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#41 (permalink) |
Location: AB, Canada
![]() Mine aren't as entertaining; I haven't done many stupid things which sort of sucks because now I have no stories to tell. Stupid teenage thing #1: I was 15/16 and it was after midnight and 2 of my guy friends wanted me to come hang out with them. Of course I had a curfew, so I told them I would go inside, fake going to bed and come out in 15 minutes. My parents were in bed, so I waited for a bit, and then went into the laundry to sneak out through the window (which I had done before successfully). The window was rectangular and not very high. I had to climb on top of the freezer to get out. So while crawling through, the interior window came off the hooks and CRASHED down on the freezer and then on the floor. I wasn't stuck, but I was freaking out. Nothing I could do now. My mom came downstairs, asked what I was doing. What could I say? "I was trying to sneak out." Got a HUGE yelling from that from my dad because I was a straight A student, squeaky clean record. Bigger stupid teenage thing #2: I went to the wrong college. Applied to a media program, would have definite job afterwards at a news station, but I got turned down because the course was too full. Decided I should be going to college that Fall, and applied to an art program at another school. Biggest waste of time and money ever. I dropped out after one year and now I'm broke, unemployed and sitting on TFP at 5:13am ![]()
"I'm gonna die when it's time for me to die.. so let me live my life the way I want to." - Jimi Hendrix |
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#42 (permalink) | |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#43 (permalink) | |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#44 (permalink) |
Location: Kittyville
let's see... there's driving up a steep grassy hill on my brother's moped that i wasn't supposed to be using when i was about 14... with my best friend's little sister on the back. damn thing just tipped over and i have a scar from the muffler burn - that thing scabbed over, and bled! Ugh.
There was yesterday morning when I was so tired I poured iced tea on my golden grahams... And then there was the time a friend was squatting to pee in the trees and I, um, pushed her over. Yep. gods, I laughed so damn hard at that... *sheepish* Oh, and let's not forget 2 weeks ago, when I drank so much on an empty stomach, I was puking that night and all the next day, when I am WAY too old for this shit. *sigh* No cops for me, tho!!! Yay!!!
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'. |
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#45 (permalink) |
I always forget to move my damn car out of commuter parking, which I have no permit for during week days. God damnit I've payed 15 dollar fines so many times I've actually lost track of how much I've spent. I just consider it my personal donation to the University since I don't have to pay for any tuition or board.
Solve two problems at once. Feed the homeless to the hungry. |
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#46 (permalink) |
Location: Michigan
I tried cutting the skin off of a peice of pepperoni lengthwise once. As you know, pepperoni is greasy as hell. With one hand I'm holding the stick, with the other trying to cut the skin. Greasy pepperoni slips and knife comes down on the top of my fingers. No stiches, but a LOT of blood.
Many other dumb things too stupid to elaborate on, including several electrocutions (don't want to waste time throwing a breaker). Sitting on the left hood of a three wheeled car in the middle of winter, after it lost the right rear tire, providing enough weight (along with four of my pals) to keep it from dragging on the road at about 40 mph while being towed is another that comes to mind. I know I can top these few but I'll need more time. Lots of alcohol + dumb ideas = good stories IF you can remember them. |
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#47 (permalink) |
when i was about 3yrs old i used to stick paper clips, saftey pins, anything small and metallic in light sockets. got shocked, produced a laugh, and did it again
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#48 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
Me, being the smart individual that I am, wrapped the rope around my hand while playing tug-of-war. I sure broke three bones in my hand just in time for midterms last year.
"You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec |
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#49 (permalink) |
Location: Lex Vegas, KY
Once Me and my friends were throwing snowballs of a C. 80ft cliff at cars on the road below. We were on a mountain behind my friends house. we landed one on the truck window, but the window was down, turns out it was my friends neighbor and they caught us climbing down.
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#50 (permalink) |
God.....I felt [and still feel, sometimes] like a total dumbass for this...No seriously, I do. There's very few things in my life that I actually regret, this is one of them - probably because I haven't really accepted the fact that I did it and been able to extract a lesson from it.
[takes deep breath] but, yeah.....I accepted $80 of counterfeit 20-dollar bills @ work in december 2003. [btw, I worked @ a national movie theater as a cashier, selling the tickets; as well as a jack of all trades - everything except sell food and run the projectors; and I still currently work there now.] Minutes after the transaction, I looked @ the bills again, and then noticed....black marker test - failed.... After it happened, I was like....how ?!? is this the same kid who just got done reading 'the art of the steal' by frank abengale ?!? a person who is usually very observant ?! In fact, an hour later after it happened, the lady [she bought a gift card with counterfeit $] CAME BACK AGAIN ! I wanted to escape the glass booth in front of me and just beat the shit out of her....She looked @ me - I looked @ her, and she understood that I caught on to her and promptly left... I really wanted to 'entrap' her [so to speak] and catch her red-handed with the fake money, but I couldn't really formulate a plan that quick [I'd have to get my manager down there and at least apprehend her or something...] thanks for sharing your stories and listening to mine. *sighs* will.
currently reading: currently playing : Last edited by keyshawn; 04-13-2005 at 02:37 PM.. Reason: grammatical errors |
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#54 (permalink) | |
The sky calls to us ...
