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#81 (permalink) |
Location: Denver City Denver
I'm pretty sure that once something is openly discussed and widely accepted it stops being kinky.
The bikini used to be kinky. Fuck, just showing your legs used to be kinky. Now we have to go all the way to licking someone's ass and duct taping someone to the bed for it to considered kinky. And that's just cause we have a wide range of fucked up people here. To some a blow job is pretty out there. And to me it's something I do just before breakfast and just after my first cup of coffee. If you're looking a for a huge group of people that are gonna agree with you on everything you like to do during sex than you're in the wrong place. We are a place for diversity. And I like it. I'm free to talk about how much I enjoy coming on my girlfriend toes. And I hope that by me being free, someone that doesn't feel as free tries to be a little more open. And if you have nice feet I'd like to talk to you.
heavy is the head that wears the crown |
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#83 (permalink) |
Getting it.
Super Moderator
Location: Lion City
King is bang on the money.
The understanding of what is kinky and what isn't has definitely shifted over the years. I believe the Internet has accelerated this sifting. Our ability to find images of kinky things and out ability to discuss them anonymously with other like-minded individuals lowers the taboo level to a point where you are willing to take your kink out for a test drive. It makes me wonder what will be considered vanilla and what will be considered kinky in 10 or 20 years.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars." - Old Man Luedecke |
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#84 (permalink) |
Location: Chicago
KINKY: marked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior, as fetishism, sadomasochism, or the like.
UNCONVENTIONAL: out of the ordinary SADOMASOCHISM: interaction, esp. sexual activity, in which one person enjoys inflicting physical or mental suffering on another person, who derives pleasure from experiencing pain. FETISHISM: the compulsive use of some object, or part of the body, as a stimulus in the course of attaining sexual gratification, as a shoe, a lock of hair, or underclothes. I think the problem in this discussion of 'what is kinky?' is coming out of the unconventional part. We know what the other things are. They are very straight-forward. Unconventional is the subjective part of the definition. Underclothes can be considered kinky, only if they are unconventional for you. Example: I cannot afford to buy corsets because I would have to get them specially made based on my measurements. For me to wear one, would be 'out of the ordinary' in the bedroom and therefore is considered kinky. However, some people own a ton of corsets and therefore, they are about as kinky as a bra and panties. This is why the various stockings thread are getting people going right now. It's out of the ordinary to see on the board combined with the fact that it oozes sexiness and unlaying fetish tones. However, when mentioned people don't think 'oo kinky' because sex is not mentioned explicitly. I'm just using this as a way to support the fact that TFP is kinky to some people. However, to others the topics mentioned here are ordinary so therefore not seen as kinky. This combined with the fact that many people have stated they aren't the 'kiss and tell' type is the reason why TFP may not be seen as kinky to some as it is to others.
Whatever did happen to your soul? I heard you sold it Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company |
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#85 (permalink) |
who ever said streaking was a bad thing?
Location: Calgary
I don't think I've ever cared what people think about my kinkiness and my sex life, even my friends say that I take it took far sometimes when it's really on the button for me. I hang it all out there so that I don't mislead people as to whom I really am.
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#86 (permalink) |
has all her shots.
Location: Florida
Wow, I just sat here and read through this entire discussion. Interesting.
I tend toward the consensus that one shouldn't rely on labels to define themselves sexually and just do what feels good to you (all the "beyond the pale" stuff - which is to me, children and animals - notwithstanding). Besides, I tend to believe that all of us have at least a little kink in us...even if it only gets indulged in fantasy. Even fundamentalist Christians, I'll wager. I think I've already established that I am pretty steadfastly anti-label, lol. As for talking about sex on tfp, I think I've done my share. I talk about my current relationship and things that we do, but I don't think I'd be comfortable relaying a blow by blow re-enactment of our time together. Other than that though, I'm completely comfortable talking about things I like and things I've done...or, have been done to me. ![]() and just as an aside... abaya, you can purchase nipple clamps that are adjustable and allow you to ease into it. S'nice. ![]()
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce |
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#87 (permalink) |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
Well, you guys have definately opened my eyes to several things I'd like to try, as well as shocked me. But better to be shocked in private than IRL
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"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#88 (permalink) |
Coy, sultry and... naughty!
Location: Across the way
I'd just like to chime in as someone who perhaps isn't as established here as some of you. There have been a couple of times, such as fantasy threads etc, where people have shared things, and gotten responses such as "wow" or had people comment on it, and when I post my own far out fantasy or experience it's as if people passed it by or chose not to comment on it.
Now I know I shouldn't take things personally and generally don't. Hell I don't comment on everything I read. But if I am completely honest with myself, whenever I reveal a part of me that I wouldn't necessarily share with the outside world, I watch to see if I get a reaction from it. And if I don't, or if the reaction isn't what I wanted then it influences my future posts.
