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Old 12-25-2004, 10:06 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
The Christmas Gift Rant

Ok, first, I'm gonna be dead honest with you here... you all know I'm not religious, so the holiday of Christmas, to me and my family, is nothing more than the one day out of the year when we assess what eachother would enjoy receiving (within our budgets) and we give it to them.

Christmas is about surprise and indulgence to we heathens. With that said, you shouldn't give people shit that they need. You should give them shit that they WANT.

I'm in the process of moving into a new apartment for the first time. Guess what I got for Christmas! A tea kettle! A blanket! A cutlery set! Silverware! A flashlight! A tool set! I felt like it was my fucking bridal shower.

I didn't get anything that I WANTED, only shit that I needed. Now, trust me here, I can provide for myself. If there is anything that I need, I can buy it for myself. I don't need a relative to pick up some ugly set of silverware because I'm incapable of buying this stuff for myself. "Hmm, what will bring a smile to Andrew's face... Spider-Man 2 DVD or a radio/flashlight? Half Life 2 or a tea kettle? Going the extra mile and ordering a rare CD from an online store or buying a set of knives from Bed Bath and Beyond down the street?" This is Christmas, people, and my birthday was 2 and a half months ago; you don't get another shot at this for a while.

I know it makes me sound like a greedy son of a bitch, but I'm only being honest here. Especially after I bought my sister a $300 graphics tablet. After I bought my dad a computer game that I thought he'd enjoy. After I bought my mom a variety of CDs and DVDs, one of which I could only hope she'd enjoy. I tried to bring a smile to my family's face... I did. What did they do? Oh, they got me the shit I was gonna have to buy anyways. Real effort in that. Really.

So, all day I've been playing with this deck of cards that I got in my stocking. It's the only thing that I got that I CAN play with. It's a cool deck of cards... I liked 'em immediately... but Christmas is supposed to go like this: Wake up the parents. Open presents. Eat breakfast with the family. Spend the rest of the day playing with all of your new toys. Now, when I'm playing solitaire for the rest of the fuckin' day, something is wrong.

So the message here is this: Buy your family the shit that they need anyways, but make sure you get them a little shit they'll enjoy, too.
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Old 12-25-2004, 10:19 PM   #2 (permalink)
anleja's Avatar
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For some reason I got lots of alcohol, and I really don't drink that much. I'm not drinking right now. Some other stuff too, but nothing I can use to pass the time with. Like, a book would've been nice. Instead of "responsible" stuff. I can't play with a shirt.

Oh well, for myself I added the $ amount of presents I bought for people, and it equals the estimated value of proucts I took in, so I don't have to worry that I gave too much, or not enough. Just right!
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Old 12-25-2004, 10:22 PM   #3 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Guilty as charged. See, spouse calls me one day from Target to say there's this fantastic deal on 20" tv's, should he get one for the son? At that price, yes! Fine, except the only thing my son wanted was Nintendo DS. No tv. Daughter wanted a digital camera and after looking at quite a few, I got her a 2.0mp Nikon. After the cost of that and the card, I spent twice as much on her as I did her brother.
So....to relieve these pangs of guilt I have over ruining a sweet boy's Christmas dream, I am going to make him an offer I hope he won't refuse. He got a total of $40 in cash and a gift card for $30 to a store called Electronic Boutique, which sells Nintendo DS. It cost about $150. I am offering him the idea that, if he uses what he got, I will put up the remainder to get the DS. He gets what he wanted and I don't have to shell out the whole thing after getting him the tv, plus, for me, the final amount for his gifts equals what we paid for the camera.
In the morning, he will awake to a large note outlining my offer.
Every kid, no matter how old chronologically, deserves a happy Christmas if that's what they wish for. Like you, the holiday has no real religious significance for me at all-i use it to show the ones I love how much they mean to me-it's my time to make others happy and this year, I failed miserably at it for one person who deserved to be made ecstatic.

