Well, at least you got to spend the day with your family, have a great meal and ya got some house warming gifts to boot. I am by myself, overseas, in a place where I say "Merry Christmas" they don't say squat. I spent the day calling my family and friends and wishing them a happy Christmas, got some fried chicken, a beer and a rental DVD. I wish I was home on a day like yesterday. I mean, I am happy to be where I am but it just isn't Christmas unless your home.
That being said...regarding presents, I told my family long ago...gift certificates!!! They are happy, I am happy. Let them know next fall when the shopping season starts, to give you gift certificates. Anyhow, enjoy your new apartment and Happy New Year!
Life's jounney is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn-out shouting, "Holy sh*t! What a ride!" - unknown