I have been thinking of all my dates. I remember my first date (it was with my fiance
), and I can now point out all the things i did wrong that were kinda silly then.
For example, we went to see a movie. We both loved comedy, and martial arts, so we went to see Jackie Chan. It was a good movie but I remember that I put my arm around her through the entire movie... despite the intense pain growing in my arm by the end of the movie. I wasn't sure if i should let go or not... Ends up we found that it was uncomfortable for both of us but we were both unsure. LOL
I also remember the "subtle" hints she gave me when she wanted me to ask her out. She would ask me if I had a girlfriend, and when i said no, she promptly said "neither do I" (can't beleive I didn't pick that one up). She would lean onto my shoulder on a bus trip wanting me to put my arm around her (but I was way to nervous and wasn't sure I should). She even brushed her hand against mine for almost an entire day while we were in New York and even help my hand for a bit (I was so happy to just hold her hand... I thought it was an accident LOL ).
There are so many more. Looking back I can remember all the silly things we did and laugh. I must admit, dating got a lot easier with practice
So does anyone else have any funny or stupid things you did on a date or with someone you were interested in? Please share stories!!