heh. so i basically gave up all of my christmas wishes this year so we could meet a need. as much as i would've LOVED getting the band of brothers dvd set or some new hardware to build a computer, i told the family that the wife and i need a bed. FUCKING NEED a bed. we have an air mattress on the ground, and that does shit for us and our crappy backs. we tell the family that the bed and mattress we wanna get is at ikea, and that all they need to do is go to ikea and get us gift certificates. don't buy me trinkets, don't buy me baubles, don't buy me clothes i won't ever wear, just go to ikea and spend all the money you were planning on spending on me in a gift certificate.
what do we get? two cards to ikea, another to wal-mart (good for covering a few groceries, but not what we needed), and a gift card to cvs. cv fucking s. happy fucking christmas, here's some credit at a drugstore. you've gotta be kidding me. at this rate, we might possibly maybe get a frame, but certainly nowhere close to the mattress. i try to make it simple but my silly family finds a magical way to screw that up too.
unlike halx, we don't have the means to just go out and pick up what we need at no consequense... we're living a very very tight budget, so big-ticket items are something we very rarely can enjoy. it makes it harder when i give the family an opputunity to help us out and they play it like the goober out in left field who has add.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine