I tried cutting the skin off of a peice of pepperoni lengthwise once. As you know, pepperoni is greasy as hell. With one hand I'm holding the stick, with the other trying to cut the skin. Greasy pepperoni slips and knife comes down on the top of my fingers. No stiches, but a LOT of blood.
Many other dumb things too stupid to elaborate on, including several electrocutions (don't want to waste time throwing a breaker). Sitting on the left hood of a three wheeled car in the middle of winter, after it lost the right rear tire, providing enough weight (along with four of my pals) to keep it from dragging on the road at about 40 mph while being towed is another that comes to mind.
I know I can top these few but I'll need more time. Lots of alcohol + dumb ideas = good stories IF you can remember them.