Super Moderator
Location: CT
Drove after three lungfulls (not just regular hits) of what turned out to be chronic. Never touched drugs after that because I proved that I can't trust myself to not do something stupid. Alcohol, however ... does not damage my judgement (I've been told this many times)
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#57 (permalink) | |
And we'll all float on ok...
Location: Iowa City
For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. --Charles Bukowski |
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#58 (permalink) |
Location: Sunny San Diego
While in high school me and some friends thought it would be cool to build our own street louge out of junk in our garage. Forgot about brakes or pretective gear though. A friend of mine shot out into a busy street and luckily missed all the cars (or they missed him rather) and I lost the skin off all my knuckles on my left hand by draging them against the asphault during a turn.
Oh, and then I decided to live at home while going to college to save on money. My advice to anyone: If you're going to spend money on college, at least get out of the house so you can enjoy it. |
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#59 (permalink) |
Location: Australia
these stories are awesome.. i've done alot of fucked up stupid shit, which your stories have reminded me of :S
anyway, one worth mentioning. probably 17, highschool, at a party.. The party starts to wind down, everyone is real pissed or sleeping... a couple of my mates were GOING to take the parents car that was left there... (the son was one of my mates)... but he chickens out, and decides to take one of my other mates cars... they stole his keys, and shaved one of his eyebrows... anyway, i was all like "this is fucking stupid, don't go" so they said "fine, we're going anyway"... so i said "fine, i'll go so you don't kill yourselves.. " we then proceeded to take my mates car... granted, we were all very very pissed... we started speeding and everyone had a go.. ended up at some service station, somehow nearly had a brawl with some random dude there... he was fucking pissed off about something... After that encounter we were all really psyched up... and i had a turn at driving.. .got upto 170km/h.. in an 89 mitsubishi! we slow down, change drivers, start listening to rammstein... some cunt yells out "CKY!, Get on the roof" i say "FUCK YEAH!" was only going about 60 km/h car goes off road, takes out a few of those metal picket rod things... i remember thinking "this is fucked" and hitting the road fairly hard. if i wasn't pissed i would have broken bones!, there was alot of blood, fucked ankles, and grazes... learnt a few lessons that night. Including ones about trust, and respect, on a few different levels. Not to mention the car was fucked, and had to be paid for.
i am enlightened |
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#60 (permalink) |
I'm still waiting...
Location: West Linn, OR
hmmm.... that would probably be when i dated a single mom who was more than ten years older than me, had been divorced twice, had three kids (i was closer in age to her 14 year old daughter than to my g/f), and then got her pregnant. biggest. mistake. EVAR. she miscarried and we broke up shortly afterward. i still love her though. yeah, i know, i'm messed up, but so is my life.
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#61 (permalink) | |
Casual... Real Casual
Location: Orstraylia
Please? whats a " 86 CDN" ?? proper sign? ta
"And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking.
Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath, and one day closer to death" ...pink floyd |
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#62 (permalink) |
Location: Calgary, AB
The stupidest thing I have ever done was when i was about 17.... I left a friends birthday at a club with just one other girl. When we got outside, there was shockingly no cabs. All of a sudden a limo pulls up with a bunch of guys in it, and says "You guys arent waiting for a cab, are you"?. Foolishly, we reply yes and they offer us a ride in the limo. I hesitated for quite sometime, but then after a little discussion with my friend we decided we should be ok, because of course there is a limo driver to at least keep us safe. Well to hell with that idea...the limo driver was the guys friend and for the first 10 minutes the 6 guys in the car and the driver proceed to talk to each other in some language that we dont speak. I kinda started to panick and realized what a stupid mistake we had made. We told the guys we wanted to go straight to out hotel, but they kept persisting we stay and hang out for awhile. They kept driving around, until I became very angry and adament they drop us off at our hotel immediately. Well they didnt like this much, so they dropped us off about 2 blocks from out hotel. As we got out, a prostitute approached the car, and asked "what are you guys hoes?" (she came up to the car thinking they stopped to pick her up- and then we got out on her turf). My friend replied with "Hell no, are you?". The next thing you know we are literally being chased down the street by the prostitute and her friend from the next street corner.
We made it to our hotel and she was prevented from coming in my the hotel staff (its a very fancy hotel- and she was a hooker). I was thanking my lucky stars after that night. What poor judgement I had...I still swear to this day that I am lucky soemthing didnt happen to us in that limo.
