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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Earth
Stupid things you've done on a date
I have been thinking of all my dates. I remember my first date (it was with my fiance
![]() For example, we went to see a movie. We both loved comedy, and martial arts, so we went to see Jackie Chan. It was a good movie but I remember that I put my arm around her through the entire movie... despite the intense pain growing in my arm by the end of the movie. I wasn't sure if i should let go or not... Ends up we found that it was uncomfortable for both of us but we were both unsure. LOL I also remember the "subtle" hints she gave me when she wanted me to ask her out. She would ask me if I had a girlfriend, and when i said no, she promptly said "neither do I" (can't beleive I didn't pick that one up). She would lean onto my shoulder on a bus trip wanting me to put my arm around her (but I was way to nervous and wasn't sure I should). She even brushed her hand against mine for almost an entire day while we were in New York and even help my hand for a bit (I was so happy to just hold her hand... I thought it was an accident LOL ). There are so many more. Looking back I can remember all the silly things we did and laugh. I must admit, dating got a lot easier with practice ![]() So does anyone else have any funny or stupid things you did on a date or with someone you were interested in? Please share stories!!
Once I stopped to think, and forgot to start up again. ![]() |
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#2 (permalink) |
Hah... one time I was out with my first girlfriend, and she said she had something to tell me; something about sex but it wasn't sex. I knew she was talking about a blowjob but I was too embarassed/scared to say it.
I never got it from her either.. She later broke up with me for some dude who was in the Marines.
http://how-to-spell-ridiculous.com/ |
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#3 (permalink) |
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Was on a first date with a guy (this is yet another reason why I don't think I date anymore
![]() ![]() Ok. so I'm really bad with names... another date.. another guy (least I think so) different people I ran into - and I was so proud of myself for remembering the first and last name of this guy (which I had correct) I shudda quit while I was ahead... really.. cause I started to go on about what this guy did for a living.. and how it was very similar to what my the person i wasn introducing did.. .Umm - -that'd be an incorrect answer maleficent, I obvioously didn't pay one bit of attention when this person told me what he did for a living.. caus I wasn't even in the right ballpark.. (there was no second date) then... (I should stop talking now... in case there was ever a wonder where my bad karma comes from.... it's from my dating life... and this could explain why I haven't had a date in years...)I was out with someone else, and I had gotten up to use the restroom, on the way back... I ran into people I knew.. and stopped to say hello... three hours later I remembered I was on a date... and he left... I could go on...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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#4 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
Things I did badly on a date...
Well, I had one blind date, the only blind date. The guy comes to the door and is 5 foot tall with pimples all over his face. I was 16 and really didn't want to be seen in public with him. Yes, I was superficial back then, but really what teenager isn't. I told my mom to tell him that I was really sick and couldn't go on the date. She did it, but then I got in big trouble. That was pretty stupid of me looking back because he was probably a really nice guy. Let's see...another time I went iceskating with a guy. I kept falling down and he had to keep picking me up. That was pretty embarrassing. Afterwards, we went to get a bite to eat and he wanted me to kiss him. I wasn't too into the guy and said no. He left me 45 minutes from my house. I had to call my dad and wait for him to pick me up. I should have just kissed the guy, but oh well. Another time, I was on a date and we went to the movies. I was talking to him while we walked and I ran into a post and fell on my butt. My face turned bright red and I couldn't stop laughing and crying. He never called me back ![]() I could go on about what dates did to me that I found stupid, but the post was to be about us. So I will hold those for another time ![]()
Whatever did happen to your soul? I heard you sold it Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company |
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#5 (permalink) | |
Location: Chicago
Le temps détruit tout "Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
There are only two where I regret being stupid. One wasn't even an actual date. I had been talking with a friend (at least she was only a friend at that point) and we decided to meet for a drink at the local bar. We talked for something like 3 hours, which was normal for us since we hung out almost every day. I never really thought anything of it. When we parted at the end of the evening she gave me this wicked (in a good way) look that I didn't recognize then. She had wanted to kiss me but I am totally clueless. She had been chasing me for something like 4 months according to a mutual friend. I didn't even realize it until she fell asleep on me when a bunch of us were watching a movie over a friend's house, lol!
