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Old 05-30-2008, 11:04 AM   #13841 (permalink)
Esoteric's Avatar
Location: Florida
It's the end of the month, so that means a bunch of reports to print out tomorrow.

Hopefully I have a nice chill weekend outside of work.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 05-30-2008, 12:09 PM   #13842 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
That's the spirit I'm off in a few minutes, so enjoy.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 05-30-2008, 03:18 PM   #13843 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
"I have written about all the others; not because I loved them less, but because they were clearer, easier." -itzak d
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Old 05-30-2008, 05:34 PM   #13844 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
it's bsg tonight! wheeee! and i'm not working tomorrow. what a good evening.

Also, my bike is awesome. I just need an air pump with a gauge for my wheels.
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Old 05-30-2008, 08:42 PM   #13845 (permalink)
ring's Avatar
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What type of bike do you have sir MoaB?
What does bsg mean?

I hope you relish all the processes along your path.

Time for poetry snack.

I have a poster on my wall that says,"don't limit your challenges,
challenge your limits."

“To be lonely is a state of mind, something completely other than physical solitude; when modern authors rant about the soul’s intolerable loneliness, it is only proof of their own intolerable emptiness.”

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea."

"When in the end, the day came on which I was going away, I learned the strange learning that things can happen which we ourselves cannot possibly imagine, either beforehand, or at the time when they are taking place, or afterwards when we look back on them." – Out of Africa, 1937
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Old 05-30-2008, 09:12 PM   #13846 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
Percival is ... (fill it in)
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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Old 05-30-2008, 09:19 PM   #13847 (permalink)
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Location: ❤
Wasn't Galahad a tad bit later version?

The mists of Avalon seem to have clouded my memory.

Facing the pansies,
sincerest salutations;
brightens my soul.

Last edited by ring; 05-31-2008 at 06:03 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 05-31-2008, 07:52 AM   #13848 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
I have a Specialized "allez" Road bike. It's fucking awesome. I just started using it and I can already pull 45km/hr on it on flat to downhill road.

and BSG is battlestar galactica. i taped it because i was busy last night so i'll have to watch it now.


Last edited by MexicanOnABike; 05-31-2008 at 07:55 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 05-31-2008, 09:40 AM   #13849 (permalink)
ring's Avatar
Location: ❤
I am seriously considering buying a recumbent bike.

I rode one once and they are perfect for my old back injuries.

Do you know much about them?
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Old 05-31-2008, 10:32 AM   #13850 (permalink)
lotsofmagnets's Avatar
Location: reykjavík, iceland
Originally Posted by MexicanOnABike
I have a Specialized "allez" Road bike. It's fucking awesome. I just started using it and I can already pull 45km/hr on it on flat to downhill road.

and BSG is battlestar galactica. i taped it because i was busy last night so i'll have to watch it now.

i felt like that bicycle was coming right at me.
mother nature made the aeroplane, and the submarine sandwich, with the steady hands and dead eye of a remarkable sculptor.
she shed her mountain turning training wheels, for the convenience of the moving sidewalk, that delivers the magnetic monkey children through the mouth of impossible calendar clock, into the devil's manhole cauldron.
physics of a bicycle, isn't it remarkable?

Last edited by lotsofmagnets; 05-31-2008 at 11:47 AM..
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Old 05-31-2008, 10:52 AM   #13851 (permalink)
Esoteric's Avatar
Location: Florida
Reggae music.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 05-31-2008, 11:18 AM   #13852 (permalink)
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Marley's ghost can haunt me anytime he pleases.
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Old 05-31-2008, 11:50 AM   #13853 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
BadNick's Avatar
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
I've been saturating myself with some reggae lately in my car since I drive 40+ minutes each way to/from work. I just can't get enough of these so I'm just continuously looping thru them cranked up high on my decent JBL car system ...where's my doobie?

The Rivers of Babylon - The Melodians
Johnny Too Bad - The Slickers
Pressure Drop - The Maytals
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Old 05-31-2008, 09:25 PM   #13854 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
ah really?
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Old 05-31-2008, 10:01 PM   #13855 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
BadNick's Avatar
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
Your Specialized looks like a pretty damn nice road bike. For a minute here I'll be NickOnABike instead of BadNick. I think they classify mine as a hybrid, not as hardcore of a road bike as yours, mine has the straight handlebars; made by Marin, it's their Fairfax model; I like it, well balanced, responsive.

I remember as a kid riding my 20" Huffy, we had a real steep hill nearby and we'd post a couple guys along the streets leading to it to watch for cars from cross streets, then when the coast was clear we'd pedal our asses off and zoom down the hill as fast as we could. A few of us had speedometers on our bikes and I recall hitting 40mph down that steep hill.
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Old 05-31-2008, 10:36 PM   #13856 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
40mph??!?! damn! I haven't gone on a big enough hill to do that yet. on the small hill, I can only manage 45KM because it turns and i have a stop just before getting there. if I could fly by and then get acceleration downhill, i could top 50-60kmh maybe more if it's a bigger hill. 40mph = 64kmh.
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Old 06-01-2008, 05:09 AM   #13857 (permalink)
ring's Avatar
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I had a Huffy;
It was a beautiful blue.
Haiku to you too.
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Old 06-01-2008, 07:33 AM   #13858 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
time to go biking once again! fuck the bus today.
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Old 06-01-2008, 07:40 AM   #13859 (permalink)
Esoteric's Avatar
Location: Florida
Oh snap.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 06-01-2008, 12:00 PM   #13860 (permalink)
The Reforms
Jetée's Avatar
Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
I just remembered... no delectable children.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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Old 06-01-2008, 12:44 PM   #13861 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
I have a delectable child here with me now. And a dog. The dog has been obedient and the child continues recalcitrant.

We're watching the Twins.

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Old 06-01-2008, 01:09 PM   #13862 (permalink)
ring's Avatar
Location: ❤
I have a delectabe fantasy.

That someday we will all coalesce into a light so bright that it will blind
indifference, angst, intolerance, and fear.
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Old 06-01-2008, 02:32 PM   #13863 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
wheeeeeeeee. stop. wheeeeeeeeee. stop. whee.stop. fuck.

it was windy today.
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Old 06-01-2008, 07:47 PM   #13864 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
BadNick's Avatar
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
How long is the longest bicycle in the world?

Built by members of Gezelschap Leeghwater of the Netherlands, it was 25.88 Meters - 84 Feet 11 Inches and it was ridden over 100 meters on December 11, 2002. This is the longest bicycle ever built and ridden that does not have a third 'stabilizing' wheel.

What is the world's longest bicycle race?

Started in 1982, the world's longest bicycle race is RAMM; Race Across America. It was called the Great American Bike Race in the first year.

Held annually, the route for the Race Across America varies but always begins on the west coast and ends on the east coast covering roughly 3,000 miles.

Unlike other long races, such as the Tour de France, which have stages, the Race Across America doesn't. Once the clock starts it doesn't stop again till you cross the finish line.

As the route and distance vary year to year it is hard to determine records, but the fastest the race has been completed by a solo rider was 8 days 9 hours 47 minutes by Pete Penseyres in 1986, covering 3,107 miles. Many bicycling experts agree that it is inevitable that the famous cyclist MexicanOnABike will soon break this record.

Last edited by BadNick; 06-01-2008 at 07:49 PM..
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Old 06-02-2008, 12:23 AM   #13865 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
Is it true that you've dismissed unicycles and tricycles?
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 06-02-2008, 05:53 AM   #13866 (permalink)
Esoteric's Avatar
Location: Florida
An 84 foot long bicycle. Seems like a waste.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 06-02-2008, 06:08 AM   #13867 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge

Our future
will reveal itself
just in time.
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Old 06-02-2008, 06:49 AM   #13868 (permalink)
coldhands's Avatar
Location: The next town over
Invest in "8"....it is a Chinese delicacy

Originally Posted by coldhands
Invest in "8"....it is a Chinese delicacy

oh and......2/3 of the world eggplant is grown in NJ
"All it takes to make a difference is the courage to stop proving 'I was right' in being unable to make a difference, to stop assigning cause for my inability to the circumstances outside myself, to be willing to have been that way, and to see that the fear of being a failure is a lot less important that the unique opportunity I have to make a difference."

-Werner Erhard

Last edited by coldhands; 06-02-2008 at 06:51 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 06-02-2008, 09:36 AM   #13869 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
back to work. but thanks for the bike trivia.
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Old 06-02-2008, 10:16 AM   #13870 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
Originally Posted by BadNick
The Rivers of Babylon - The Melodians
Johnny Too Bad - The Slickers
Pressure Drop - The Maytals
Jimmy Cliff, mon!
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 06-02-2008, 10:26 AM   #13871 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
BadNick's Avatar
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
Originally Posted by coldhands
....2/3 of the world eggplant is grown in NJ

I usually eat 2/3's of the family-sized eggplant parmesan pizza we get ...I like it with the genoa salami option. It makes me feel longest....or now longing for an eggplant parm pizza.

Originally Posted by jewels
Jimmy Cliff, mon!
damn right, mama Jewels! you know I'm old enough to remember...what's left of my brain...sitting in the local "underground" movie houses, sucking on doobies and watching The Harder They Come, Reefer Madness, The King of Hearts, and to go with the good Mexican weed of the day, El Topo which is one freaking weird movie.

Btw, I forgot to mention Sweet & Dandy also by Toots and the Maytals which is just an infectiously great tune makes me happy.

Last edited by BadNick; 06-02-2008 at 10:35 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 06-02-2008, 12:45 PM   #13872 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
I trust the bike man won't hate this too sincerely:

Background noises,. in the window: birds & planes & the breeze & traffic.
Background noises from the inside: Upstairs? Downstairs? Right here, footsteps & voices.
Background noises from the in-inside: Consternation and dissatisfaction; I might as well get up, and read Deuteronomy.
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Old 06-02-2008, 12:50 PM   #13873 (permalink)
ring's Avatar
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...or you could call me, if you wish.
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Old 06-02-2008, 02:34 PM   #13874 (permalink)
through charlatans phone
paddyjoe's Avatar
Location: Northcoast
this is my second ever post in this thread!
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Old 06-02-2008, 03:20 PM   #13875 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
(paddy, are we ok, joe?)

Our light midst
will not forbear, overweaning.
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Old 06-02-2008, 05:04 PM   #13876 (permalink)
ring's Avatar
Location: ❤
John Lennon - Working Class Hero

As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasents as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.
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Old 06-02-2008, 06:01 PM   #13877 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
Originally Posted by paddyjoe
this is my second ever post in this thread!
awesome! you're just 1,500ish away from 1st place. keep it up!
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Old 06-03-2008, 12:15 AM   #13878 (permalink)
jewels's Avatar
Location: Central Central Florida
Speaking of numbers, we're like OMG only moments from 14K.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain
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Old 06-03-2008, 04:33 AM   #13879 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
yes we are. who will get the magic number?! i'm more interested in 15000. that's my milestone in this thread.
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Old 06-03-2008, 05:07 AM   #13880 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Ourcrazymodern?'s Avatar
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
Well, let me provide
a part of the breeze that might
position your stone.


Last edited by Ourcrazymodern?; 06-03-2008 at 05:09 AM..
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longest, thread, tlte!

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