KINKY: marked by unconventional sexual preferences or behavior, as fetishism, sadomasochism, or the like.
UNCONVENTIONAL: out of the ordinary
SADOMASOCHISM: interaction, esp. sexual activity, in which one person enjoys inflicting physical or mental suffering on another person, who derives pleasure from experiencing pain.
FETISHISM: the compulsive use of some object, or part of the body, as a stimulus in the course of attaining sexual gratification, as a shoe, a lock of hair, or underclothes.
I think the problem in this discussion of 'what is kinky?' is coming out of the unconventional part. We know what the other things are. They are very straight-forward. Unconventional is the subjective part of the definition.
Underclothes can be considered kinky, only if they are unconventional for you. Example: I cannot afford to buy corsets because I would have to get them specially made based on my measurements. For me to wear one, would be 'out of the ordinary' in the bedroom and therefore is considered kinky. However, some people own a ton of corsets and therefore, they are about as kinky as a bra and panties. This is why the various stockings thread are getting people going right now. It's out of the ordinary to see on the board combined with the fact that it oozes sexiness and unlaying fetish tones. However, when mentioned people don't think 'oo kinky' because sex is not mentioned explicitly.
I'm just using this as a way to support the fact that TFP is kinky to some people. However, to others the topics mentioned here are ordinary so therefore not seen as kinky. This combined with the fact that many people have stated they aren't the 'kiss and tell' type is the reason why TFP may not be seen as kinky to some as it is to others.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company