Okay, there I was, 16 years old, the summer before my Senior year of high school. I've got a beautiful girlfriend who's away for the summer, and the vibrant metropolis of Salt Lake City is my oyster.
One night I run into some buddies at my favorite coffee shop. They tell me they have beer, and they're going to
Lindsey Park above SLC to drink it, and did I want to come. And naturally I did!
So we're sitting there on a picnic blanket at the park, which has been closed for an hour, drinking beer. And it turns out one of the guys has brought bottle rockets (totally illegal in Utah), which he starts shooting off. It's fun! Drinking! Fireworks! 16 years old! Good times, man! Good times!
Then we saw something coming: a motorcycle cop. He wasn't coming straight toward us, but he was sort of making his way up the hill above us. We very casually stood up and started walking toward our car, at which point the cop noticed us and cruised over.
We played it cooool, boy. We didn't see anybody shooting off fireworks, but we did see like a picnic blanket over there somewhere. Didn't see anyone around it, though. He thanked us and rode toward our stuff we'd abandoned.
At this point, we lost our cool and ran our fool ASSES off back to our cars. We were about 50 yards down the road (them in one car, me in another) when he caught us. We were all arrested (though released on our own recognizance) for posession of alcohol, littering, loitering, possesion of prohibited fireworks, discharge of prohibited fireworks, and attempting to evade arrest. Good times, man! Gooooood times.
I got 20 hours of community service, which was not a problem. The worst punishment was, my parents grounded me and couldn't be with the beautiful girlfriend, who broke up with me because I couldn't hang out with her anymore.
Second stupidest thing I've done: Serving food to the homeless (part of my community service) under an overpass at 5 in the morning at -30 degrees F, I chose to warm my feet by "accidentally" spilling soup on them. Which works great until the soup freezes... And then you get home and your shoes start to rot and your feet smell like soup...
I wasn't the smartest teenager.
Incidentally, that google maps link above also contains the location of my first blowjob and the second time I got laid!