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Old 04-28-2003, 08:46 PM   #241 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by flyman
hey richeeee?you been smokin' the funny stuff again?

*damn karaoke machine*

miranda dear, can i please have another beer and a shot of jack too?
Miranda, NO! The man is cut off! As is the rest of the bar. Go home, sober up, write some poetry, and have sex.

But dont drink for 24 hours!
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long

and you have burned so very, very brightly
YzermanS19 is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 08:50 PM   #242 (permalink)
Go Packers! (*sigh!*)
Location: The Lovely Emerald City
Originally posted by flyman
hey richeeee?you been smokin' the funny stuff again?

*damn karaoke machine*

miranda dear, can i please have another beer and a shot of jack too?
No, fly, it was the long dry spell without a waitress, combined with the crap-bands that got to me. Miranda has saved me...
Thanks for the concern, bro'!
Pas le cri, le coeur de Minx! .... Where can I stare now?.........I did!!!What about You?
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Old 04-28-2003, 08:55 PM   #243 (permalink)
Indifferent to anti-matter
vermin's Avatar
Location: Tucson, AZ
Well, no point going into a dry bar.

*turns around and walks out again*
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.
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Old 04-28-2003, 08:58 PM   #244 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by vermin
Well, no point going into a dry bar.

*turns around and walks out again*
Still have the casino downstairs. Theres just been way too much craziness here.

The kitchen is still open too. Omlettes are good for hangovers.

the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long

and you have burned so very, very brightly
YzermanS19 is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 09:02 PM   #245 (permalink)
Go Packers! (*sigh!*)
Location: The Lovely Emerald City
WooHoo!! Tequila Omelettes for all!!!!
Pas le cri, le coeur de Minx! .... Where can I stare now?.........I did!!!What about You?
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Old 04-28-2003, 09:02 PM   #246 (permalink)
Indifferent to anti-matter
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Location: Tucson, AZ
*walks back in*

I'll have a bacon and cheddar omlette, no milk.

*walks over to empty bandstand, picks up a guitar, turns all the knobs up to eleven, rips into "Just Got Paid" by ZZTop*
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.
vermin is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 09:05 PM   #247 (permalink)
KWSN thinks you got yo'self a job, william_wallace.

As a matter of fact, Yzerman, KWSN just ran out of napalm the other day. He could use a refill.

Oh, and by the way, KWSN has quite the stockpile of illicit materials in his car, and he needs to offload some. If you're interested, meet him behind the bodega on 44 and 8.
Your arms are broken!
KWSN is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 09:14 PM   #248 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by richeee
WooHoo!! Tequila Omelettes for all!!!!
I'll let this slide.

*begins making omelettes for everyone*

Hope you like yours with mushrooms and cheese....cuz thats what your getting.

KW-- I made another batch of Napalm too. Its out back...in the van.
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long

and you have burned so very, very brightly
YzermanS19 is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 10:04 PM   #249 (permalink)
Indifferent to anti-matter
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Location: Tucson, AZ
*After the ZZTop and three Tool songs, I put down the guitar to eat the omlette*

Could I get a side order of Napalm to go with this omlette?
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.
vermin is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 10:07 PM   #250 (permalink)
Thanks for the napalm, Yzerman. KWSN appreciates it quite a bit.

Now, have you any interest in parts of KWSN's stockpile? He needs to get rid of it fast, there might be a lead on him.
Your arms are broken!
KWSN is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 10:35 PM   #251 (permalink)
Go Packers! (*sigh!*)
Location: The Lovely Emerald City
*Miranda grabs richeee and takes him upstairs to the honeymoon suite*
Pas le cri, le coeur de Minx! .... Where can I stare now?.........I did!!!What about You?
richeee is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 10:55 PM   #252 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by KWSN
Thanks for the napalm, Yzerman. KWSN appreciates it quite a bit.

