The Christmas Gift Rant
Ok, first, I'm gonna be dead honest with you here... you all know I'm not religious, so the holiday of Christmas, to me and my family, is nothing more than the one day out of the year when we assess what eachother would enjoy receiving (within our budgets) and we give it to them.
Christmas is about surprise and indulgence to we heathens. With that said, you shouldn't give people shit that they need. You should give them shit that they WANT.
I'm in the process of moving into a new apartment for the first time. Guess what I got for Christmas! A tea kettle! A blanket! A cutlery set! Silverware! A flashlight! A tool set! I felt like it was my fucking bridal shower.
I didn't get anything that I WANTED, only shit that I needed. Now, trust me here, I can provide for myself. If there is anything that I need, I can buy it for myself. I don't need a relative to pick up some ugly set of silverware because I'm incapable of buying this stuff for myself. "Hmm, what will bring a smile to Andrew's face... Spider-Man 2 DVD or a radio/flashlight? Half Life 2 or a tea kettle? Going the extra mile and ordering a rare CD from an online store or buying a set of knives from Bed Bath and Beyond down the street?" This is Christmas, people, and my birthday was 2 and a half months ago; you don't get another shot at this for a while.
I know it makes me sound like a greedy son of a bitch, but I'm only being honest here. Especially after I bought my sister a $300 graphics tablet. After I bought my dad a computer game that I thought he'd enjoy. After I bought my mom a variety of CDs and DVDs, one of which I could only hope she'd enjoy. I tried to bring a smile to my family's face... I did. What did they do? Oh, they got me the shit I was gonna have to buy anyways. Real effort in that. Really.
So, all day I've been playing with this deck of cards that I got in my stocking. It's the only thing that I got that I CAN play with. It's a cool deck of cards... I liked 'em immediately... but Christmas is supposed to go like this: Wake up the parents. Open presents. Eat breakfast with the family. Spend the rest of the day playing with all of your new toys. Now, when I'm playing solitaire for the rest of the fuckin' day, something is wrong.
So the message here is this: Buy your family the shit that they need anyways, but make sure you get them a little shit they'll enjoy, too.