Last edited by ngdawg; 12-25-2004 at 10:25 PM..
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Old 12-25-2004, 10:30 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
As cool as these are.. you can't expect them to entertain me all fuckin day...
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Old 12-25-2004, 10:39 PM   #5 (permalink)
I completely agree.
I miss the childhood christmas mornings where I got lot's of toys and fun stuff. Even late teenage years where I got videogames and stuff.
I didn't really get any 'toys' this year. The part that really killed me though was the fact that there were no stockings this year! Hopefully, if I ever have kids I'll stick to the "At least 1 'toy' no matter how old"
<Insert witty and profound statements here>
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Old 12-25-2004, 10:47 PM   #6 (permalink)
Quit your fucking whineing Halx. You could have gotten nothing. Be thankful for what you did get.
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Old 12-25-2004, 10:59 PM   #7 (permalink)
mattevil's Avatar
Location: Virginia
I got an ugly ass shirt and a book that I won't ever read(leonard
maltin movie review guide). If I had actually gotten the camera I NEED for class next semester I might be happier. Maybe I'm bitter cause I spent more time and money on them(the parents) this year.
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:07 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mattevil
leonard maltin movie review guide

I don't know you, but I wish I could have seen your face when you got that.

Or was it the 2005 edition?
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:10 PM   #9 (permalink)
Vincentt's Avatar
Location: Tokyo, Japan
All the gifts I received this year were stuff I needed for my upcoming trip. I am not so bitter because getting a luggage set etc is very helpful to me. So getting presents that I needed was nice.
Although, I do remember when I was a child how great it was to get toys. On a side note, I got the game “World of Warcraft” something I had avoided buying because of its addictive nature. Let us see if I can keep studying when this is loaded…
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:13 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
Faygo, if I don't get anything for Christmas, at this age, it's probably completely my fault and has nothing to do with fortune.
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
fallenangel's Avatar
Location: near the water
Every year my mom asks my brothers and I to come up with a 'wishlist' of stuff we want for Christmas. I've basically made it clear to my family, that if it's not on the list, i don't want it (unless it's an exceptionally great idea that has slipped my mind or would bring me a smile).

The stuff on the list is both what i want and need, but because of recent events in my life, 90% of what i asked for for Christmas this year was for my new apartment. I haven't been living on my own that long and am working on a collection of stuff.

Luckily for me i get excited about toasters and blenders etc, purely because this means i don't have to buy it later, and i'm already in enough growing debt for my car.

Thank god for the list.

I totally see where you're coming from though Halx, and have had more of my share of Christmas' like that. I don't need another set of 6 pairs of white socks in my stocking... not at the expense of the new necklace and earing set i wanted oh well
all I wanna do is - give the best of me to you
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:32 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: U.S.A
I like a mix of gifts on Christmas of things that I need that I would probably buy later, and of stuff that I want. I usually don't feel cheated when someone gives me something I need because thats less money that I have to spend on the things that I need, and that money can be allocated for something else.
For example, this year, I received a 2 suites for work. I had already planned on buying these suites, but now that money is free, so I'll probably pick up some stuff at best buy later.
However, I understand that nothing beats a gift that completely surprises you. One that is something that you would never have bought on your own. Or a gift that is more money than you would typically spend on yourself, like getting the upgraded version when you would have settled for the base option. The suites I received this year were of much better quality than I would have spent on myself which was a nice surprise.
Anyways, I hope everyone is having/had a happy holidays!
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:45 PM   #13 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
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Location: Oregon
This year two of the best gifts I received were due to the fact my mom finally woke up and realized, "Hey. Lindsay likes U2. I'll get her some U2-themed gifts." So she got me an interesting memoir by a former classmate of Bono's who claims Bono ruined his life (all in darkly comic fashion, of course), and the Best of 1990-2000 CD. I didn't have the CD already because, well, I already OWN all of the albums from 1990 onward, so that gift was sheerly want--the CD does have new mixes for several songs as well as some new work. So that made me happy. I also got the latest Harry Potter DVD.

What I really hate is when you get something you don't WANT or NEED. My mom buys me a lot of picture frames--BEAUTIFUL picture frames. But right now I have no pictures to put in them. Most of the pictures I have of my friends involve liquor, and I don't want to show off a bunch of drunk guys in a nice frame, no matter how cute both are. I'm hoping maybe my mom will get me copies of some photos to put in them, but I'm probably going to have to come up with my own ideas.
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Old 12-25-2004, 11:57 PM   #14 (permalink)
GetRdone's Avatar
i too like a mix of gifts. Stuff i would never buy myself, but i kinda want. Most of my christmas was like that this year; Initial D DVD #1, Carbon/wood 2peice pool stick, Louis Vuitton wallet, and a new set of work gloves. I also got a real nice suede throw blanket, and Orange County Choppers shirt, a wireless router, a 20 flatscreen tv and cash. It was a prety solidxmas.........actualy im still waiting for a card from my autn and uncle in the mail, so christmas aint over yet.
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Old 12-26-2004, 12:11 AM   #15 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
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What I really wanted for xmas is for my Mum to still be alive. She died last Sunday night. It was both what I needed and wanted. Alas, it was not to be.
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Old 12-26-2004, 12:28 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Halx
As cool as these are.. you can't expect them to entertain me all fuckin day...
Dude!!!! I got those same cards. At first I thought they sucked because they were hard to read, but after looking at them all day I've realized how cool and unusual those cards are. Enjoy them, I am.

Sorry to hear that Ella, best wishes.
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Old 12-26-2004, 12:43 AM   #17 (permalink)
The Pusher
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Location: Edinburgh
I'm the kind of guy who usually appreciates useful gifts rather than sentimental ones. I like functional things, stuff I can use, stuff I need is just as good as stuff I didn't know I needed, and better than stuff I just want. (But my favorite car is also a white sedan so I'm a little boring...)

That said, this was the Ironic Christmas this year: there were <b>no</b> gifts at all, absolutely none, because Christmas is too expensive, according to my mother. So instead she organized a $600 lunch in a restaurant empty of people and empty of charm, that had mouse-sized food that tasted like shit and is now into her second week straight of blatantly ignoring her daughter, in private and in public. Yes, Christmas sucked this year and I pin the blame on my mother.

/me is bitter
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Old 12-26-2004, 02:15 AM   #18 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Ella
What I really wanted for xmas is for my Mum to still be alive. She died last Sunday night. It was both what I needed and wanted. Alas, it was not to be.

Aw, that truly sucks. I'm sorry Ella, condolences to you and your family. That certainly helps put it all in perspective.
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Old 12-26-2004, 02:52 AM   #19 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
Socks.........I got freakin 12 pairs of socks. All in two or three packs.

You know you're getting old..............when your Xmas stocking, is full of socks.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 12-26-2004, 03:01 AM   #20 (permalink)
Stick's Avatar
Location: Sydney, Australia
I like the presents that girls buy. It's always shirts, t-shirts, undies, socks, jumpers etc. In the last 4 years I've bought 2 pair of shorts, and a pair of jeans. The rest of my clothing has been given to me by women. Thanks girls!
I spend my money on toys I like - A Harley, a new revolver, new computer, heaps of DVD's etc etc.

p.s. Sorry to hear about your Mum, Ella. I wish I could say something to make you feel better.
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Old 12-26-2004, 03:06 AM   #21 (permalink)
cyrnel's Avatar
Location: In my angry-dome.
Originally Posted by tecoyah
Socks.........I got freakin 12 pairs of socks. All in two or three packs.

You know you're getting old..............when your Xmas stocking, is full of socks.
I'd say you know you're old when you start appreciating 12 pairs of socks.
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Old 12-26-2004, 04:04 AM   #22 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
I didnt get much, but I didnt expect that much, so I wasnt upset about it. My mum bought me a pair of bolt cutters (have no idea how or why i would ever use these), my dad bought me two work shirts, my sister got me a book I'll never read.

I think I spent a lot more money on other people than anyone spent on me, but hey... who's counting? And like I said, I didnt expect much, so it isnt that much of a disappoinment.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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Old 12-26-2004, 05:33 AM   #23 (permalink)
Very Insignificant Pawn
Location: Amsterdam, NL
I see your point, Halx but...

I didn't even get a season's greeting card this year.
I think that's cool because that is just a "list" thing anyway.
Not that personal. I did get some new Xmas pics-jokes this year by email.
Maybe I should have started a thread...
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Old 12-26-2004, 06:06 AM   #24 (permalink)
Well, at least you got to spend the day with your family, have a great meal and ya got some house warming gifts to boot. I am by myself, overseas, in a place where I say "Merry Christmas" they don't say squat. I spent the day calling my family and friends and wishing them a happy Christmas, got some fried chicken, a beer and a rental DVD. I wish I was home on a day like yesterday. I mean, I am happy to be where I am but it just isn't Christmas unless your home.

That being said...regarding presents, I told my family long ago...gift certificates!!! They are happy, I am happy. Let them know next fall when the shopping season starts, to give you gift certificates. Anyhow, enjoy your new apartment and Happy New Year!
Life's jounney is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn-out shouting, "Holy sh*t! What a ride!" - unknown
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Old 12-26-2004, 07:13 AM   #25 (permalink)
I got a box of Ferrero Prestige chocolates and honest to pete it took me 1/2 hour to open the box last night. Thought it was cuz I was drunk. This morning,...20 minutes.

