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Old 06-29-2004, 05:18 AM   #521 (permalink)
Location: Ontario, Canada
The Last Samurai was the last new movie I saw (Saturday) and I was extremely surprised and impressed. Excellent movie, I highly recommend it.

"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy."

Lionel Hutz
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Old 06-29-2004, 05:26 AM   #522 (permalink)
I saw Shallow Grave (1994) again last evening, and it gets 8 out of ten for me.... Brilliant thriller made on an absolute minimal budget, great story, great cast and last but not least... a good, (and a bit dark) sense of humor. Too bad it has got a few plotholes.
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Old 06-30-2004, 02:06 AM   #523 (permalink)
Something like that..
Location: Oreygun.
Bad-er Santa - 3/5

Requiem for a Dream - 4/5
"Eventually I became too sexy for my gym membership fee."
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:02 PM   #524 (permalink)
-Ever-'s Avatar
Location: San Francisco
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake) 7/10

Terrible plot, tons of "now why the hell would they open THAT door" type stuff. Knew when the jumpy moments were going to come.

Only reason it got a decent score is cause of it's decent effects/cinematography.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
--Acknowledge your weaknesses--
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Old 07-12-2004, 05:49 PM   #525 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
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Location: Above the stars
Bad Santa 3.5/5

It was really really funny. I liked it. I loved the fat kid. It was crass and poignant at the same time. Rare. Good movie over all.
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Old 07-12-2004, 08:49 PM   #526 (permalink)
The Butterfly Effect 8/10
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:34 PM   #527 (permalink)
trickyy's Avatar
city of god

best movie i've seen in several years
cool story and cinematography

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Old 07-13-2004, 02:26 AM   #528 (permalink)
Big Fish. 9/10. What a sweet film.
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Old 07-13-2004, 07:38 AM   #529 (permalink)
Location: the hills of aquafina.
King Arthur

8/10 Good movie. Very entertaining, but I never really got to know the characters. A bit more background would have been nice.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell
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Old 07-13-2004, 12:42 PM   #530 (permalink)
Master_Shake's Avatar
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
King Arthur: WTF was up with the lame-o editing? The action scenes looked terrible. I don't much care for what seems to be the current standard of action editing. When they chop things up so much I get the feeling they're trying to hide something: like how bad the action really is, or how dissimilar the stunt doubles are to the regular actors. That said, it was good to see Horatio Hornblower get some more work.
You know something, I don't think the sun even... exists... in this place. 'Cause I've been up for hours, and hours, and hours, and the night never ends here.
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Old 07-13-2004, 08:21 PM   #531 (permalink)
Kalnaur's Avatar
Location: Portland, Oregon
9.8 of 10

Spider-Man 2: Need I say more?

This movie kicked ass.
PC: Can you help me out here HK?
HK-47: I'm 98% percent sure this miniature organic meatbag wants you to help find his fellow miniature organic meatbags.
PC: And the other 2 percent?
HK-47: The other 2 percent is that he is just looking for trouble and needs to be blasted, but that might be wishful thinking on my part.
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Old 07-14-2004, 06:49 AM   #532 (permalink)
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Location: MD
Joe Somebody...
2 out of 5... very predictable yet still mildly entertaining.
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Old 07-14-2004, 06:50 AM   #533 (permalink)
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Location: essex ma
farenheit 911.
i dont know about this film. there were elements i thought worked really well (the opening--using the sound of 911 rather than the image--we have become desensitized to the images, but not to the sound, it seems) and the general politics were good (i opposed the war in iraq)
but i am not a fan of moore in general---and then other things that i did not really like or understand, like the function of the huge segment about the saudis and the bush family---what was the actual argument moore was making? that arabs are evil? ---and the sentimentality of the sequences focussed on the mother from flint whose son was killed in iraq....

the orwell quote at the very end was great, however.

"the fog of war"---interesting interview with robert macnamara, interesting psychological document--bad film--goofy editing, goofy segue choices--terrible phillp glass music. just terrible.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 07-14-2004, 09:34 PM   #534 (permalink)
Butterfly Effect: 3/5
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Old 07-15-2004, 05:59 AM   #535 (permalink)
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Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
tin drum---a curious, complicated film. i think i need to watch it again.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 07-15-2004, 06:03 AM   #536 (permalink)
bundy's Avatar
Location: Tokyo
thanks to Nancy's reccommendation, i tracked down the Kitano version of Zatoichi...

bloody fantastic.

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Old 07-15-2004, 02:42 PM   #537 (permalink)
Last movie I saw was King Arthur,

7/10 Not bad, could have used about more of a story. Battle scenes where a bit choppy.
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Old 07-15-2004, 08:19 PM   #538 (permalink)
bundy's Avatar
Location: Tokyo
ok, so i just saw HERO...

brilliant. cinematography was mind blowing. action was spectacular. actors, all of them, were fantastic (esp Maggie Cheung).

i love this film.

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Old 07-16-2004, 10:08 AM   #539 (permalink)
DSmith67's Avatar
Location: Michigan
King Arthur

I was a big King Arthur/Lancelot/Camelot fan as a kid. While others were playing Cowboys and Indians... I was the great Knight Lancelot killing dragons and rescuing damsels in distress. Needless to say, I was looking forward to seeing this movie. Due to my high expectations I was let down by the movie's storyline. While the movie is decent, it is just missing some things to make it a great movie. The plot is too predictable, but then of course it is hard to make a plot twist in a "historical" movie... unless you are Michael Moore - then you can alter facts at will.
I give this movie 3/5 stars.
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Old 07-16-2004, 03:28 PM   #540 (permalink)
The last movie i actually watched was pulp fiction again for the hell of it. I had just gotten back from Germany on a business trip and a friend of mine asked me in the middle of it if it was really true about the "royal with cheese" and for all of you that don't know yes it is indeed a royal with cheese but i can't tell you how to spell cheese in german so i'll get back on that one.