"Is it so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived long in the spring, to have loved, to have thought, to have done." -Matthew Arnold |
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#63 (permalink) |
Too Awesome for Aardvarks
Location: Angloland
Taken 10 HIGHLY potent ecstacy pills in the space of about 6 hours. It took me 12 hours to come up, at which point all i managed to think was 'oh fuck' and passed out.
Took me a week to be able to walk about properly, a month to get back to anywhere near baseline, and i'm still only getting parts of my personality back i lost that night. Still though, it was fun... OOO! Thinking about it, i've got another stupid thing i've done, third time in a row. Ordered a pizza at about half 9 last night, got a big bottle of coke with it. Ate down the pizza, drank the coke to almost the bottom. It's now 8am and i havn't had a wink of sleep. For a second when i came online i thought i might be getting sleepy, but no. On the plus side i did read a fair amount of my book and get a few more scenes of my movie planned out in my head.
Office hours have changed. Please call during office hours for more information. |
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#64 (permalink) |
Location: Az
On my 18th birthday I had managed to acquire a fake id and we headed out to my first club I wasn't used to managing my alcohol so I got ripped and so did my friends. So somehow I get behind the wheel after we get thrown out, last thing I remember was pulling up to a fast food place for some food. Apparantly I went up the offramp on the freeway on the way home, drove that way for a few miles before I pulled over and let someone else drive..
I pass out in the passanger seat and wake up to some police asking me to step out and I decline so they drag me out and cuff me and lay me in the mud. My mom's boyfriend comes to bail us out and the cops are going to let us go but still drunk as soon they un cuff me I start fighting with them..and I wake up with a pounding headache/hangover next to a toilet in a cell. This was so out of character for me and was the first time my mom found out about me going out and drinking. |
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#65 (permalink) |
Location: South Kakilaky
Got into a huge argument with my girlfriend at the time and told her the only reason I had gotten back together with her was because she had tried to kill herself. God knows I didn't mean it and it just popped out, but I'll regret that as long as I live.
A true gentleman believes that others are more important than he, that kindness is not a sign of weakness, and that respect is a necessity. |
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#66 (permalink) |
Location: Fresno, soon to be Sacramento!
Ruined my life. Ruined my relationship with my girlfriend and my parents. All because working double shifts at Arco AM/PM was hard and I heard it could help keep me awake. It's been 3 1/2 years, and I still find myself craving it, remembering how much of a "better person" I was with it. Skinny. Talkative. Energetic. I don't know if I could say no if someone put it in front of me. For 6 months, nothing mattered but that drug. It goes beyond stupid what I did, and I hate myself for it.
Some people push the envelope - I push the disk! |
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#67 (permalink) |
Functionally Appropriate
Location: Toronto
On a trivial note; there was the time I tried to cut a bagel a la the three stooges. Here's how to recreate the moment.
1) Stand bagel on end. 2) Insert thumb into hole for stability. 3) Slice with vigor. It took me a full pass across my thumb before I realized what I was doing. Interestingly, the pain didn't come until after that. Also, there was the time I tried to make Caramel Corn. The recipe for Caramel was very simple. A 1/4 cup of this, a 1/4 cup of that, and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt. I put in a 1/4 CUP of salt! The result was a molten lava of salty goo that defied disposal. I poured it into a plastic bag only to have it melt through. Then the remains in the pot hardened to a high gloss shellac and took forever to clean.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life |
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#68 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
Not the dumbest thing i've ever done, but maybe one of the most embarassing...
I drive a Saturn that as a manual transmission. When the brakes get wet they get sticky and don't like to let go. About 10 minutes ago I got my car washed by a bunch of teenage girls in bikinis raising money at a local parking lot. When I went to leave, I accidnetly revved to like 3,500 RPMs. They probably thought I was trying to show off in my lame ass Saturn ![]() ![]() Last edited by todd; 06-12-2005 at 12:18 PM.. |
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#69 (permalink) |
Lennonite Priest
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Stripped and streaked through the Las Vegas Hilton on a bet.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?" |
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#70 (permalink) |
Darth Papa
Location: Yonder
Okay, there I was, 16 years old, the summer before my Senior year of high school. I've got a beautiful girlfriend who's away for the summer, and the vibrant metropolis of Salt Lake City is my oyster.
