I got a number of things I needed but that was mostly cause Moma asked me what I wanted/needed and I named those. She and Daddy also got me a loverly sapphire necklace. Quite a treat if you've grown up in my home and gotten clothes for gifts almost as long as you can remember. I actually did not get ONE item of clothing this Christmas. It dawned on me last night just before bed. I was in shock. I've never gone one Christmas without clothes. The best part is I DON'T Need clothes right now anyway. I got a purse made out of sherpa and no toys really. I also got some expensive parfume from Grandpa. I got spoons, and spatulas for cooking and bobbins for my sewing machine. I'm satisfied. Laura was treated to quite a haul of toys from the family and a dora princess nightgown. She seems quite happy with her gifts as well. Hubby too. Though he DID get some clothes but they were much needed items and he also got money - never can go wrong with money.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.