The other was about the same idea, but an earlier time. Went out with this fun girl and ice skated for a few hours then found a coffee house with some live jazz. When we left and I was walking her home, she said "I had a great time, that's the most fun I've had all semester". I didn't realize it then, but that means she wants a kiss! Needless to say subsequent dates didn't go anywhere because I was too chickenshit to kiss her. A second was all I got. |
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#7 (permalink) | |
big damn hero
![]() Who doesn't have a closet full of stories like this? I've never been very good on dates. One of my first forays into the experience was with the friend of a girl I knew at work. Now she was quite the looker and I had spent a lot of time with her outside of work with our various friends and co-workers, but never a one on one, go it alone kind of 'date.' So, needless to say I was very, very nervous. I wanted terribly to impress this girl, so I pulled out all the stops. I opened the car door for her, I held the door open for her at the restaurant and pulled out her chair. I was the perfect gentleman. Dinner went splendidly. As we walked out to the car, I was congratulating myself on a job well done. We'd take in a movie (very little to screw up there, I thought), a quick trip to her apartment, a casual good-bye (maybe a kiss or two) and I'd be okay. So, on the way out the car, I was feeling pretty good. I opened the car door for her, waited for her to swing her leg in and shut the door, confident that this night was going to go well. All thought stopped once I heard her screaming. Turns out she had grabbed onto the door jamb, for what reason, I couldn't say, but in my enthusiasm to continue what had so far been, the perfect date, I had smashed her hand in the door when I had closed it. No movie, but I did get to spend an enthralling night next to the worst smelling guy...ever in the emergency room waiting area. Hours later, I drove her home....in absolute silence.
No signature. None. Seriously. |
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#8 (permalink) |
<Insert wise statement here>
Location: Hell if I know
Geez, these stories make me glad I've never really "dated". I probably would be serving a jail sentence on charges of being an embarassment to human kind...
I do remember the first girlfriend I had in high school, it was the first relationship either of us had ever been in, we never even kissed, the suprising thing is that we "went out" for a month, even though we never actually went on a date... Don't really remember any dating screw-ups, but there are plenty of others I could talk about.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Location: where polar bears walk the streets
So I asked this very cute girl in college out on a date, and wishing to lay on the romance thick, I made a picnic and drove out to the mountains. We rode for an hour and made it out into the thick of wilderness, when the car started sputtering and promptly killed over. We made a few valiant tries to jump start the car, with her pushing from behind and me from the side steering, and I could feel my popularity sinking lower and lower with each passing minute. Was only one thing left to do, and that was to start walking.
Finally we were "rescued" by some very large tobacco-chewing hairy redneck who happened by with his pickup truck. I remember thinking how surreal it was when he, half-way down the road, turned to my date and said "hey... you're purrty". Was definately the proverbial nail in the coffin for that one. |
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#10 (permalink) |
Location: Oregon
This I'll never forget. I was dating a girl that was easily the most attractive girl, next to my current girlfriend of course, that I'd ever dated. She was just smoking hot. Everything I liked in a girl. Tall, Greek, chubby, big bubble but, black hair, brown eyes, huge boobs, tattoos, smokey bar-room voice like Demi Moore, and a whole lotta sass.
On our first date, we had a very nice kiss goodnight that literally made me run all the way home. But that's another story... On our second date, we end up back at my place. I get up to fix her a snack after the bar and she pulls me down to the recliner where she's sitting. We start kissing, and she's an incredible kisser. About 20 seconds into it, I stop kissing her and ask "Are you still hungry?" To this day, I have no idea why I said this. She starts laughing pretty playfully. I tell her that she's so incredibly gorgous and I'm trying to keep my mind off of ripping her clothes off, etc... Ultimately, I was nervous. I freaked out. I'd never been with a girl as hot as her. So, things never worked out between us. But, I did give her a story to tell about an incredibly dumb thing that happened on a date once. ![]()
I know you because I see how you react in a consequence free environment. |
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#11 (permalink) |
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Most of the stupider things I did was to not ask certain ladies out. Errors of omission. One woman, I pursued for years, then failed to notice when she was being specifically receptive. Another, I pursued intensively for 15 months, then didn't accept when the opportunity came up.
At one point, I went out with someone who turned out to be married. That's not too bad. The bad part was that I didn't stop completely once I found out what her marital status was. That one, and the one I pursued for 15 months, I used to sit between in MACRO-32 class. Distracted the professor a lot. ![]() THE stupidest things, I won't document. They're too... unfortunate. I can speak of stupid things women have done on dates with me, such as ridicule my profession w/in 5 minutes of starting our first date. That's pretty bad. Oh, you want a second date? With whom? I was meeting these women via a matching service. I took to meeting them in a bookstore's associated Starbucks so that I could at least get a decent drink and some book shopping in after the date didn't go anywhere. Most recently, I spent a lot of money and effort on a date with a woman who didn't even remember, or who put it out of her mind fairly quickly. The more fool, me. I guess I shouldn't have bothered. ![]() Last edited by denim; 10-25-2005 at 07:12 AM.. |
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#12 (permalink) | |
Location: Under my roof
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero |
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#13 (permalink) |
Free Mars!