Anyway 4 out of 5 loosing one point for the basement scene which i still find highly disturbing to this day. lol
Good Times

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Old 07-16-2004, 05:13 PM   #541 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
City of God. Excellent, excellent movie. Go watch it. 9/10.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 07-17-2004, 12:31 AM   #542 (permalink)
The Death Card
Ace_O_Spades's Avatar
Location: EH!?!?
Farenheit 9/11

ummm I have yet to look into it to find out how much is total caca... so I'm going to suspend judgement

first impression though..... 3.5/5

There was some stuff that they just threw in there.


Spoiler: "We don't need no water let the mother fucker burn..... burn motherfucker... burn"

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Old 07-17-2004, 02:19 AM   #543 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
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Location: Australia
'Along Came Polly'.....romantic comedy with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. Overall a little contrived and unbelievable, but it had some funny scenes, and Ben Stiller is always good for a laugh.

Edit: forgot to rate it....6/10
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."

Last edited by Ella; 07-17-2004 at 11:46 PM..
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Old 07-18-2004, 10:50 AM   #544 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
Spiderman 2

It's been said before... "Best superhero movie ever"

simply stumendous 9.5/10
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Old 07-18-2004, 04:10 PM   #545 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
Spiderman 2

It's been said before... "Best superhero movie ever"

simply stumendous 9.5/10
Same here. I give it the same rating.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 07-18-2004, 10:19 PM   #546 (permalink)
I briefly glimpsed at "Charlie's Angels, Full Throttle" for about 10 seconds. It was awful.

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Old 07-19-2004, 07:47 PM   #547 (permalink)
Location: Boring ass KS
Saved- Funny and thought-provoking at the same time. the mostly young cast did an excellent job
"To achieve you have to believe." Matt Hardy
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Old 07-19-2004, 10:58 PM   #548 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Cold Mountain

Movie seemed a little slow, and I ended up predicting how the movie would end about halfway into it. A little bit different angle on the Civil War stories, but depressing as hell. Especially if you watch the deleted scenes on the DVD.

Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
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Old 07-20-2004, 04:04 AM   #549 (permalink)
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Location: MD
I just saw Badder Santa (director's cut). I thought the premise was absolutely hilarious and BB thornton was perfect in the role. I just wish they would have fattened the plot a bit more with another more substantial storyline.
....2.5 out of 5 stars
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Old 07-20-2004, 01:38 PM   #550 (permalink)
Esoteric's Avatar
Location: Florida
The Last Samurai - 10/10
Very good movie in my opinion.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 07-20-2004, 05:34 PM   #551 (permalink)
cameroncrazy822's Avatar
Location: MD
Originally posted by Esoteric
The Last Samurai - 10/10
Very good movie in my opinion.
I enjoyed your well thought out and absolutely appropriate non-esoteric review. I agree with you 100%. Very well done indeed, even with the the "Dances With Wolves" rip-off comparisons (media critics). EXCELLENT historically accurate period piece.
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Old 07-20-2004, 10:00 PM   #552 (permalink)
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super size me


it was interesting but i got fidgety at times.
somewhat predictable, slightly sensationalized
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Old 07-24-2004, 06:07 AM   #553 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
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Location: Australia
Office Space


I had forgotten how funny this film was, and did some serious laughing which I needed badly! Clever, funny, simple premise and spot on with the office politics stuff.

"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."
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Old 07-24-2004, 08:44 AM   #554 (permalink)
Location: New England
My Cousin Vinnie


It was one of the best movies ever!
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Old 07-24-2004, 02:20 PM   #555 (permalink)
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Location: Florida
Never Die Alone - 6/10
Seemed pretty short, and the acting wasn't that great. My opinion of course.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 07-24-2004, 10:13 PM   #556 (permalink)
Comment or else!!
KellyC's Avatar
Location: Home sweet home
Around the World in 80 Days


It was better than I expected. But Jacky Chan needs to retire.
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.
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Old 07-24-2004, 10:53 PM   #557 (permalink)
In transition
Location: north, no south abit, over to the right, getting warmer...there!
Pulp Fiction- 9/10
Excelent movie..It was the first time I have seen it...i guess it was kind of confusing..but the filmmaking was excelent..everything in the movie was done, and there for a reason. Tarentino is a genius.
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Old 07-25-2004, 07:09 AM   #558 (permalink)
Location: Canada
Just bought Princess Bride dvd


a classic and has everything from giants to sword fighting...cant forget about the R.O.U.S's!
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Old 07-25-2004, 09:02 PM   #559 (permalink)
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Location: essex ma
blow up

an excellent film.
seriously, an excellent experience.

i watched it on dvd, which also had an amazingly stupid commentary version. no need to boather with it, unless you find yourself mystified by the film. and even then....
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 07-28-2004, 12:22 AM   #560 (permalink)
Something like that..
Location: Oreygun.
Starsky and Hutch - 4/5
Shade - 4/5
Spartan - 4/5

I've watched them within 24 hours... so.

All excellent movies for what they are. The card tricks in Shade are fucking amazing.. and they have this little featurette in the special shit that elaborates more on it. For a first-time director, it was pretty well done.

Spartan, some movie with Val Kilmer about some chick that gets stolen etc. Good movie, excellent dialogue.

Starsky and Hutch, funny, funny shit. DO IT!
"Eventually I became too sexy for my gym membership fee."
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