Now, have you any interest in parts of KWSN's stockpile? He needs to get rid of it fast, there might be a lead on him.
Put what you need hidden upstairs. They'll never find it. If they do, they'll have to deal with the "beast"

What the beast is, I don't rightly know.
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long

and you have burned so very, very brightly
YzermanS19 is offline  
Old 04-28-2003, 11:17 PM   #253 (permalink)
Thank you for the storage, Yzerman. KWSN is very grateful.

Anyone in the building can just come to KWSN if they are interested...
Your arms are broken!
KWSN is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 05:04 AM   #254 (permalink)
Location: either boston or upstate ny
:: finishes oiling newly sharpened claymore ::

Thanks for the job KWSN. Question: does it matter if any offenders happen to lose any body parts, and if so, which ones would you prefer they lose?
I'm the Ninja Storm Trooper Division Commander in qpid's liberation army so we can take over the world before Microsoft does. Join the Revolution!

“If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college...”
- some woman that Lewis Black heard in IHOP
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Old 04-29-2003, 05:08 AM   #255 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by william_wallace
Question: does it matter if any offenders happen to lose any body parts, and if so, which ones would you prefer they lose?

All of them. Spare no part.

Anyway, I guess I'm cutting the dry spell short. Its been about 12 hours, and we're back selling alcohol.

wrkime, retap the kegs.

*lines up shot glasses for the morning crowd*
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long

and you have burned so very, very brightly
YzermanS19 is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 05:19 AM   #256 (permalink)
Everything's better with bacon
SaltPork's Avatar
Location: In your local grocer's freezer.
consider the kegs re-tapped, CO2 on and ready to go....new case of glasses opened and chilled...ashtrays cleaned, bar wiped down, floors mopped.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.
SaltPork is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 07:25 AM   #257 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by wrkime
consider the kegs re-tapped, CO2 on and ready to go....new case of glasses opened and chilled...ashtrays cleaned, bar wiped down, floors mopped.
Good job. I like the ol bar. Nice mahogany, crafted in Ireland. Finest drinking there possible. Finest beer spilled on it.

wrkime- expect a Christmas bonus this year!
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long

and you have burned so very, very brightly
YzermanS19 is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 09:56 AM   #258 (permalink)
Go_AVS's Avatar
Location: Hockey time....
Does anyone know where Joey B is, I heard we all get to take shots at him with a hammer for only $5 bucks.
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:04 AM   #259 (permalink)
feeling tingly
***JoeyB walks in, suddenly pulls down his pants and puts his weiner on the bar.

For some unknown reason, he challenges anyone to hit it with a hammer for 5 dollars. ***
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:09 AM   #260 (permalink)
feeling tingly
Hi, Go_AVS, you can hit this with a hammer for 5 bucks....
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:16 AM   #261 (permalink)
Go_AVS's Avatar
Location: Hockey time....
*Go_AVS hands Joey a twenty*

The first shot only grazes joey's thing, I think the next shots are going to be a little harder, joey looks cold. The next shot catches good, I cringe and can not believe I just did that. I throw the hammer out the front door. Joey is still on the floor screaming. I guess we better get him an ambulance or get him to the hospital.

I tell him sorry, I was not thinking after several scothes.

I go back to the bar for another drink...

then start laughing...

Last edited by Go_AVS; 04-29-2003 at 10:20 AM..
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:19 AM   #262 (permalink)
feeling tingly
A little help down here?

I know I asked for it, but getting whacked with a hammer hurts more than a little bit.

I apologize for bringing this into your establishment, but

My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
JoeyB is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 10:31 AM   #263 (permalink)
feeling tingly
*Embarrassed and in excrutiating pain, JoeyB struggles to his knees and crawls towards the door.

He finds the strength to apologize to everyone within earshot for the disruption. *

Sorry everyone, next time I'm buying...and I promise to keep my pants up.