Jeez give directions or a handle to open the damn thing.

Aside from that it clear sailing. 10 in the morning, turkeys in the oven, the box of Ferreros is open for good and I'm on my 3rd beer.

I could use a flashlight though for um,err,...nevermind.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
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Old 12-26-2004, 07:44 AM   #26 (permalink)
Psycho Dad's Avatar
Location: Some nucking fut house.
Originally Posted by cyrnel
I'd say you know you're old when you start appreciating 12 pairs of socks.
My son got me some combat boot worthy socks before he came home. They are the damn finest socks that I have ever seen. They are like an orgy for my feet. I'll be sending him money in the future to send those home. The MREs he brought home were way cool too.
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Old 12-26-2004, 07:51 AM   #27 (permalink)
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"...an orgy for my feet."

New sig time.
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:01 AM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Originally Posted by Faygo
Quit your fucking whineing Halx. You could have gotten nothing. Be thankful for what you did get.
Damn straight.

He got a house warming under the color of Christmas, and he's upset 'cause no one got him an X-Box game which he's already been clear that he can buy himself. Listen to yourself, Halx!
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:03 AM   #29 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
So um Halx...if you were going to buy the things you NEEDED anyway and they already bought them for you...couldn't you just use the money you save by NOT having to buy these things to go out and buy the things you want? Granted I don't think I'll ever be in dire need of a kettle...which prolly ran about 15 bucks? But ya know just saying.

Christmas definitely has spiritual significance for me and my family but this year it didn't. Pops had to work and my sister and brother in law invited us over to their house out of town for a big Christmas dinner. My other sister didn't want to go and my mom wasn't feeling all to well so we didn't go . Thats my only rant. My mom didn't feel too well because she was bored and tired..not because she was sick...if she had went to spend time with her grand-daughter and family she would have forgotten all about that like I do...sure it would have came back when you went home but at least you'd have fun for that short time. My sister didn't want to go because she doesn't like the idea of socializing with all my sisters friends and in-laws (Who have now become my friends by association) because she doesn't know them so she thinks she would have felt weird. So alas we did nothing. We went and had Christmas dinner at The Kettle . Delicious Christmas chicken strips. So I felt tired and sick, woulda been nice to have gone and forgotten all about that but we didn't. So I ended up crashing out around 10:00. I did get to spend Christmas eve with my Bro n Law, sister and niece though so that was nice.

My gifts at least were very nice. I got a few CD's(Damien Rice - O, Queens Greatest Hits, Mos Def - The New Danger), I got a really nice shirt which I wore yesterday for nothing (I looked handsome too), I got a nice little stereo with a remote that I picked out for my room, I got some kick ass house slippers with rubber souls so I don't have to be duct-taping them up everytime they start tearing...I really wanted some a those. They're warm n toasty wearin em right now , I got a Cool Water box set with the cologne, Body Wash, and Deoderant...I think thats about it. Good stuff as far as gifts go, just wish it coulda had the family element...thats the part I enjoy the most I could care less about the gifts. Sis is here though so thats good I don't get to see her very often and we're going to see my other sis sometime today probably because she forgot some stuff at our house..(Baby wipes, her purse!) and that will be nice. I hope we stay for a while. Might not be the WORST Christmas I've ever had just that I've had some better ones. Yeah...

