNAC A-holes, "income producers" like Abramoff to finance and navigate the legislative "agenda",
(the "pro-business" portion that was not related to Cheney's energy corporations buddies), combined with an alliance with christian fundy CNP billionaires, (the Kay Coles James - Regent University executive branch hiring campaign) and Rove's "merged" college republican legacy (Abramoff, Reed, Norquist....), with the transformation of the DOJ into a vote suppression mechanism that has it's roots in Rove's strategizing, Jeb Bush's Florida felons voter purge list, and harkens back to Lee Atwater's recitation of Phillip's refinement of the "Southern Strategy" that put Nixon in office.....
....along the way....since the early '60's when the republicans discovered that they could neutralize the black vote and lure in the southern white voters forced by the Johnson legislation to end segregation....lure in voters who had no common interests with the wealthy white, "Rockefeller republicans" (of which Nixon was one....) they obviously ran up politic debts that needed to be paid back to wealthy benefactors and corporations, that seem to create a need for an everlasting, imperialistic "war footing", that also nurtures an excuse for transfer of the power formerly reserved for the people, into a "war pressidency", run "behind the curtain" by his "deciderness", Dick Cheney.
They seem to have tried to practice a "no sleazy republican operative left behind", strategy, reaching at least as far back as into the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.... Rove from 1972's "CREEP", Rummy and Cheney from Nixon/Ford, John Roberts and Ted Olson from the Reagan legal braintrust, as well as all of the contra-players, and circa 70's college republican leaders who were willing to sign on in 2000.
Notice how few of Bush '41 inner circle, besides Cheney, who are still around. It's a politically obsessed, power corrupted cabal enabled by race baiting vote supression, and exploitation of the christian fundies....(it's hard to see if the CNP is slave to these fucks, or their master....or maybe both.)
I see it as all of the motives and players and amassed playbook of dirty tricks, in a "blow off top", not unlike a stock mania or a housing bubble. They've come together via Jeb's 2000 felon's purge list and the partisan SCOTUS ruling facilitated by Reagan and Bush '41 appointments, and the last six years are the results of all of them coming together, working in a common interest to exclude the majority of Americans....the lower 85 percent, from power.
....and now, unless they attempt to execute an actual armed coup, we might be witnessing the execution of a Waxman/Pelosi/Schumer/Leahy plan to take all of it back, for the rest of us.....if you believe in fairy tales, I guess !
The ideology that financed it, until Abramoff and Delay/Norquist/Reed/Rove figured out how to get folks like casino owning (or wanting) Indian tribes and Marianas sweatshop operators to pay the "to play"....selling legislative initiatives and regulatory agency oversight to them....came from the Coors and the John Olin and Richard Mellon Scaife fortunes, Prince auto parts, the Ocean Spray cranberry fortune, etc. mixed with the Tim LaHay rapturists, Bob Jones/Falwell.Robertson, CIA's Irving Kristol and William F. Buckley Jr., snd all of the moths attracted the bright light of these misguided "John Bircher" billionaires....who built heritage foundation, AEI, and all of the other phony "think tanks" that, along with shill's like Buckley's nephew Bozell III, demonized the media to reverse Walter Cronkites perceived status as "most trusted man in America", facilitating Reagan's "noble war" message, enabling the new militarism that replaced the disdain for war and all things military of the late '70's.
With the mainstream media painted as a "liberal" "the other" kind of monster, the "think tanks", Bozell, and "" and foxnews could be the new propaganda organs of this politcal monstrosity that we are only beginning to swat like a moth or squash like a roach.....because, when you look what they actaully offer to most Americans, are they, their methods, or their message and actual agenda, anything else but an insect like infestation, a plague of locusts?
Last edited by host; 05-17-2007 at 11:38 AM..