One night I run into some buddies at my favorite coffee shop. They tell me they have beer, and they're going to Lindsey Park above SLC to drink it, and did I want to come. And naturally I did! So we're sitting there on a picnic blanket at the park, which has been closed for an hour, drinking beer. And it turns out one of the guys has brought bottle rockets (totally illegal in Utah), which he starts shooting off. It's fun! Drinking! Fireworks! 16 years old! Good times, man! Good times! Then we saw something coming: a motorcycle cop. He wasn't coming straight toward us, but he was sort of making his way up the hill above us. We very casually stood up and started walking toward our car, at which point the cop noticed us and cruised over. We played it cooool, boy. We didn't see anybody shooting off fireworks, but we did see like a picnic blanket over there somewhere. Didn't see anyone around it, though. He thanked us and rode toward our stuff we'd abandoned. At this point, we lost our cool and ran our fool ASSES off back to our cars. We were about 50 yards down the road (them in one car, me in another) when he caught us. We were all arrested (though released on our own recognizance) for posession of alcohol, littering, loitering, possesion of prohibited fireworks, discharge of prohibited fireworks, and attempting to evade arrest. Good times, man! Gooooood times. I got 20 hours of community service, which was not a problem. The worst punishment was, my parents grounded me and couldn't be with the beautiful girlfriend, who broke up with me because I couldn't hang out with her anymore. Second stupidest thing I've done: Serving food to the homeless (part of my community service) under an overpass at 5 in the morning at -30 degrees F, I chose to warm my feet by "accidentally" spilling soup on them. Which works great until the soup freezes... And then you get home and your shoes start to rot and your feet smell like soup... I wasn't the smartest teenager. Incidentally, that google maps link above also contains the location of my first blowjob and the second time I got laid! ![]() |
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#73 (permalink) |
Location: Nottingham, England
I did not ask out this totally beautiful woman I was in love with, as I thought I would never stand a chance. Turns out afterwards that she was interested in me, but when I found that out she had alreadly found someone else. She has moved in with this guy and just had a child. I think I will just go and hit my head against a wall a few more times now.
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#74 (permalink) |
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
So, my mother and my step-dad were away for about a week in Germany. My step-brother was supposed to be "watching" me (I was 15 or 16) but he left many nights to stay with friends or his girlfriend, so I was alone a lot. I decided to invite my boyfriend at the time over to stay the the night while my step-brother was gone. My boyfriend had been out all day with friends, and called me right when he got home while his parents were asleep. They had not seen him all day or all night. So, while we're sleeping, after a night of god only knows, the phone starts ringing at about 3:00am and rings about every 20 minutes. I decide not to get it, not even wondering who could be calling that late since we had school the next morning. Finally, since I couldn't sleep, I answered the phone... whoops. It was my boyfriend's dad. They asked me if I had seen my boyfriend at all that day. I told him no, not wanting either of us to get caught. His dad proceeds to tell me that he has the cops out looking for him because when his mom came home from work, he was not in his bed and she got terribly worried.
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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi |
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#76 (permalink) |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
I got one. My roomy and 2 gals he know and me go out to a bar. After getting our drinks, the gals go dance for a bit. When they come back, I have my feet up on a bar stool. She asks for it, I say no. Demands it, I refuse. In my mind, I'm trying to find a way to make this funny, or fun. If she wasn't a good friend of my roomy, I'd have traded it for a kiss. But I couldn't think of anything in time other than, "When I'm done with my beer."
It's been a week, and she still not speaking to me. And we just met 2 days before. They loved my cooking.
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#79 (permalink) |
Location: 815click
I played soccer for 12 years, and honestly i could have gone professional. I am from kind of a small city in Illinois, and two people i know are in the MLS. I just didnt have the passion, and i was too worried about smoking weed & cigarettes, and hanging out with fake people. At the time without really even trying, i was one of the better players in the mid-west region, so i always think, "if only i put in half the effort, or 110%." But one of these days, i will make things right.
"Everybody plays the fool sometimes" |
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#80 (permalink) |
Location: Where the Mormons run rampid, and six wives is a must!
Mine takes any cake in the world! When I was 13 I had a friend with whom I would compete over who could come up with the coolest use of fire! It started out with little things like lighting lids full of cologne up (almost caught my bed on fire with one of those!) and spraypainting things and lighting them! As time went along we got more and more daring with things like lighting entire walls on fire. One day he came in and said,"Check this out!" He lit a little part of his shirt on fire with cologne. Since neither of us had ever lit something attached to us on fire, he thought for sure he'd won and I knew it! Well, I wasn't having it! I decided I was going to drench the entire front of my shirt with cologne and light it! I had absolutely no means of putting this flame out, and it was a very large flame! After running around for a little bit, I tried the stop, drop, n roll technique. They conveniently leave out the fact this technique doesn't work when chemicals are involved! Luckily my friend managed to get my shirt off. I then went into the bathroom to see the damage. I peeled off the strips of dead skin on my chest, and decided a good shower would make it better! Water feels exactly like thousands of needles penetrating you on third degree burns! So I decided I better go tell my grandmother and go to the hospital! Smartest choice I'd made all night! I spent a couple months in the hospital and now wear my back skin on my chest!
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stupidiest, thing |