*JoeyB lowers his head and crawls out the door*
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:54 AM   #264 (permalink)
Go_AVS's Avatar
Location: Hockey time....
Hey bartender, how about another Macallan 18 on the rocks..
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Old 04-29-2003, 10:54 AM   #265 (permalink)
Everything's better with bacon
SaltPork's Avatar
Location: In your local grocer's freezer.
::wrkime finds a hammer in the street, sees JoeyB walking out of the bar. Remembering the fin he gets for hitting JoeyB with a hammer in the pee-pee he takes a swing.....BAM!!! JoeyB is out for the count::

Oooohh, sorry about, guess that was a bad idea...hey do I still get my 5 bucks? JoeyB??

::wrkime shrugs, tosses hammer into the street and heads back into the bar::
It was like that when I got here....I swear.
SaltPork is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 11:15 AM   #266 (permalink)
Everything's better with bacon
SaltPork's Avatar
Location: In your local grocer's freezer.
Hey Bones, I see you're getting orally please by JoeyB's harem. Watch out for the brunette, she has some weird ass cold sore on her mouth.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.
SaltPork is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 11:27 AM   #267 (permalink)
stan the man swagers into the bar steps up to the bar and orders a pink lady
long live the hud
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Old 04-29-2003, 11:29 AM   #268 (permalink)
well done bones i havent heard that toon in so long and if a break is what you wnat i think ill give ya one

i think its time you lost jullia
long live the hud
stan the man is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 11:32 AM   #269 (permalink)
Everything's better with bacon
SaltPork's Avatar
Location: In your local grocer's freezer.
JoeyB took 2 good shots with a hammer in the weenie and one glancing blow...he's okay by me.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.
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Old 04-29-2003, 11:48 AM   #270 (permalink)
Lynyrd Skynyrd is playing? This intrigues KWSN. You had better have resurrected Ronnie Van Zant for this show, or KWSN would be disappointed.

william_wallace, if any sucka messes wit'choo, dice the bastard like a shallot.

KWSN can't seem to get rid of these narcotics, so he hands a Ziploc of crack to everyone in the bar.
Your arms are broken!
KWSN is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 11:50 AM   #271 (permalink)
yaa hoo smoke em if ya got em
long live the hud
stan the man is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 11:53 AM   #272 (permalink)
stan the man procalims "see ya folks im off to my crack whores to get some lovin" and runs at top speed to the door with a fat grin
long live the hud
stan the man is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 12:02 PM   #273 (permalink)
feeling tingly
*JoeyB crawls to the door, mustering enough strength, he pushes it open and looks in. He's still quite sore from the ball peen pounding earlier in the day.*
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 04-29-2003, 12:04 PM   #274 (permalink)
feeling tingly
*JoeyB crawls across the same floor on which he was writhing in agony just minutes ago. Despite the chaos of others running past him, he reaches the bar*
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 04-29-2003, 12:05 PM   #275 (permalink)
stan the man stubles back into the bar a mere 4 mins afterhe left to service his crack whores

"well now that was the finest presents ive recived in a few days

hey isnt that a giant sloth hanging from the chandelier"
long live the hud
stan the man is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 12:06 PM   #276 (permalink)
feeling tingly
*He finds the cash register and noticing that everyone is sufficiently distracted, he pounds the keys until it opens*






*after counting off the final bill, he gathers his strength enough to retrace his path and as quick as possible, leave the Inn*
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
JoeyB is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 12:06 PM   #277 (permalink)
"yes it is i swear it is

it cant be the crack hey everone look up look way up"
long live the hud
stan the man is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 12:08 PM   #278 (permalink)
feeling tingly
*As he leaves, JoeyB looks back and to nobody in particular, mumbles*

"nothing personal....it's just business."
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
JoeyB is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 12:08 PM   #279 (permalink)
oh ya fire my oh my ignore the sloth nothing to see here folks follow me

ill lead the way to the door

hey while we are all leaving ill take everone for a free ride on my whores
long live the hud
stan the man is offline  
Old 04-29-2003, 12:16 PM   #280 (permalink)
Location: The 7th Level..
Fire? There ain't no steenking fire in here...Y'all are crazy. And who is that dude stealing money from the register? No worry.. my girls will get him.

Somenosuke laughs casually and sips her Hawaiian Punch, not paying much more mind to the craziness going on.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer.
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inn, stumble

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