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:13 AM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Home.
Well, at least you got to spend the holidays with your family. I haven't had that for two years in a row. (Thanks all you fucks who voted for bush, I really appricate all you do for your troops) Yeah, I got mailed some presents, and yeah, it was stuff I'll enjoy, but BIG FUCKING DEAL. You know what I really want for christmas? To set up a christmas tree in my living room, wrap presents and have my husband guess what they all are. I want to go shopping at the last minute. I even want the 12 hour drive to spend with my parents and in-laws. I want to be rushed and pushed and pulled in 300 holiday directions. I want to laugh and joke with my family in the middle of a mountain of wrapping paper and discarded bows and boxes. What I don't want is to spend another year in the middle of a god forsaken country where people hate me becuase I was born in America. I don't want to be alone and listen to people's happy tales of joy and good cheer. I want my fucking holiday, the whole kit 'n kaboodle, not another normal day of the year with a few strands of tawdry decorations and "I'll Be Home For Christmas" running through my head.
I really hate that you didn't get stuff you liked, halx. And I'm terribly sorry for Ella's loss, I'm even sorry for the 12 pairs of socks. Just remember, it could be so much worse. You could have no real holiday, and no one to share it with at all.
Someday, someone will best me.
But it won't be today, and it won't be you.
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:19 AM   #31 (permalink)
phredgreen's Avatar
Location: the phoenix metro
heh. so i basically gave up all of my christmas wishes this year so we could meet a need. as much as i would've LOVED getting the band of brothers dvd set or some new hardware to build a computer, i told the family that the wife and i need a bed. FUCKING NEED a bed. we have an air mattress on the ground, and that does shit for us and our crappy backs. we tell the family that the bed and mattress we wanna get is at ikea, and that all they need to do is go to ikea and get us gift certificates. don't buy me trinkets, don't buy me baubles, don't buy me clothes i won't ever wear, just go to ikea and spend all the money you were planning on spending on me in a gift certificate.

what do we get? two cards to ikea, another to wal-mart (good for covering a few groceries, but not what we needed), and a gift card to cvs. cv fucking s. happy fucking christmas, here's some credit at a drugstore. you've gotta be kidding me. at this rate, we might possibly maybe get a frame, but certainly nowhere close to the mattress. i try to make it simple but my silly family finds a magical way to screw that up too.

unlike halx, we don't have the means to just go out and pick up what we need at no consequense... we're living a very very tight budget, so big-ticket items are something we very rarely can enjoy. it makes it harder when i give the family an opputunity to help us out and they play it like the goober out in left field who has add.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:33 AM   #32 (permalink)
Frontal Lobe
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Location: California
Originally Posted by Ella
What I really wanted for xmas is for my Mum to still be alive. She died last Sunday night. It was both what I needed and wanted. Alas, it was not to be.
Ella, I understand how you feel - my mom died 2 1/2 years ago and I stll miss her. I still see things in stores I'd like to give her and feel so sad that I can't.

I only have one family member left - my sister, who recently moved to the other side of the country. If it weren't for the kindness of people unrelated to me I wouldn't have had any christmas at all this year. The people I work with went out and bought gifts for me, which was nice even though they don't really know my taste that well. I didn't really get any fun gifts but the fact that I got anything at all nearly moved me to tears. I always used to bitch about the things my family got me for christmas, the money wasted on stuff I wouldn't use, etc. Little did I know that within a few short years I would have virtually no family left at all.
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Old 12-26-2004, 09:17 AM   #33 (permalink)
pinche vato
warrrreagl's Avatar
Location: backwater, Third World, land of cotton
My wife is the most thoughtful, considerate, cheery gift-giver I've ever met. If she knew you, Hal, she would have loaded you up with all the stuff you'd want. And she'd be able to assess that from you in one meeting alone; it's uncanny how she does it. Unfortunately, her remaining family (two brothers and assorted in-laws, nephews, and nieces) are absolute total SHITS when it comes to reciprocating.

Here are some examples from this year:
1) My wife's brother (47 years old) is a gun fanatic: she gave him a new pistol carrying case.
My wife has Type I diabetes: the same brother gave her a S'Mores Maker Kit (last year he gave her a Hot Chocolate Set). We don't know if he's really that stupid or if he's trying to kill her.

2) My wife's other brother (45 years old) is an Auburn fanatic: she gave him a hard-to-find Auburn video that was not easy to corral.
My wife hates gory television and movies: the same brother gave her a jigsaw puzzle based on the CSI tv show. She hates the show and never watches it.

3) My wife's sister-in-law is the worst, most hateful carbon-based life form on the planet: my wife gave her a very nice watch that wasn't cheap by any means.
My wife and I live in Auburn and are surrounded by cheap Auburn souvenirs everywhere we go: the sister-in-law gave her a piece of crap Auburn wind chime. The sister-in-law does all the Christmas shopping for her family, and she always buys all male relatives the same "male" gift, and all female relatives a different "female" gift. Her shopping day is over in about 14 seconds.

4) My wife's niece and nephew are the two most selfish teenage morons I've ever had the displeasure to know: she gave them a requested video game (nephew) and matching watch (niece).
My wife does not cook, as that's my pleasure: the niece and nephew gave her a wire whisk for the kitchen. Me, they gave nothing.