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#89 (permalink) |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
Couldn't have said it better myself
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny |
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#91 (permalink) |
Submit to me, you know you want to
Location: Lilburn, Ga
dont feel bad Sharon....no one commented on mine either hehehe
I just keep going on saying whatever is on my mind ![]()
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!! |
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#92 (permalink) | |
Location: Iceland
![]() ![]() Sharon, I know what you are saying about "watching for a reaction." Maybe I shouldn't care what people say (or not say) about something extreme... but dammit, if I post something, I want a response in some form or another. But then sometimes I wish I was more of an anonymous lurker, and could just come out of the blue and say something hella out there and random... and no one would know who I was, nor would they care. That's when I almost regret being *too* active on TFP... because then I can't be as honest when I want to be. But then again, what is a community if people aren't bold and up front and honest with their lives? Especially an online community. Why NOT go balls-to-the-wall and just talk about crazy-ass shit? I want to do it. I am getting there. These threads have been a great encouragement, so far. And I don't think I'm the only one feeling that way. ![]() /checking out stripperweb... thanks Valentina ![]()
And think not you can direct the course of Love; for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. --Khalil Gibran |
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#93 (permalink) |
Coy, sultry and... naughty!
Location: Across the way
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to say people should feel bad or anything. I myself don't feel particularly bad about it, I was just trying to answer abaya's question, which by the way I thought was a great one.
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#94 (permalink) | |
Women who are not in the industry are sometimes given a bit of a hard time initially, particularly if they come across as judgmental or clueless. That said, there are quite a few regular female posters who have never been strippers but really enjoy the site and are treated with affection by the other members. There are two "sides" to the site--Stripperweb (aka "the pink side") and Stripclub Junkie Forum (aka "the blue side.") As you can guess, the pink side is more geared toward the dancers, while the blue side is more geared toward the patrons. As you might also guess, the blue side tends to be a little raunchier....but one of the reasons I like it so much is that there are some incredibly smart people--male and female--who post over there. The discussions tend to veer between hardcore raunch and high-minded intellectual debate. It's great fun. That is where I have met the best response to my kinkiness--and not just from the guys, either. The women who post regularly on blue tend to be particularly smart and open-minded. But even on the pink side, there's plenty of kink. If you're female, you can check out the Ladies Only section, which is where a lot of sex-related threads end up...and some kinkiness happens in The Lounge as well... Lurk for awhile and see what you think...I love it, but I actually have to stay away during school semesters because it's so damn addictive. Oh, you get to "the blue side" by clicking on the "Stripclub Junkie Forum" link toward the bottom of the "Forum Home" page... Good luck! |
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#95 (permalink) |
Coy, sultry and... naughty!
Location: Across the way
I almost forgot about StripperWeb, I registered ages ago, read quite a lot and then didn't go back. I remember thinking my brief experience in stripping was quite different. I might go back and start posting actually just to get a feel for the community there.
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#98 (permalink) |
Ohhh, okay. The only place I've danced outside the U.S. is Japan, and that wasn't really the greatest experience of my life either (though I loved dancing in the States). It's hard when you're in an unfamiliar culture, though, because you already feel kind of vulnerable.
Also, I don't know how long ago you were 18, but the business has changed alot in just the last few years, never mind the last 20. (I started in the late 80's myself, and it was a completely different business back then.) So yes, I can see how your experience would be different. Most of the girls on SW are from U.S. or Canada, though there are a number of regular posters from the U.K. and Australia as well. Not so many from other parts of the E.U. And most of them are currently dancers, though there a quite a few retired old vets like myself... k, I'll shut up now. Sorry for the threadjack. |
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#99 (permalink) |
Coy, sultry and... naughty!
Location: Across the way
Well let's just say that where I was, there was NO such thing as a no-touching rule. Touching was allowed, accepted, encouraged even. Fingers and hands were allowed. Things got worse if the owner's friends came into the club, because if you got called into the VIP room by the boss (which I often was, as the young, polite, soft-spoken English girl), firstly you didn't necessarily get tipped, and secondly you were expected to allow yourself to be pawed, fingered, embraced, kissed, etc sometimes by several dirty men. And to pretend you enjoyed it. Once I was even asked by my boss to pretend I was a younger girl for a few of his friends. I never had sex in the club but it was pretty close to the line.
Ok, sorry again for the threadjack... but to bring it back slightly onto topic, this is the kind of thing I'm not always completely comfortable sharing with anyone (including TFP), and my corresponding obsession with sexual situations with dirty strangers. |
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#100 (permalink) | |
![]() When I first started dancing (still a teenager myself), there were pretty strict no-touching rules; it was pretty much all stage dancing. But that changed a lot over the years, and I ended up working in some pretty high-mileage, high-contact clubs (including the one in Japan.) I had mixed feelings about this, and I sometimes found it really hot, to be perfectly honest. Other times it was intrusive and a little hard to bear. Hopefully this is all kinky enough that I'm not going too far off topic.... ![]() |
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#101 (permalink) | |
Fade out
Location: in love
excellently stated WK. As for me, I think everyone could add to the kinkyness factor here in sexuality if they wanted to. I have come to believe that the things people *talk* about the things they *actually* do are very different in our mainstream culture. Aka I have known many people who would appear completely vanilla by anyone's standards, but behind closed doors enjoy some pretty interesting very non-mainstream things together. I do many things sexually with my husband that I would not feel comfortable sharing, perhaps it's because I have a former lover on TFP who is now just a friend or because I think certain things might change how people see me. But mostly it's because I just don't feel like it ![]() ![]()
Having a Pet Will Change Your Life! ![]() Looking for a great pet?! Click Here! "I am the Type of Person Who Can Get Away With A lot, Simply Because I Don't Ask Permission for the Privilege of Being Myself" |
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#102 (permalink) | |
Extreme moderation
Location: Kansas City, yo.
"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand) "The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck) |
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Tags |
kinkiness, tfp |