Taken 10 HIGHLY potent ecstacy pills in the space of about 6 hours. It took me 12 hours to come up, at which point all i managed to think was 'oh fuck' and passed out.
Took me a week to be able to walk about properly, a month to get back to anywhere near baseline, and i'm still only getting parts of my personality back i lost that night.
Still though, it was fun...
OOO! Thinking about it, i've got another stupid thing i've done, third time in a row. Ordered a pizza at about half 9 last night, got a big bottle of coke with it. Ate down the pizza, drank the coke to almost the bottom. It's now 8am and i havn't had a wink of sleep.
For a second when i came online i thought i might be getting sleepy, but no. On the plus side i did read a fair amount of my book and get a few more scenes of my movie planned out in my head.
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