So, my mother and my step-dad were away for about a week in Germany. My step-brother was supposed to be "watching" me (I was 15 or 16) but he left many nights to stay with friends or his girlfriend, so I was alone a lot. I decided to invite my boyfriend at the time over to stay the the night while my step-brother was gone. My boyfriend had been out all day with friends, and called me right when he got home while his parents were asleep. They had not seen him all day or all night. So, while we're sleeping, after a night of god only knows, the phone starts ringing at about 3:00am and rings about every 20 minutes. I decide not to get it, not even wondering who could be calling that late since we had school the next morning. Finally, since I couldn't sleep, I answered the phone... whoops. It was my boyfriend's dad. They asked me if I had seen my boyfriend at all that day. I told him no, not wanting either of us to get caught. His dad proceeds to tell me that he has the cops out looking for him because when his mom came home from work, he was not in his bed and she got terribly worried.

I woke up my boyfriend and he decided that he was just going to walk home and tell his parents that he was out late walking by my house and just decided to stay the night. Police end up driving by him while he was walking home, they come to my house, and right away the cop comes into my house and sets down a nice handle of vodka. Turns out, they had gone through everything in his room to try and find phone numbers of where he might have been at, and found the vodka. After a nice long talk with mr. policeman, he decides not to tell my parents (although you can bet my honest ass ended up telling my mother) and proceeded to tell me that I and my step-brother could have somehow been charged with kidnapping... I still don't believe that was even possible. Anyway, we were both grounded for god knows how long. And during this time I was already seeing a psychiatrist for my "destructive behaviors." My shrink had fun with that one.