We go through this every year, and it really hurts my wife badly. She loves Christmas and loves her family and cannot help herself from going all out in the true spirit of giving. And then they shit all over her. One year I wrote down everything they gave her and everything she gave them and saved it until the next year's shopping season so I could use it to remind her of what always happens. All it did was make her miserable a month early.

Just once, I'd like to see her family put the slightest bit of thought in their gifts and make her happy.

By the way, she gave me a whole bunch of Beatles stuff that I didn't have, and most of you know how high I must be floating today. I gave her a watercolor media set, an easel, and some sketching materials; I figured anybody that beautiful on the inside should bring it all out for everyone to enjoy.
Living is easy with eyes closed.

Last edited by warrrreagl; 12-26-2004 at 09:59 AM..
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Old 12-26-2004, 09:18 AM   #34 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
I got a number of things I needed but that was mostly cause Moma asked me what I wanted/needed and I named those. She and Daddy also got me a loverly sapphire necklace. Quite a treat if you've grown up in my home and gotten clothes for gifts almost as long as you can remember. I actually did not get ONE item of clothing this Christmas. It dawned on me last night just before bed. I was in shock. I've never gone one Christmas without clothes. The best part is I DON'T Need clothes right now anyway. I got a purse made out of sherpa and no toys really. I also got some expensive parfume from Grandpa. I got spoons, and spatulas for cooking and bobbins for my sewing machine. I'm satisfied. Laura was treated to quite a haul of toys from the family and a dora princess nightgown. She seems quite happy with her gifts as well. Hubby too. Though he DID get some clothes but they were much needed items and he also got money - never can go wrong with money.
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Old 12-26-2004, 09:35 AM   #35 (permalink)
Devils Cabana Boy
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Location: Central Coast CA
heh I know what you mean Halx, my grandfather died a few years back and left me his entire tool kit, he was a wood worker, needless to say, it was a large collection. That Christmas, I still received the complementary set of screwdrivers from not one but 2 loved ones. One being my mother whose father passed away, and she personally drove the uhaul truck with all his tools in it to my place.

after that, we started to make list for our selves. We let each other know what we want. Either by hinting or by giving out a list. The real fun is disguising the presents so they don’t look like what they are (keeps the mystery)

Sorry to hear your stash was small. Maybe next year don’t be a heathen

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Old 12-26-2004, 09:45 AM   #36 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Location: Yonder
Bad news, Hal: You're growing up. There comes a time when "new toy" takes the form of all those things you need. Or, like me this christmas: a new shower head (much needed), a golf ball shagger (handy!), a cute picture of lurkette and me (yay! my office is pretty sparce), a jar of my aunt's homemade plum jam (yum!), etc.

Be grateful for what you got. There will come a time when you're very glad for that tea kettle and that tool set. You know, your family really thought about this, and said, "Years from now, after he's long forgotten playing Worlds of Warcraft, he'll still have this silverware." Amusement is ephemeral; housewares are enduring.
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Old 12-26-2004, 09:55 AM   #37 (permalink)
I read your emails.
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Well, I mostly got gift cards to local electronics hut ( futureshop) and some to M&M meats and walmart. The odd sweater and socks as well, the missus family spoils us each year so this year we got a new washer/dryer and a fridge with ice/water taps. sweet. and some cash. love cash.

got the missus a diamond neckless for the record, can't go wrong with diamonds. i gave her all her smaller gifts stocking stuff type stuff and some lottery tickets. hehe, then i left out the jewellry until later that night, she was very surprised, not too mention i was waiting for some mood change for getting her just lotto tickets! she said nothing, i think she was on to me, as we always set a budget for the gifts we do for each other on xmas. the presents i gave her early in the day did not come close to budget. hid it in the freezer and asked her to get out a shrimp ring. should now post in the got some thread..... :-)
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Old 12-26-2004, 10:02 AM   #38 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
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Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
M&M meats???

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Old 12-26-2004, 10:44 AM   #39 (permalink)
it's jam
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Location: Lowerainland BC
Needs VS wants...I didn't know that there was rules to giving gifts.
Sure is a bunch of ungrateful people here.
nice line eh?
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Old 12-26-2004, 11:00 AM   #40 (permalink)
I read your emails.
canuckguy's Avatar
Location: earth
Originally Posted by K-Wise
M&M meats???

na, its a store that sells steaks, chicken, individual meals, you name it, all frozen, very good stuff.
M & M meats
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christmas, gift, rant

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