Originally Posted by mal
then... (I should stop talking now... in case there was ever a wonder where my bad karma comes from.... it's from my dating life... and this could explain why I haven't had a date in years...)I was out with someone else, and I had gotten up to use the restroom, on the way back... I ran into people I knew.. and stopped to say hello... three hours later I remembered I was on a date... and he left...
Been there.

We were at a sports bar & grill kind of thing (It has just opened up and she had mentioned she'd like to go check it out...) I went to the bathroom, ran into an old school friend on the way back and lost track of time. When I remembered what I was supposed to be doing, I went back to my table to find her gone, a little note that thanked me for 'such a wonderful time' and a whole bunch of stuff off the menu that she had ordered in my absence.
Who doesn't have a closet full of stories like this?
I've never been very good on dates. One of my first forays into the experience was with the friend of a girl I knew at work. Now she was quite the looker and I had spent a lot of time with her outside of work with our various friends and co-workers, but never a one on one, go it alone kind of 'date.' So, needless to say I was very, very nervous. I wanted terribly to impress this girl, so I pulled out all the stops. I opened the car door for her, I held the door open for her at the restaurant and pulled out her chair. I was the perfect gentleman. Dinner went splendidly. As we walked out to the car, I was congratulating myself on a job well done. We'd take in a movie (very little to screw up there, I thought), a quick trip to her apartment, a casual good-bye (maybe a kiss or two) and I'd be okay. So, on the way out the car, I was feeling pretty good. I opened the car door for her, waited for her to swing her leg in and shut the door, confident that this night was going to go well.
All thought stopped once I heard her screaming. Turns out she had grabbed onto the door jamb, for what reason, I couldn't say, but in my enthusiasm to continue what had so far been, the perfect date, I had smashed her hand in the door when I had closed it.
No movie, but I did get to spend an enthralling night next to the worst smelling guy...ever in the emergency room waiting area. Hours later, I drove her home....in absolute silence.