Location: I dunno, there's white people around me saying "eh" all the time
Well, back in grade 9 or 8 whichever it was, this girl that I've been eyeing was single for awhile and it just so happens that her best friend came up to me and told me that she had a crush on me as well. Stupid enough, I told her to tell her to tell me herself and she never did. So, years later in Grade 12, we finally went out after I build up the guts to ask her out to the prom. The dumbest thing I did on a date was dropping a camera down her dress in the limo
Looking out the window, that's an act of war. Staring at my shoes, that's an act of war. Committing an act of war? Oh you better believe that's an act of war |
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#14 (permalink) | |
Location: where polar bears walk the streets
Never EVER go all out for first dates btw. First, it can make things umcomfortable and set you up for disappointment, because it will be hard for her to know how to reciprocate such treatment. Secondly, you are in effect starting with the climax/highnote, and going down hill from there. In other words, if you start by giving it all you have, then you set a level of expectation which is near impossible to follow up with on your next dates, and deeper into the relationship. So my suggestion is that you try starting off with simple yet intimate first dates, things which allow you to talk and get to know each other in a comfortable way. For example, you might meet for a drink or coffee at a cool place. Maybe next date go bowling or dancing. Goal is to get to know each other, and show you are fun to be with. Save the money part for when you already are involved with her, and for the big things, like her birthday. But starting off too strong can easily rub her fur wrong, so dont do that ![]() |
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#17 (permalink) |
It's high school...I meet this girl, who is a friend of my good friend's girlfriend. I express interest in her, she reciprocates, this pseduo-social outing/semi-date is set up, with a group of us going to this breakdancing church (yes, a breakdancing church) that we frequented at the time.
So the two of us hit it off REAL well...the pseudo-date goes great. My friend is driving the two of us back to her house. When we get there, he & his girlfriend "drive around the block" while I walk her up to her house. It must be 1-2am, but she asks me if I want to walk her up to her room so that she can give me her number. On the way, I run into her MOTHER. As scary as that is, her mom's real cool, I get to her room with no problems. Now I've never been one good at making a first move, and while one would probably usually use this opportunity to go in for a kiss, I don't. I get her number, and she walks me back outside of her house. Outside of her house, I work up the courage (and for me, this was A LOT of courage) to ask her for a kiss. She obliges, and we both go in for the kiss. I go in with my mouth closed, she goes in with her mouth open. My lips meet her tongue. We both put our heads back, and then I say what is possibly the dumbest line in the history of dating: "Oh; you want to do a funny kiss..." That was me...in HIGH SCHOOL. And I was at least a junior (17 years old) when it happened. The kiss went on *very* awkwardly (I distinctly remember cracking up in her face in the middle of the kiss). Suffice to say, when I called her that weekend, she didn't pick up the phone. She finally called me back on Monday night, to let me know that she just 'wanted to be friends.' |
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#18 (permalink) |
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
Location: Paradise Regained
Ahambone... ouch! Good story.
On my first date with the woman who would eventually be my wife, I took her to a play about incest. Oh yeah, chicks get all horny when they watch that shit.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys |
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#19 (permalink) | |
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
![]() Make sure you know what your entertainment is about, folks ![]()
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." --Plato |
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#20 (permalink) |
Leaning against the -Sun-
Super Moderator
Location: on the other side
was at the movie with a guy and we both turned to say something to each other and....yup our heads crashed.
that's the worst I can recall.
Whether we write or speak or do but look We are ever unapparent. What we are Cannot be transfused into word or book. Our soul from us is infinitely far. However much we give our thoughts the will To be our soul and gesture it abroad, Our hearts are incommunicable still. In what we show ourselves we are ignored. The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged By any skill of thought or trick of seeming. Unto our very selves we are abridged When we would utter to our thought our being. We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams, And each to each other dreams of others' dreams. Fernando Pessoa, 1918 |
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#21 (permalink) |
Funny stories people.
My favorite happened about five years back So we are out on our first date and we are hitting it off very well. Laughing our asses off. So I laugh a little too hard at one joke and I get: THE HICCUPS. They didn't want to go away, *hik!* fifteen minues, *hik!* half an hour, *hik!* an hour...*hik!* At first she thought it was cute, after an hour I could tell she was annoyed, I sure as hell was. By the time I got better our outting was comming to an end. She never called me back ![]() |
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#23 (permalink) |
Location: upstate NY
I was out on first date with wife to be. We had gone to an art show and were headed out for dinner.
She reached around to put her coat in the back seat of the car, and noticing something on the floor, picked it up. It was the erotic entertainment section of our local weekly paper. I read the paper every week, and they would put this insert in the midddle with ads for strippers, prostitutes etc. Must have fallen out when I picked up my copy a few days prior. ![]() Luckily she believed my explanation! |
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#24 (permalink) | |
Location: Rainy Washington
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date, stupid, things |