Originally Posted by abaya
/checking out stripperweb... thanks Valentina
Hehe. It's a great site. A few caveats there, though: First, I have credibility over there because I was a dancer for so long. I'm not sure if you are male or female....Males are certainly always welcome there if they are interested in strippers & the stripclub scene and express their interest in respectful fashion.
Women who are not in the industry are sometimes given a bit of a hard time initially, particularly if they come across as judgmental or clueless. That said, there are quite a few regular female posters who have never been strippers but really enjoy the site and are treated with affection by the other members.
There are two "sides" to the site--Stripperweb (aka "the pink side") and Stripclub Junkie Forum (aka "the blue side.") As you can guess, the pink side is more geared toward the dancers, while the blue side is more geared toward the patrons.
As you might also guess, the blue side tends to be a little raunchier....but one of the reasons I like it so much is that there are some incredibly smart people--male and female--who post over there. The discussions tend to veer between hardcore raunch and high-minded intellectual debate. It's great fun. That is where I have met the best response to my kinkiness--and not just from the guys, either. The women who post regularly on blue tend to be particularly smart and open-minded.
But even on the pink side, there's plenty of kink. If you're female, you can check out the Ladies Only section, which is where a lot of sex-related threads end up...and some kinkiness happens in The Lounge as well...
Lurk for awhile and see what you think...I love it, but I actually have to stay away during school semesters because it's so damn addictive.
Oh, you get to "the blue side" by clicking on the "Stripclub Junkie Forum" link toward the bottom of the "Forum Home" page...
Good luck!